Utiliser "boob tube" dans une phrase
boob tube exemples de phrases
boob tube
1. surfing in front of the boob tube eating junk food
2. When Si brings Julia into the twentieth century, she is completely mesmerized by the boob tube, not
3. Since the boob tube is the great American wasteland, there probably was a better option: put the extra cash from the promotion away for the future or pay off a credit card
4. The replacement falls into the hands of the boob tube – not the best baby or child sitter, for that matter – or friends
5. As I sat in my room, sipping the cold water, watching the boob tube and letting my
6. Jamaal turned around to look over the new boob tube
7. He talked about how our modern society had evolved to where we all shared a common illusion created through television that made everyone feel connected and a part of a greater whole, when in fact, we were being compartmentalized sitting alone in front of the boob tube mesmerized by the message being pounded into our brains
8. Written scripts that have been worked on and crafted and polished by the best writers in the world… who try to make their fictitious lies, these fictitious characters… the most well-spoken, the most intelligent, the most loving, the kindest, the most beautiful, the most perfect people in the world who are all visibly better spoken more intelligent, more muscled, more beautiful, more perfect than the masses that stare at them through the boob tube
9. Scalping tickets, making a profit, taking money off the top, skimming, all kinds of cheese, the profit motive, decapitalizing the mass-body of society, by cutting off its extra capital by selling people things in boxes that they don’t need, the TV, the boob tube that comes in a box, the entire idea of making a profit by skimming off the top, all real estate sales, all selling and buying for profit, all turnovers: turning over stock, turning over houses for profit, all financial deals like rollovers, rolling the head over, and hoping to make even more profit, all capital investment, all business investment, all images of decapitated heads on coins, bills, buildings, all art, all graven images of heads, all pots and pans…
10. She wore a pink, boob tube and a short, flared out white mini-skirt