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    blind man exemples de phrases

    blind man

    1. The magical moments of childhood infatuation lay shattered around my knees like broken shards of glass waiting for the blind man to stumble his bloody way to perdition

    2. The sound of a blind man being hurried along, hitting his head on a door frame

    3. And what kind of indictment is it that those who are able to see do not recognize Jesus as a Son of David, and yet the blind man in the streets could not be shut up when continuously crying, “Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me?”

    4. As the blind man merged with the crowd and disappeared in the flow of traffic, Brice tugged at his dimpled cheek, shook his head, and then turned and began walking away

    5. he touches you again? Maybe in a different life, without this…” The blind man flapped his

    6. If he weren’t a blind man, she could swear that he was gazing at her naked form

    7. It seemed equally astonishing that he’d chosen to save her life as that a blind man had been able to fight so well

    8. It was inconceivable that a blind man could defeat an armored

    9. Another amazing feat for a blind man, she thought

    10. “Look Bert you and Mabel love each other a blind man could see that and you are old enough and engaged so why shouldn’t you enjoy the fruits of your love I mean that can’t be wrong can it?” He looked at me through blood shot eyes and said

    11. Jesus stopped and said, “Call him over!” They called out to the blind man and said, “Don’t be afraid! Come on! He is calling for you

    12. But, like a blind man, is startled by vague shadows that suddenly seem to insinuate themselves across his almost sightless field of awareness

    13. 37 They cannot restore a blind man to his sight, nor help any man in his

    14. They both followed the movements of the blind man walking on the opposite side of the street

    15. The blind man put his hand on the fellow's arm and together, they negotiated the crossing

    16. She didn't respond, because she was totally absorbed in her thoughts about the blind man

    17. 18 For whatever man he be that has a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man or a lame, or he who has a flat nose, or any thing superfluous,

    18. 18 For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or

    19. 20 Do right to the widow judge for the fatherless give to the poor defend the orphan clothe the naked 21 Heal the broken and the weak laugh not an injured man to scorn defend the crippled and let the blind man come into the sight of my clearness

    20. 34 Jesus said "If a blind man leads a blind man they will both fall into a pit

    21. The Healing of a Blind Man at Bethsaida

    22. 23 He took hold of the blind man by the hand and brought him out of the village

    23. 6 When He had said this He spat on the ground made mud with the saliva anointed the blind man's eyes with the mud

    24. 17 Therefore they asked the blind man again "What do you say about Him because He opened your eyes?" He said "He is a Prophet

    25. 35 It happened as He came near Jericho a certain blind man sat by the road begging

    26. " They called the blind man saying to him "Cheer up! Get up

    27. I say to those who hear he who has shall be given to; and he who has not that which he regards as his shall be taken from him; And he spoke to them a parable Can a blind man haply guide a blind mane shall they not both fall into a hollowe A disciple is not better than his master; 19 every perfect man shall be as his master

    28. 26 And after that he came to Bethsaida; And they brought to him a certain blind man and begged him that he would touch him; And he took the hand of that blind man and led him out without the village and spat in his eyes and laid his hand on him and asked him What see you? And that blind man looked in- tently and said to him I see men as trees walking; And he placed his hand again on his eyes; and they were restored and he saw everything clearly; And he sent him to his house and said Do not enter even into the village nor tell any man in the village

    29. 25 And when Jesus went out of Jericho he and his disciples there came after him a great multitude; And there was a blind man sitting by the way side begging; And his name was Timaeus the son of Timaeus; And he heard the sound of the multitude passing and asked Who is this? They said to him Jesus the Nazarene passes by; And when he heard that it was Jesus he called out with a loud voice and said Jesus son of David have mercy on me; And those who went before Jesus were rebuking him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more and said Son of David have mercy on me; And Jesus stood and commanded that they should call him; And they called the blind man and said to him Be of good courage and rise; for look he calls you; And the blind 33 man threw away his garment and rose and came to Jesus

    30. Jesus said to him What do you wish that I should do to you? And that blind man said to him My Lord and Master that my eyes may be opened so that I may see you

    31. As long as I am in the world I am the light of the world; And when he said that he spat on the ground and made clay of his spittle and smeared it on the eyes of the blind man and said to him Go and wash yourself in the pool of Siloam; And he went and washed and came seeing; And his neighbours which saw him of old begging said Is not this he who was sitting begginge And some said It is he; and others said no but he resembles him much

    32. The people of the Pharisees said This man is not from God for he keeps not the Sabbath; And others said How can a man who is a sinner do these signs? And there came 26 to be a division among them; And again they said to that blind man You then what say you of him that opened for you your eyese He said to them I say that he is a prophet; And the Jews did not believe concerning him that he was blind and received sight until they summoned the parents of him who received sight and asked them Is this your son of whom you said that he was born blind? how then Look does he now see? His parents answered and said We know that this is our son and that he was born blind but how he has come to see now or who it is that opened his eyes we know nothing and he also has reached his manhood; ask him and he will speak for himself

    33. From eternity has it not been heard of that a man opened the eyes of a blind man who had been born in blindness

    34. Can a demon haply open the eyes of a blind mane

    35. The Jews therefore said See the greatness of his love for him! But some of them said Could not this man who opened the eyes of that blind man have caused that this man also should not diee And Jesus came to the place of burial being troubled within himself; And the place of burial was a cave and a stone was placed at its door

    36. “I see, said the blind man to his deaf dog, is how I feel,” I said

    37. “Enemy sighted!!! Thataway!!!” The blind man pointed behind and to his right at what he had seen

    38. In 1896 annie Besant explained that just as a blind man cannot see

    39. Babsy looked up at the Blind mans smiling face

    40. The blind man stood still, he reached out for the invisible lamppost that should have been there,

    41. "We have to go to the valley of smiles, the bus station is in the cave," the blind man said

    42. "Why is she in trouble?” the blind man wanted to know

    43. Slinks shook his head and blinked at the cygnet; he held the Blind man’s hand and they followed the dog along the promenade

    44. "Jack's found the bus station," the blind man spoke, before Slinks could venture into the dark entrance of the cave he let Babsy onto the grainy floor, he placed his left hand around the blind

    45. The Blind man swirled round and with his available left hand he touched the rim of the cave

    46. "That’s the one we need," the Blind man said

    47. conductor allowed the Blind man and his dog to sit near Slinks but as Daniel charged on the bus, the

    48. "I'm with Slinks and the Blind man, look, it’s only a baby swan," Daniel protested as he stroked Babsy

    49. Jack waged his tail in excitement; he sat up and whined at the old blind man

    50. "Jack," the blind man said and the dog went to its master

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