Utiliser "betrayer" dans une phrase
betrayer exemples de phrases
1. “It is Ogatu Law concerning a Lord Holder; he must be proved to be a betrayer to the Queen and Aura
2. Once released by the turtle to dig for the eyes in the sand, the rabbit shook the water from his coat, and winking at his clumsy betrayer said,
3. 13) Jesus (Yeshua) states of His betrayer, "It would have been better had he not
4. The betrayer of Jesus with a kiss, for thirty pieces of silver
5. Tell me, Ursempyre, have you heard of Shan the Traitor? The terrible Betrayer? And the Day of Redemption?”
6. betray Him, and that the party with the betrayer had come to arrest Him, and take
7. 1 This Simon now, of whom we spoke before, having been a betrayer of the money, and of his country, slandered Onias, as if he ha
8. The trap of black identity politics is squeezed tight by maligning any black who dares to reject identity requirements, and succeed on his own, as a betrayer of his people
9. The betrayer, Judas Iscariot, was shortly to reveal himself but a moment of anxiety was experienced by all
10. 1 This Simon now of whom we spoke before having been a betrayer of the money and of his country slandered Onias as if he ha terrified Heliodorus and been the worker of these evils
11. Judas Iscariot - The ultimate betrayer of Jesus who kept the money for the group and committed suicide from his wrong doing
12. And with that I was revealed and thrown down to my unknown fate, just as my betrayer had
13. Why did you turn from the path in the way that you have? How did you come to settle for the half-life you live? If you had stayed on the road you were destined for, you would not now be a liege-lord’s pet dog and a betrayer of men
14. Judas the betrayer answered and said Can it be I my 9 Mastere Jesus said to him You have said; And Judas took the bread straightway and went outside and it was still night
15. 1 This said Jesus and went out with his disciples to a place which was called Gethsemane on the side that is in the plain of Kidron the mountain the place 2 in which was a garden; and he entered in there he and his disciples; And Judas the 3 betrayer knew that place for Jesus often times met with his disciples there; And when Jesus came to the place he said to his disciples Sit you here so that I may go and pray; 5 and pray you that you enter not into temptations; And he took with him Cephas and the sons of Zebedee together James and John; and he began to 6 look sorrowful and to be anxious; And he said to them My soul is distressed to 7 death: abide you here and watch with me; And he withdrew from them a little 8 the space of a stone's throw; and he kneeled and fell on his face and prayed so 9 that if it were possible this hour might pass him; And he said Father you are able for all things; if you will let this cup pass me: but let not my will be done but let your will be done; And he came to his disciples and found them sleeping; and he said to Cephas Simon did you sleep? Could you so not for one hour watch with me? Watch and pray that you enter not into temptations the spirit is willing and ready but the body is weak; And he went again a second time and prayed and said My Father if it is not possible with regard to this cup that it pass except I drink it your will be done; And he returned again and found his disciples sleeping for their eyes were heavy from their grief and anxiety; and they knew not what to say to him; And he left them and went away again and prayed a third time and said the very same word; And there appeared to him an angel from heaven encouraging him; And being afraid he prayed continuously and his sweat became like a stream of blood and fell on the ground; Then he rose from his prayer and came to his disciples and found them sleeping; And he said to them Sleep now and rest: the end has arrived and the hour has come; and look the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners
16. 7 Then Judas the betrayer when he saw Jesus wronged went and returned the 8 thirty pieces of money to the chief priests and the eiders and said I have sinned in my betraying innocent blood; And they said to him And we what must we do? 9 know you; And he threw down the money in the temple and departed; and he went away and hanged himself; And the chief priests took the money and said We have not authority to throw it into the place of the offering for it is the price of blood; And they took counsel and bought with it the plain of the potter for the burial of strangers
17. Jesus regarded the betrayer only with pity
18. 8 And then Caiaphas looked down upon the betrayer while he said: "Judas, you go to the captain of the guard and arrange with that officer to bring your Master to us either tonight or tomorrow night, and when he has been delivered by you into our hands, you shall receive your reward for this service
20. But Judas was painfully conscious of the meaning of the Master's words associated with his act, and he became fearful lest his brethren were likewise now aware that he was the betrayer
21. 4 Peter was highly excited by what had been said, and leaning forward over the table, he addressed John, "Ask him who it is, or if he has told you, tell me who is the betrayer
22. Conan wasted no more breath on his dusky betrayer
23. 13 While all this was in progress at the Master's camp, Judas Iscariot was in conference with the captain of the temple guards, who had assembled his men preparatory to setting out, under the leadership of the betrayer, to arrest Jesus
24. 5 Jesus sat down, alone, on the olive press, where he awaited the coming of the betrayer, and he was seen at this time only by John Mark and an innumerable host of celestial observers
25. The Master and the eleven left the home of Elijah Mark fully fifteen minutes before the betrayer and the guards arrived
26. The betrayer feared that, if he waited for them to return to their camp, more than threescore of devoted disciples would be encountered, and he also knew that Simon Zelotes had an ample store of arms in his possession
27. The betrayer then went on to state that more than threescore devoted followers were encamped with him, and that they were all well armed
28. Judas had even thought to pose as having hastened out to warn them of the coming of the apprehenders, but this plan was thwarted by Jesus' blighting greeting of the betrayer
29. 3 It had been the hope of the betrayer that he could, after leading the guards to Gethsemane, simply point Jesus out to the soldiers, or at most carry out the promise to greet him with a kiss, and then quickly retire from the scene
30. But when the Master greeted him as a betrayer, he was so confused that he made no attempt to flee
31. 2 Judas marched along near the captains, overhearing all that was said, but took no part in the dispute, for neither the Jewish captain nor the Roman officer would so much as speak to the betrayer -- they held him in such contempt
32. 2 All of these Jews loathed Judas; they looked upon the betrayer with only feelings of utter contempt
33. And he was also beginning to become somewhat disillusioned regarding the reward he was to receive as payment for his services as Jesus' betrayer
34. The betrayer was well-nigh breathless and highly distraught, but he managed to stammer out these words: "I have sinned in that I have betrayed innocent blood
35. the ground; he was labeled as betrayer and later persecuted because of
36. ―No, the Betrayer is not on the walls of our Church
37. Now did Judas deserve what he got? He got God Himself, in the flesh, came and knelt at the foot of a betrayer, and washed his feet; knelt at the foot of a thief, and washed his feet
38. Now did Judas deserve what he got? He got God Himself in the flesh came and knelt at the foot of a betrayer, and washed his feet, knelt at the foot of a thief and washed his feet
39. a betrayer of the sacred character of Self, and the conquering warrior Kri-
40. In his mind, you were the cause of the loss of his son and now I was to bear the child of his betrayer
41. Nobody labels Roosevelt as a filthy traitor of the American Nation and a betrayer of American cultural values and American Principles
42. The best betrayer, the sneakiest, oiliest rapist
43. The complete OPPOSITE of the Aryan ideal he espoused: Not blonde, tall and blue-eyed: but lazy, unhealthy, fat, unathletic, ignorant, undisciplined, and cunning: a liar and betrayer of the new clean ethnic populations of the earth which had begun to demand their own ethnic identity be recognized as autonomous nations
44. He led me away from the Message after it had come to me; for Satan has always been a betrayer of man
45. In his quality of betrayer of Don Carlos' confidence, he would have ultimately to indicate the hiding-place of the treasure
46. That was the telltale message light on the hotel phone that chills the heart of the traveling betrayer, coming home at dawn to realize that his absence has been discovered
47. Then she began to weep and moan, and, overwhelmed with grief, she fell into a swoon, of which her betrayer availed himself—not to escape a trying farewell, but to fly from the Russians whose cries were drawing nearer and nearer
48. As to the statement made in defence of Maslova, that she was the victim of an imaginary (he laid a particularly venomous stress on the word imaginary) betrayer, he could only say that from the evidence before them it was much more likely that she had played the part of temptress to many and many a victim who had fallen into her hands
49. The strikingly handsome betrayer leant in sullen and gloomy silence against the mantel-piece, ready to treat all advances with stern and defiant obduracy