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    Utiliser "bejeweled" dans une phrase

    bejeweled exemples de phrases


    1. That pyramid's apex was bejeweled with photonic crystals, more on the peak of that pyramid than in Alan's whole city

    2. Everything was built in golden and white wood and everywhere grew tangled vines that bejeweled the whole building with their flowers in all the colors of the rainbow

    3. It had been designed to announce the return of Re, God of the Sun, each dawn, by casting a dazzling shaft of reflected light from its bejeweled summit into the royal chamber

    4. casting a dazzling shaft of reflected light from its bejeweled summit into the royal chamber

    5. The sun beamed upon the golden brown surface, which the gypsies had bejeweled with bright, rich colors

    6. tremely lovely, bejeweled interior of the Cavern of the Dead, as it was

    7. bejeweled cane up in front of his long nose

    8. One was bejeweled with emeralds and the other decorated with diamonds

    9. That whoever entered the extremely lovely, bejeweled interior of the Cavern of the Dead, as it was known, would reap the benefits that came with being haunted by spirits

    10. We made our way inside and of all the unexpected things to find in a tent sitting on a dusty plain was a gilded and bejeweled thrown complete with elevated dais

    11. Gnarled and withered, her bejeweled hands rested palms-down on her thighs

    12. Mona had sense enough to pull up the shivering feathers of the wrapper over her face so that nothing could be seen of her but heaps of red hair and dangling bejeweled feet, and we made our exit with polished polite assurances to the clamoring herd, directing the profoundly indifferent Clem to head for New Orleans "immediately

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