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    Utiliser "born-again" dans une phrase

    born-again exemples de phrases


    1. But, also, as a born-again Christian you have the power of God through the Holy Spirit working inside of you here on earth (John 14:23)

    2. I could have correctly reminded this gentleman that former president James Earl Carter, who as president, influenced the ideological composition of our nation‘s federal courts, was a professed ―born-again Christian‖, a Baptist, but why trouble ourselves with such ―minor‖ details

    3. I submit to you that Christianity, that is truly following Christ, is MORE than something that we only wear on Sundays! If you are born-again, the Spirit of God indwells you! You are "in Christ"

    4. He makes us, His born-again children, different

    5. ‘Arnold’s playing wet-nurse to a pathetic bunch of born-again-Christians who’ve had an argument with their preacher

    6. It's just these wacko born-again Christians

    7. It's got to be that bunch of born-agains who think the hotline is the work of the devil

    8. He says he's changed since he found the Lord, but I'm always suspicious of sinners who turn into churchgoers--these born-again beer-swillers are often lechers at heart

    9. It's those born-agains, she realized, and it's certain now that they know where we are

    10. As born-again, Spirit-filled Christians, we all know that this true inner peace and happiness can only be found on the inside of our beings through establishing a close, intimate, personal relationship with the Lord

    11. We now have the mind of Christ as born-again believers

    12. born-again children of God and citizens of the hea-

    13. Some Christians would like to believe that when they are born-again they have received the visa to go to heaven

    14. The middleclass he bamboozled with his born-again family-values crap, while destroying the middle class by taxing them and reducing their job markets

    15. She has a born-again Spirit of God within her and being with her and seeing the difference made me wish for the same Spirit to be within me

    16. never claimed this was when she was born-again

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