Utiliser "blemished" dans une phrase
blemished exemples de phrases
1. blemished over the past years
2. (Jacob is telling Laban that he will take all of the blemished animals as
3. improve the appearance of blemished or sun damaged skin
4. Thereupon we had blemished ourselves with a mark of guilt since we had ventured out more than our basic means and our abilities were thus altered and changed into liabilities that could help us to progress or regress back again
5. even if it is blemished, because all actions are impaired by some flaw
6. Supermarkets throw out blemished fruit and vegetables by the ton each day… food that is perfectly good to eat
7. seemed blemished by comparison
8. However, keep in mind restoring blemished wood can devalue the piece
9. What melancholy sport of Providence was that which had placed that child in contact with that man? Are there then chains for two which are forged on high? and does God take pleasure in coupling the angel with the demon? So a crime and an innocence can be room-mates in the mysterious galleys of wretchedness? In that defiling of condemned persons which is called human destiny, can two brows pass side by side, the one ingenuous, the other formidable, the one all bathed in the divine whiteness of dawn, the other forever blemished by the
10. This disease is so common there, "that out of a hundred persons," says Volney, "I have met while walking the streets of Cairo, twenty have been quite blind, ten wanting an eye, and twenty others have had their eyes red, purulent, or blemished