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    Utiliser "blame for" dans une phrase

    blame for exemples de phrases

    blame for

    1. Women shouldn't have to take the blame for men's actions

    2. Yet a woman has to take the blame for his inability to stop

    3. For good measure, while you are on the potato cure, you should drink potato water, which is one of the very best alkalizing drinks and helps the system to eliminate the impurities which are to blame for your complaint

    4. the next are partially to blame for generational abuse

    5. The current contractor tried to shovel all the blame for the extra cost onto the original firm and, although there are some grounds for that, there is also the fact that the new mob haven't been putting their back into the job, but using their work force on a very lucrative housing development instead

    6. emissaries were to blame for this?'

    7. she could hardly be held to blame for her husband’s

    8. ‘And who is to blame for that’ shouted several people in the audience

    9. Is this retaliation for those three guys they lost? But why would they attack the store? The Justicars got the blame for all three deaths on the news, so… what's going on?

    10. So who's to blame for this mess? If it weren't for Dillard, Roycen might have never gone undercover, and yet it was Blackburn's soldiers who gunned down Roycen and his wife

    11. conditions and circumstances that are to blame for their

    12. denied any blame for anything

    13. And so, this having been said, who do I blame for the 9/11 attacks? Two people: Osama bin Laden and Bill Clinton

    14. I cared for Khan, but somehow I wanted you to win, so I am as much to blame for his death as you are

    15. Alex attacked his food as if it were to blame for the havoc he had created at the table

    16. What guarantee did she have that he wouldn’t somehow put the blame for all this on her? For the past seven years he’d been a chauvinist, could he really have changed so much, so quickly? Rubbing tired eyes, she sighed

    17. The constable is not to blame for a system which encouraged this type of behaviour

    18. There are others to blame for Haitian misery

    19. But most blame for Haiti's early woes goes to the French, especially the genocide carried out by Napoleon's army

    20. Some of the blame for US, allied, and Iraqi deaths in both the Gulf and Second Iraq Wars have to be laid at Nixon and Kissinger's callous bumbling

    21. No one president shares the majority of the blame for slavery or the slave trade, thus this entry was placed at the end of the section on ignoring genocide

    22. Libertarianism and its influence on US conservatism takes the greatest share of blame for the Great Recession and most financial elite crime waves of the past 30 years

    23. How does the Cold War start and who is most to blame for it and its continuation? There are three main theories among historians

    24. The blame for that falls squarely on John Kerry

    25. Roosevelt, by his single minded dedication to build the canal, shares some of the blame for these deaths

    26. While some information is inaccurate, clearly they have no blame for the many deaths under Phoenix

    27. Adams certainly deserves much of the blame for these acts

    28. Robert Wolstedter's Pearl Harbor: Warning or Decision, for example, debunked the claim about Roosevelt's supposed blame for Pearl Harbor

    29. blame for the hooks

    30. ‘So who was to blame for the mission screwing up in Paris’ shouted the Director

    31. Edgar’s suggestion that perhaps his girlfriend, Caroline, was more to blame for his problems than Enrique enraged Walston, and put an end to the interview

    32. If any of his family harbored any doubts about who was ultimately to blame for the rocket attack, he needed to put the question to rest by explaining how his return to Jinotega in the midst of the war had been the catalyst

    33. Was it a common theme? Was the desert and its extreme environment the one to blame for the changes he was going through? Was it a trick of perception, a misstep of the mind? Was it simply a coping mechanism? The array of questions that seemed to come unbidden to his weary mind suddenly became overwhelming

    34. Everybody has someone else to blame for the failure of the healthcare system missing the essential point that the system itself is inherently flawed and so doomed to failure

    35. They really should not be assigned all of the blame for even though they are woefully wrong there

    36. “Still don’t think genetic damage is to blame for any of these troubles?”

    37. that cowardice is to blame for the world’s injustices

    38. I can't see why it was so wrong and I was so careful to wash my legs just as clean as my face, but, anyway, father wasn't to blame for it

    39. should be in blame for the sins that you have

    40. Nick looked at him, wanting to shake him, wanting someone to blame for this mess

    41. When discontent and misery set in, a common reaction is to look for someone to blame for our feeling of unhappiness – while being oblivious to the fact that it was our unwholesome motive in the first place that is now the cause of our despondency![22]

    42. He had placed the blame for those actions on Chloe and had never touched a drop of blood since he had been set free

    43. He added that John, the young Khan, was still fixated on the idea that I was to blame for his mother’s death and could not be disabused of that fixation

    44. Elena: Now you know who is to blame for the fall of the man you named as your heir

    45. Hamish sat there thinking about his conversation with Jock for quite a while wondering how he would broach the subject with Chandelle, he didn't want to upset her any more than she was already, she had been through enough in her young life and he thought she was handling things but maybe Rachael's disappearance has been too much for her and he was to blame for all that, if it hadn't been for his temper and jealousy Rachael would still be here and Chandelle wouldn't be feeling so alone

    46. He retired, because he was forced to take the blame for a mistake, made by one of his superiors

    47. He wrapped up his comments by taking the blame for his failures

    48. And The Occidental Herald writes, "Since the Copts spent their entire lives resisting secular reason-based progress and State-led centralised planning—designed to make the people's lives safer, fairer, and happier—then the Copts have no one to blame for their misfortune but themselves and their insular irrational thinking

    49. Roger should share, perhaps, some or most of the blame for Josie’s quick exit from the house that Christmas day

    50. Stopford it was not to blame for his illness, the Defense

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