Utiliser "boastfully" dans une phrase
boastfully exemples de phrases
2. Walt laughs a little boastfully
3. Göring, refusing to accept the true situation, boastfully asserted that “his Air Force” would soon fix things
4. In any case, I have no other choice than to reveal this to you because I have not had rest of mind since the past four days when he boastfully told me of their revenge mission against you
5. The way in which he spoke of his love affairs only increased my alarm, for I foresaw the cause of fresh and more hideous tragedies in this event to which he alluded so boastfully
6. So frivolously and boastfully did Ivan Matveitch hasten to express himself before me, like feverish weak-willed women who, as we are told by the proverb, cannot keep a secret
7. The preacher boastfully told afterward, that "dar want scarsely one sinner but what wah effected