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    1. those qualities, characteristics, and traits that belong to

    2. You need not belong to any caste, class or region to be able to pray

    3. The concessions are there to enable them to participate actively in the affairs of the society to which they belong

    4. Cockroaches belong to the order Blattoidea (family Blattidae), and can live up to a year

    5. yes, the gun used to belong to me

    6. You're right, we don't belong down there

    7. The most remarkable words about healing belong to King David:

    8. These workers belong to Prince

    9. which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may

    10. belong to me, repented of my sins

    11. At the close of this chapter, he points out that miraculous gifts belong to the infancy of the church and

    12. I carry all the dirty dishes out into the kitchen while Nick puts the chairs back where they belong

    13. Not that I care about this, yet I wonder: Why weren't we invited? Are Helen and I the only ones in the company who don't belong to high society? Or are we the only ones who don't belong to a network? I just wonder

    14. He carries the chairs back to where they belong and, together we dismantle the decorations

    15. Back in the house, I calmly unpack the shopping and put it all away, the blue box sitting on the table drawing my eyes as I put tins away in the cupboard and packets on the shelf where they belong

    16. ‘What guild do you belong to, Joris?’ No-one has mentioned any special craft where Joris is concerned

    17. and though it seems irrational, I feel I belong here

    18. It is over 1000 years old, it belong to a great warlord

    19. “I found out who I am and where I belong Alexei; I am Ogatu, blood tests prove it

    20. I know which group I belong in … However, after a considerable battle, which leaves me breathless and wondering yet again if I ought to go down to the gym more often, I have a nice clean set of bedding and a pile of bedclothes which I can shove into the washing machine

    21. Create walls where walls belong and doors

    22. Those whom would belong to me do not know

    23. However, if you take those people and let them live on the reservation for a week, with no option to leave; they'll be back where they belong pronto, and not want to go again

    24. “My name is Ningla, and I do not belong here

    25. “What've you been up to boy? All dressed up, and so far up the street from the hole where you belong?” interrogated Tom

    26. I stand and turn towards him, moving into his arms where I belong

    27. ‘This is your home now, Abi, you belong here and always will

    28. The preparation of the heart belong

    29. "I forget you’re from the city, where it's ok, for kids to belong to local posses, and where they wear their hanky around their heads

    30. belong to me and so sorry for you they will stay with me

    31. "She does have a way of popping up where she doesn't belong

    32. Bodies only belong in this starboard side container

    33. real y belong to any continent, but are included here

    34. In this state of things, the whole produce of labour does not always belong to the labourer

    35. When those three different sorts of revenue belong to different persons, they are readily distinguished; but when they belong to the same, they are sometimes confounded with one another, at least in common language

    36. And with any luck, you’ll have sent some of these bastards back to hell where they belong

    37. Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table, all made of solid glass; there was nothing on it except a tiny golden key, and Alice's first thought was that it might belong to one of the doors of the hall; but, alas! either the locks were too large, or the key was too small, but at any rate it would not open any of them

    38. nothing but that the person belongs to the parish to which he really does belong, it is

    39. A smaller proportion of this diminished surplus, therefore, must belong to the landlord

    40. In those rice countries, therefore, where rice is the common and favourite vegetable food of the people, and where the cultivators are chiefly maintained with it, a greater share of this greater surplus should belong to the landlord than in corn countries

    41. A greater share of this surplus, too, would belong to the landlord

    42. or one twentieth part of the value ; and whatever may be his proportion, it would naturally, too, belong to the proprietor of the mine, if tin was duty free

    43. He couldn’t escape the feeling that he didn’t belong here

    44. A greater proportion of it must consequently belong to the landlord

    45. I don't know if they belong to a

    46. communists, but also the idea did not belong

    47. It is always guarded, however, by a very powerful principle, the plain and evident interest of every individual to whom any share of it shall ever belong

    48. The country which has this price to pay, will never belong without the quantity of those metals which it has occasion for; and no country will ever long retain a quantity which it has no occasion for

    49. Noble palaces, magnificent villas, great collections of books, statues, pictures, and other curiosities, are frequently both an ornament and an honour, not only to the neighbourhood, but to the whole country to which they belong

    50. however, employed in each of those four different ways, will immediately put into motion very different quantities of productive labour ; and augment, too, in very different proportions, the value of the annual produce of the land and labour of the society to which they belong

    1. It was the kind of voice that belonged to a ‘50s actress, not an Amazon warrior

    2. ‘D’you know, Molly, I belonged to a dating agency at one point … met up a few men

    3. That ship belonged to Harry Cozen

    4. At one point, John says, “Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother

    5. She quickly located the things that belonged to his family on the left of the room and moved on

    6. Kara – This is reputed to have belonged to Cecily, sister to Elizabeth of York, wife of Henry VII

    7. ‘Drens was telling me that he named it after a woman he knew on Earth who belonged to that sign of the zodiac

    8. As I open it, she explains that it belonged to our grandmother

    9. They said they belonged to gangs, but I took a walk with them anyway

    10. I'd soon be back where I belonged

    11. 'I used to think cults were for crazies and belonged in the past,' I said

    12. The arm belonged to a security guard outside the VIP stand

    13. They told me it’s early Victorian and belonged to a local musician

    14. It had belonged to Serena, he told her, and he couldn’t see it going to waste in storage when she had need of it now

    15. was gone, so the shop belonged to Omi's mother now

    16. They looked like they belonged on Ietana

    17. Everything that belonged to Lord Boras was taken out and placed in a pile in the center of the courtyard

    18. that the clothing had originally belonged to someone else at the farm

    19. She can almost feel the roughness of the wooden cubes with faded paint … they belonged to her mum when she was a baby she remembered from somewhere

    20. “No, it belonged to one of the Crew Members; Nurse Kurosawa

    21. Shelley House, it was called, because it had belonged to the family of the poet

    22. the possibility – or probability – that the hemlock belonged

    23. had belonged to the players that sat in front of him now

    24. Why she chose to ask about the way he’d pronounced the small house's description like a name, she wasn't exactly sure; after all, it belonged to her and she could call it anything she wanted

    25. The pristine valley with its mysterious houses and haunting pictures was where she belonged

    26. When she feared she could hear no more, without losing her mind, she found she was back where she belonged

    27. belonged to the Church that did such things to us – he had

    28. confirmed that it belonged to the Jewish woman they’d

    29. municipality to which this slice of heaven belonged, and

    30. Unluckily for Hansel and Gretel, however, the sugar candy cottage belonged to an old witch, her trap for catching unknowing children

    31. It was, however, surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared to go into it because it belonged to an witch, who had great power and was feared by all the world

    32. But the prince said, "I will go along with you," for he wanted to see where the beautiful girl belonged

    33. that it belonged to Saint Jacques, and that he intended to

    34. to enact for their own government, belonged to the town-corporate in which they were

    35. which they properly belonged

    36. If there had been no tax, this fifth would naturally have belonged to the landlord, and many mines might have been wrought which could not then be wrought, because they could not afford this tax

    37. that they belonged to two very different philosophical

    38. belonged to a democrat administration, and the

    39. The Tower belonged to a monastery,

    40. It generally, too, belonged to the landlord, and was by him advanced to the occupiers of the land

    41. All the rest of the produce properly belonged to him too, either as rent for his land, or as profit upon this paltry capital

    42. It belonged to the dead elder’s heirs, whatever ones were left

    43. The whole time her family had belonged to this church the priest had made her feel like the spawn of the devil

    44. The progress of our North American and West Indian colonies, would have been much less rapid, had no capital but what belonged to themselves been employed in exporting their surplus produce

    45. If, in the hands of a poor cultivator, oppressed with the servitude of villanage, some little stock should accumulate, he would naturally conceal it with great care from his master, to whom it would otherwise have belonged, and take the first opportunity of running away to a town

    46. It must have once belonged to another slave girl

    47. The increase and riches of commercial and manufacturing towns contributed to the improvement and cultivation of the countries to which they belonged, in three different ways :

    48. Once the elevator door opened the two quickly strafed towards the door on the left, which belonged to Apartment 6

    49. But since she’d once belonged to Tyrus, Hesper undoubtedly knew that punishment would

    50. “By the breath of the gods! I recognise this ring! It belonged to the man who was married to our slave woman, Helda

    1. What about this property? It was still listed in all the registries as belonging to Venna with her thumb print

    2. "He has something belonging to me

    3. "I can't help it, I still think of myself as belonging to Desa

    4. It was another foot, but tiny, belonging to a little old lady entirely over-dressed in black headscarf, ankle-length skirts, embroidered waistcoat and leather boots

    5. But all the same, it gives me a warm feeling … belonging

    6. Jo echoes this and suddenly I am overcome by the sense of belonging which I feel

    7. a sense of belonging

    8. An elderly, but very dapper man dining with two other, younger men, who I have privately marked down as probably belonging to the gay community, exclaims loudly and, rising, makes a dramatic exit, leaving the other two at the table

    9. I raced up the stairs stepping on an arm belonging to one of the

    10. Most of the boats belonging to the Kassikan are stored and serviced in a shop that is near the bottom of that lock just inside the boathouse

    11. estates belonging to the Bishopric of Troyes - strode

    12. The girl wore a white dress speckled with sunflowers which Alec recognized as belonging to Nathalia, though on the girl it hung loosely around her hips and breasts

    13. wishes and ideas - some of them belonging to the Jews'

    14. This was regarded, in those times, as so important an object, that it was always considered as belonging to the sovereign, and neither to the finder nor to the proprietor of the land, unless the right to it had been conveyed to the latter by an express clause in his charter

    15. It gives you a sense of belonging

    16. Those exemptions, therefore, ceased to be personal, and could not afterwards be considered as belonging to individuals, as individuals, but as burghers of a particular burgh, which, upon this account, was called a free burgh, for the same reason that they had been called free burghers or free traders

    17. Soon, they came in sight of the clay pit belonging to Berenice’s friendly master Architalos

    18. once belonging to the Dwemer

    19. particularly valuable silversmith belonging to Baron Iadros had been killed by thieves

    20. It also refers to a sense of security and belonging

    21. Beyond those roles we would be considered as useless or as belonging to the lower rungs of society

    22. Any merchant, or other person convicted of this offence, is disabled from requiring any debt or account belonging to him from any factor or other person

    23. A stamp-duty upon the law proceedings of each particular court, to be levied by that court, and applied towards the maintenance of the judges, and other officers belonging to it, might in the same manner, afford a revenue sufficient for defraying the expense of the administration of justice, without bringing any burden upon the general revenue of the society

    24. They remained for several years in quiet possession of this revenue; but in 1767, administration laid claim to their territorial acquisitions, and the revenue arising from them, as of right belonging to the crown ; and the company, in compensation for this claim, agreed to pay to government £400,000 a-year

    25. Everything belonging or related to so popular an order, its possessions, its privileges, its doctrines, necessarily appeared sacred in the eyes of the common people; and every violation of them, whether real or pretended, the highest act of sacrilegious wickedness and profaneness

    26. According to that valuation, the lands belonging to the bishop of Breslaw are taxed at twenty-five per cent

    27. In other countries, the tax was laid upon the supposed profits of all those who held, in farm or lease, lands belonging to other people, whatever might be the tenure by which the proprietor held them ; and in this case, the taille was said to be personal

    28. ” An agitated sneer, this one most likely belonging to the cultist

    29. Besides the duty of one penny a-gallon imposed by the British parliament upon the importation of molasses into America, there is a provincial tax of this kind upon their importation into Massachusetts Bay, in ships belonging to any other colony, of eight-pence the hogshead; and another upon their importation from the northern colonies into South Carolina, of five-pence the gallon

    30. His heart began to ache for her soft touch and warm kisses; her big blue eyes staring into his, that feeling of belonging to someone, a life with meaning

    31. in the destruction of property belonging to their fellow

    32. They spotted a fine large gray horse belonging to General Lee and a fine-looking mare belonging to an aide of Lee

    33. This turned out to be a farmhouse belonging to a local farmer, James

    34. The Temporal Directive had become a naive ideal belonging to a time when the known worlds were isolated or at least autonomous, a time when the troubles of a world could be observed

    35. The door opened quietly and a bug-eyed face ushered him in—one belonging to Lt

    36. The only sense of belonging felt by some of the sinners was the longing for their mothers afterwards as we made sure that they understood their wickedness in making their fellow innocent cadets suffer on Sunday afternoons since God had ordained the seventh day as a day of rest, a command which had now been broken with their communist tendencies of sleeping in church

    37. You stand up against an entrenched system, struggling for basic human rights and a sense of belonging to a country that would rather you and your people didn’t even exist!” The idealistic zeal of college days spurred her on

    38. The garage contained four automobiles, all belonging to Laura Smith-Hughes

    39. Right then Steve would have given anything for a pleasant exchange that gave him a sense of belonging

    40. Beyond reason, beyond words or their expression, a place of that moment only, where two perfect beings shared their true lustful selves, where all ideas of slaves and masters, men and women, love and hate, of identities and belonging, were rendered moot, irrelevant

    41. I pulled at his clothes and Jade too was pulling at them and his cock was out, and I pulled Jade above me and pulled her towards him, I wanted her to have him, I pulled her cunt towards him but she was kissing me and sucking at my breast and then he was inside me, and it was like a part of me that was missing, a part of me that the motherfuckers had taken from me, taken from me when they, taken from me, it was back, and Jade was there holding me and kissing me, and she wanted that missing piece of me to be in me, she wanted to give me what had been hers alone, and we all three were one thing, one thing, and I was orgasming, not as I had with the man beasts, but with pure belonging, with two people who made me what I could be, in a better world, in a better life

    42. It spread, as the feeling of belonging grew stronger

    43. They worked fast and soundlessly through the fourteen tents belonging to Laino and his men, and in less than twenty minutes, they had smeared everything in the sticky pulp

    44. In addition, we now know the results of belonging and that should convince us to

    45. It was good to read and think about such issues as guns and gun control, man and global warming, the pros and cons to belonging to the United Nations, the validity of the term

    46. This included training boys after age seven in military schools, belonging to military clubs though age thirty, culling out weak infants, and training girls to be hardy and fit to produce strong lads

    47. We regained the military road and followed it south until its end near a small town belonging to a people called the Calua

    48. Once a class has been defined, we can create any number of objects belonging to that class

    49. Several cars were parked on a strip of grass, perhaps belonging to tourists sampling the wine – one of the pleasures of a trip to this part of France

    50. She had to call up the same herbalist belonging to the house which she had used the first time George had transformed himself into something beautiful

    1. The very act of giving something away that supposedly belongs to you causes you to experience happiness

    2. Dharma depends upon time, circumstances, age, degree of evolution and the community to which one belongs

    3. The path is open to all irrespective of the religion or sect to which he belongs

    4. boy back on top where he belongs

    5. begins to work, the certainty that the healing belongs to me at this very

    6. That belongs to your sister and this is your problem, not hers

    7. The healing belongs to me

    8. The healing belongs to you

    9. in the name of Jesus! the healing belongs to me

    10. and after that you become absolutely certain that healing belongs to you in

    11. Oh, I forgot: Mr Zarifis belongs to a political club

    12. Accompanying him is a young woman called Angelica Burford, and yes, she belongs to the Glaston Burford family

    13. It, it belongs with us, but I do not know who it belongs to

    14. Belongs to the Duke of Stackton, part of his extensive estate here in the city

    15. People shouldn't be judged for it, because anyone who doesn't find a cure for their afflictions belongs to a permanent mind prison

    16. significance where significance belongs

    17. belongs to you without a loss of grasp

    18. testing belongs to the surrogate, not the subject

    19. “The purest blood belongs to Lady Rayne, tests confirm she is of the First Ones," Naria informed him stonily

    20. 11God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongs unto God

    21. it by the fact that the ground floor belongs to a

    22. Thinks the forest belongs to him!

    23. In this state of things, the whole produce of labour belongs to the labourer; and the quantity of labour commonly employed in acquiring or producing any commodity, is the only circumstance which can regulate the quantity of labour which it ought commonly to purchase, command, or exchange

    24. Part of that profit naturally belongs to the borrower, who runs the risk and takes the trouble of employing it, and part to the lender, who affords him the opportunity of making this profit

    25. The revenue which proceeds altogether from land, is called rent, and belongs to the landlord

    26. In that original state of things which precedes both the appropriation of land and the accumulation of stock, the whole produce of labour belongs to the labourer

    27. the continuance of the apprenticeship, the whole labour of the apprentice belongs to his

    28. who has done so by that which properly belongs to the country, the raising of rude produce by

    29. I believe it belongs to you

    30. This precious item belongs with the body of Saint Jacques

    31. nothing but that the person belongs to the parish to which he really does belong, it is

    32. "His immortal soul belongs in Heaven sir, not rotting in the mud with a draft animal's dung

    33. “Put him in the stocks Grandpa, that’s where the fool belongs

    34. wisdom belongs to others

    35. The stock which is accumulated into a capital, may either be employed by the person to whom it belongs, or it may be lent to some other person

    36. Those talents, as they make a part of his fortune, so do they likewise that of the society to which he belongs

    37. Gigantic stature, and the deformity of its aspect, More hideous than belongs to humanity,

    38. But the whole produce of the land undoubtedly belongs to him, who can dispose of the labour and service of all those whom it maintains

    39. yourself!" one says that belongs to her

    40. - Obviously, it belongs to the West, with its

    41. “But there is one creature that still belongs to us,” said Andrastus

    42. belongs to Thomas Moore, with his island

    43. It belongs to

    44. It as effectually replaces the capital of the person who produces that surplus, and as effectually enables him to continue his business, the service by which the capital of a wholesale merchant chiefly contributes to support the productive labour, and to augment the value of the annual produce of the society to which he belongs

    45. Though it may replace, by every operation, two distinct capitals, yet neither of them belongs to that particular country

    46. “You said we turned at the vineyard that belongs to Pylocles

    47. The town, indeed, may not always derive its whole subsistence from the country in its neighbourhood, or even from the territory to which it belongs, but from very distant countries; and this, though it forms no exception from the general rule, has occasioned considerable variations in the progress of opulence in different ages and nations

    48. Interpretation of dreams belongs to Him and not to humans

    49. You can't be serious… "This man belongs to Lady Dread," the man said as he paced away from Edrimer, putting a fair distance between them

    50. the only one who does not think he belongs here

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    Synonymes pour "belong"

    belong belong to go pertain appertain concern relate vest set fit in conform reside be akin to occupy