Utiliser "bilious" dans une phrase
bilious exemples de phrases
1. As a child, I used to get bilious attacks
2. Firing reached a crescendo as the rising cloud of bilious, horrid gas rolled over the French, and the Canadians on our left
3. The only thing that Fernanda noted in the man whom a few months later she was to expel from the house without remembering where she had seen him was the bilious texture of his skin
4. We have, medically speaking, besides the ordinary cases of enteritis, bronchitis, bilious affections, etc
5. his eyes and met the stare of a bilious clock
6. Vegetables, forsooth, and sterile cohabitation! Give her beefsteaks, red, raw, bleeding! She is a hoary pandemonium of ills, enlarged glands, mumps, quinsy, bunions, hayfever, bedsores, ringworm, floating kidney, Derbyshire neck, warts, bilious attacks, gallstones, cold feet, varicose veins
7. He waved his arms around and was sweaty and bilious
8. He looked suspiciously at us now out of yellow-shot, bilious eyes, and, without speaking or rising, he waved towards two chairs
9. Why does he have to still see her? Searing, green, bilious jealousy courses through me unexpectedly
10. Wrench was a small, neat, bilious man, with a well-dressed wig: he had a laborious practice, an irascible temper, a lymphatic wife and seven children; and he was already rather late before setting out on a four-miles drive to meet Dr
11. ‘He is a nervous, bilious subject,’ said Larrey, ‘and will not recover
12. I think those day visions were not dark: there was a pleasurable illumination in your eye occasionally, a soft excitement in your aspect, which told of no bitter, bilious, hypochondriac brooding: your look revealed rather the sweet musings of youth when its spirit follows on willing wings the flight of Hope up and on to an ideal
13. "Think, think of the fevers, yellow and bilious! Beware of the horrible plague!"
14. Under ordinary circumstances these people are bilious, irascible, intolerant, contemptuous, often very warm, which really after all is part of the secret of their strength
15. All these people were as bilious as they could be, humoursome, mistrustful, the victims of a moral and physical supersensitiveness
16. On the other hand, the docility of schoolboys and fools has reached an extreme pitch; the schoolmasters are bitter and bilious
17. But solitude is all very well within certain limits, and Velchaninoff found that his nerves could not stand all this sort of thing at certain bilious moments; and it so fell out that he began to loathe his room more and more every time he entered it
18. “He is a nervous, bilious subject,” said Larrey, “and will not recover
19. He had what the doctors termed “bilious fever