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    Utiliser "breeches" dans une phrase

    breeches exemples de phrases


    1. She was dressed in leather breeches, a white billowy shirt with a large gold and silver belt at her trim waist

    2. mattress, pulled his breeches and coat on over his woollen

    3. breeches and prepared for the arrival of his guest

    4. breeches, but dispensed with a surcoat due to the heat of

    5. breeches and with a sword swinging freely at his side

    6. Grandpa wiped his hands on his breeches and bade everyone a 'thankyoukindly' then called Lemoss to follow him up to the cottage

    7. Rising with the others and pulling on his breeches and

    8. daisies, and Richard in his finest breeches and a surcoat of

    9. It saved me money, but my two pairs of breeches had front-sides that did not quite match in color their back-sides, and my shirts were made from white cotton, but were something of a quilt in style

    10. breeches, clanked wincingly as we walked along through the tunnels

    11. And instead of their normal knee-length breeches, both wore full-legged trousers that were flared at the bottom and felt very odd to them

    12. He was dressed in a plain red uniform, with matching black and red breeches, wearing a single but very distinctive button on his collar

    13. Was he really drunk? I fumbled at the strings that held his breeches up

    14. “Don't glare at me you little whore,” he was looking at Jade now, leering and stumbling towards her, fumbling with his breeches but waving his impotent cock in her face

    15. I fumbled with his pants and pulled down his breeches

    16. 18 They shall have linen bonnets on their heads, and shall have linen breeches on their loins; they

    17. map into his breeches and grabbed his Celestron telescope, in case it fell into enemy hands, before marching off to the bus stop for a day trip to Doncaster

    18. 10 And the priest shall put on his linen garment, and his linen breeches shall he put on his flesh, and take up the ashes which the fire has consumed with the burnt offering on the altar, and he shall put them beside the altar

    19. 4 He shall put on the holy linen coat, and he shall have the linen breeches on his flesh, and shall be girded with a linen girdle, and with the linen mitre shall he be attired: these are holy garments; therefore shall he wash his flesh in water, and so put them on

    20. 4 He shall put on the holy linen coat, and he shall have the linen breeches upon his flesh, and shall be girded with a linen girdle,

    21. Shaking his head to clear it, Ralph gets to his feet, wiping the mud from his breeches as best he can

    22. Talia rose and dried her hands on her breeches

    23. The cloth they all wore as breeches and dresses was a simple The Fox - Arlene Radasky – www

    24. Most of them were half naked, but the garments they wore were fine; gold-braided jackets, satin girdles, silken breeches, tattered, stained with tar and blood, vied with pieces of silver-chased armor

    25. His garb was common enough for that country—a coarse tunic, belted at the waist, short leather breeches beneath, and soft buckskin boots that came short of the knee

    26. Instead of a skirt she wore short, wide-legged silk breeches, which ceased a hand's breadth short of her knees, and were upheld by a wide silken sash worn as a girdle

    27. His flame-lit eyes devoured her, dwelling burningly on the generous expanses of clear white flesh exposed where her shirt and breeches had been torn in the struggle

    28. And the breeches, and all that,

    29. Among those theatrical creatures, wearing riding breeches and leggings, a pith helmet and steel-rimmed glasses, with topaz eyes and the skin of a thin rooster, there arrived in Macondo on one of so many Wednes-days the chubby and smiling Mr

    30. Breeches of such quality that Josef felt guilty wearing

    31. Not wanting to stand out with her formal clothing while she explored the premises, Lady Jane decided on a pair of riding breeches, a turtleneck, and a tweed jacket all in dull shades of grey; this, combined with letting her hair down and removing some of her makeup, would ensure her anonymity

    32. Faye was dressed in plain grey riding breeches with a black silk shirt and charcoal-coloured tweed jacket that would be ideal for roaming about in the shadows while in the process of carrying out fiendish deeds

    33. � Taking back the gunner�s seat, she resumed firing on the advancing Germans, only to hear the breeches close on empty chambers: she was out of ammunition

    34. On the desk there were several ornately framed photographs of her astride a beautiful chestnut mare; she was wearing traditional riding clothes—a small black helmet in which most of her hair was tucked, khaki riding breeches, a white turtleneck, and a black jacket

    35. Before a crackling fire, both had doffed their clothing and sat only in smallclothes, enjoying the heat of the flames while their tunics and breeches and satchels dried

    36. Andore peeled his old tunic free, stepped from his breeches, and cast his smallclothes aside

    37. Knowlan at first mistook him for a tumbleman, a man who’d fallen so low from his station in life that all he possessed were breeches, tunic, and perhaps a stolen tool

    38. ” Knowlan watched the man’s hands knot upon his breeches, thick knuckles paling at the agony

    39. Trid wiped wet grass off his breeches

    40. After drying, he changed into a new tunic and pulled on a pair of breeches

    41. Granted the climate was warmer than his mountain village but he couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that the lack of breeches brought him

    42. Slipping on his breeches, Loki says, “You have a corporeal form?”

    43. He now appears to be wearing a gray tee shirt, breeches of a thick blue fabric, gray shoes with laces and stripes, and dark glasses

    44. “You’ll have to wear something more presentable than that,” he said, gesturing to Aesa’s customary loose shirt and breeches

    45. He helped me into my dress, his fingers blundering over the tiny buttons a few times, and then adjusted his breeches

    46. The lad wore breeches of the same color and his shoes were

    47. clad only in his breeches now

    48. Ten minutes later they were back in the m ain chamber, Venki still with the chain fastened to his ankle with the other end tucked into his breeches

    49. But it was Jason who stepped forward and Nikko saw that he had his thumbs stuck in his breeches and his whole bearing was one of arrogance

    50. Springing to his feet he gave his hands a final wipe on the back of his breeches and said: “If we’re going to be here a while I’m going to prepare to defend myself

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    breeches knee breeches knee pants knickerbockers knickers