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    Utiliser "blame on" dans une phrase

    blame on exemples de phrases

    blame on

    1. No matter how hard we try, we can’t pass the blame on to anybody else

    2. When that happens, we tend put the blame on anyone or everyone

    3. ’ On which Seven looked up and said, ‘That’s right, Five! Always lay the blame on others!’

    4. So don’t you dare put the blame on me for what has happened to Ma because it has nothing to do with me?”

    5. The best way to answer objections is to take the blame on

    6. The Jewish Chronicle had taken close ups of the bikes and bikers but ignoring the TVR and were clearly putting the blame on the biker’s heads

    7. While some may lay the blame on the American public's indifference, this is too easy and lazy

    8. On which Seven looked up and said, 'That's right, Five! Always lay the blame on others!'

    9. While the more cynical put the blame on Dick Cheney for his control of government intelligence, again this plays upon the falsehood of Bush as unintelligent

    10. Stuart thought he had still a good bit of a start, for it would take some hours to fix the blame on him and several hours more to identify the men who got on board the train at Waverley station

    11. If it came to a fight between brothers or father and son, who could blame one for turning against his fellow soldiers, or idly stay his hand and cost him his life at the hands of men less sentimental? Battle was no place for the soft of heart: it only spared those with a mind empty of doubt, bearing cold steel in their hearts as well as their hands

    12. If you wanted to place the blame on anyone the blame should be apportioned as follows:

    13. "That is just Walter's way--to take the blame on himself

    14. I want to explain to everybody how it was I came to go to church without stockings on, so that everybody will know that father was not to blame one bit for it, and the old gossips need not say he is, because it is not true

    15. habits of thought, feeling and action and put all the blame on

    16. I wished I could blame one of his potions, or his magic, but at this point, I knew that was impossible

    17. My main witness, the ONLY railway safety inspector in AZ, perjured himself on the witness stand, totally recanted his written and prior oral statements placing total blame on the SP

    18. Amori knew that it was wrong to put the full blame on Ryan

    19. yet he managed to put the blame on the very guy he is stealing from; is he good or

    20. decision all her life, putting the blame on a husband she

    21. The connotation around the phrase has morphed into one that romanticizes violence and places the blame on the victim, wherein the batterer’s violent response was justified by his emotions

    22. How could she use her blame on me, she could be blaming to the hunters who killed her friends and family

    23. Intimidators often place blame on others because they aren't willing to take

    24. put all the blame on her inability to control her eating; ‘all

    25. I blame only myself," she said

    26. My mother tried to place the blame on

    27. Úrsula felt tormented by grave doubts concerning the effectiveness of the methods with which she had molded the spirit of the languid appren-tice Supreme Pontiff, but she did not put the blame on her staggering old age or the dark clouds that barely permitted her to make out the shape of things, but on something that she herself could not really define and that she conceived confusedly as a progressive breakdown of time

    28. He laid all the blame on me for our breakup

    29. blame on the victim, with the rest, on the thief

    30. Underwood’s death rather than placing blame on any individual

    31. I hardly think that we can be absolved from blame on the imperialistic front

    32. To protect their own interests, the petrochemical experts had laid the blame on the harvesting, but were unable to agree on how to shut down the gas harvesting plant

    33. They could then absolve themselves of failure by casting blame on the rulers and citizens for not satisfying the excessive requirements of fickle gods

    34. “You know whatever has happened, the Major would never lay blame on you

    35. Lastly, he now had to contend with an angry and fearful Prince Al Rashid, who was doing his best to deflect all the blame on Viktor for that fiasco, which had cost 800 million Euros to the collection of Saudi billionaire princes and Turkish high level officials secretly supporting ISIS

    36. Of course, at a moment like this, when so many Secret Service agents have fallen, it is tough to try and cast blame on the noble professionals who work tirelessly to try and prevent catastrophes like this every day

    37. Yet, the government of Grand Administrator Li decided to paint us as the spoiled exploiters in the eyes of the Earth masses, and that to hide the failings of his own policies and that of his predecessors, switching the blame on us Spacers

    38. Knowing about the vandals, he figures he'll put the blame on them

    39. ‘’Well, if they did, they will be able to blame only themselves

    40. ‘’Please do not put some blame on your central computer for hiding from you the fact that she had received a message from us

    41. shameless, for gestations vegetation shifts the blame on mixed emotion

    42. Moreover, who knows, both of them may put part of the blame on me, and shame me in the process

    43. But what bowled me in the end are these from the Bhakti Yoga - Scores thought over mere rotting / Betters meditation awareness too / What helps man to find moorings / Are acts his with no axe to grind; Kind-hearted ’n considerate / Friendly natured, forgiving too / Lays no store on highs and lows / Suffers no pride ’n possessive not; Who's patient ’n cheerful / Self-willed as well persevering / Who's hearty ever at work / Makes he devout My beloved; Who’s simple, never in want / Covets he not in vantage post / Shakes him none, he keeps his nerve / It’s such who Me please the most; He’s My darling who craves not / Yet won’t shun the pleasures of life / Takes but things all as they come; Treats he equal friends ’n foes / Scorn or honour minds he not / Keeps he cool in grief and joy / Nurses for none soft centre, and above all, Pats ’n slights all in the score / Treats as equal score My man / Takes he lot of his in stride/ But won’t put the blame on Me

    44. the blame on fuel starvation, in both engines, due to a residue in

    45. throw the blame on others for our failures

    46. In a few mutterings, he had easily pushed the blame on the three others

    47. On the other hand, it would be unfair to lay the blame on his wronged wife who had become so fed up with his mother’s interference that she felt totally downtrodden and eventually had exploded in anger

    48. “I have an idea; the plan is to place all the blame on the money on you Jack

    49. “Rapper’s underworld connections,” read one, which pinned the blame on MC Frank-N-Stein after they learned he had prior convictions for selling drugs

    50. "One excuses," she was thinking, "a pretty girl for being a pretty girl, because it is not her fault, but an elderly woman can only lay the blame on herself if she manages, by artifices of which she should be ashamed, to seem more or less good-looking

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