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    Utiliser "brim" dans une phrase

    brim exemples de phrases





    1. She whips me with a towel, knocking the brim of my hat halfway off my head

    2. " Her large eyes peered over the wide brim of her coffee cup

    3. He wore a flat hat with a bedazzled brim in what looked like gold-plated aluminum

    4. Ashtrays still brim with every one of those

    5. Centre stage, overlooking the street sat a huge white ceramic lattice-work basket filled to the brim with plump ceramic fruit - china cherries, apples, pomegranates and pears

    6. Between taking off his cap, wiping the brim and replacing the sprig of basil behind his ear, the old man fingered his worry beads and prayed

    7. On his head, a gentleman's Italian 'Borsalino' hat with the brim curled over one eye

    8. But by then the chap next to me, in charge of our bottle, was offering me the screw top from the bottle filled to its brim with whisky

    9. dictator to be overthrown? Have him thrown into the brim pit

    10. floppy brown felt hat with a wide brim, and put it on his head

    11. brim with the yellow stuff

    12. However, it was easy to tell, from the warmth that filled the empty rooms, that it had once been filled to its brim with loved children

    13. Shaking off the snow, which had continued to collect on the brim of his hat, he said, "I just can't imagine the county giving you the permission

    14. The dumplings had disappeared over the brim and lay soggy and forlorn

    15. The city people had watched truck after truck wend their way through Mesapit loaded to the brim

    16. The Fixer tipped the brim of his cowboy hat,

    17. (“Erudite” means stuffed to the brim with all kinds of sophisticated and impressive knowledge

    18. She nodded again, then sipped from her drink, watching him over the brim of the cup

    19. “You were saying how delighted you were that Truman’s suffering caused him to be dangerous,” she said, casting an accusing scowl below the Stetson’s brim

    20. “The sea air will clear our heads,” pronounced Teri, filled so completely with happiness that one more ounce would pour over the brim of her cup

    21. He pulled down the brim of the Panama hat that the Brazilian had lent him as they walked through the Polonia’s front doors

    22. Once the flasks were filled to the brim, he had drank a couple more mouthfuls

    23. But then, she was prepared with the proper drugs, a tub filled to the brim with soothing liquid

    24. Tears had threatened to brim over Nisaba’s eyes as she quickly pulled her hands away

    25. They drove past the harbor and the piers where the military presence was more than evident: stores of supplies seemed to be piling up, while barges slowly waded through the Niger, loaded to the brim

    26. The barkeep filled Colling’s half-empty glass to the brim, smiled and said, “One of my cousins lives in Chicago

    27. Hanging from the mantle were beautiful stockings filled to the brim, nine of them I counted

    28. 23 And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other, it was round all about, and his height was five cubits, and a

    29. 24 And under the brim of it round about there were knops compassing it, ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round about, the knops

    30. 26 And it was an hand breadth thick, and the brim of it was brought like the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies, it contained two

    31. filled to the brim

    32. 5 And the thickness of it was an handbreadth, and the brim of it like the work

    33. of the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies; and it received and held three thousand baths

    34. She showed me a briefcase once, filled almost to the brim with funeral letters she collected from attending funerals

    35. broad walls around the space, each loaded to the brim with

    36. The words caused Sachie’s eyes to brim with tears

    37. A large pair of black glasses were resting across her brim

    38. And I can make out the face under the brim of the hat

    39. Steam from the coffee can be seen coming from the brim of her homemade coffee

    40. I stormed into my bathroom, filling the sink to its brim with soapy water and slammed my shirt into it, clinging to the back wall opposite the basin as I examined the layers of blood slowly starting to come apart

    41. There’s always one inch — or more — of water missing from the brim down

    42. But the void is full to the brim

    43. I didn’t understand what she meant, and frankly I didn’t care, my mind was full to the brim with pointless, useless riddles, and it would be nice, for once, to have had one simple statement that made crystal clear sense

    44. shape to the brim and return to its source, when the shape

    45. must be filled to the brim with earnestness, which is but love in

    46. had concealed that the Choate’s septic tank was full to the brim, and

    47. 15 And as those who bore the Ark were coming to Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bore the Ark were dipped in the brim of the water, (for Jordan overflows all its banks all the time of harvest,)

    48. In the only available space was an enormous chest freezer, filled to the brim

    49. Every room is filled to the brim with the most ghastly

    50. " They filled them up to the brim

    1. Their thoughts brimmed over with the words,

    2. than five years since I’d been on a train, and my heart brimmed

    3. Knowing how it brimmed within her and wanted to spill over was painful for them

    4. ' She put on her wide brimmed straw hat to shield her face from the sun and they left the cafe

    5. His entire body shone, and his eyes brimmed with tears

    6. Plastered on every available wall were posters featuring the symbolic logo of their movement: a silhouette in profile of the legendary Augusto Sandino, wearing his trademark wide brimmed cowboy hat

    7. Her eyes brimmed as she let her arms fall quickly to her sides

    8. - That is wonderful, she said in a voice that brimmed with happiness

    9. His voice was filled with grief and she squinted and blinked away the tears that brimmed in her eyes

    10. Ebira fell silent and Enilia brimmed with tears when Ebira’s words brought up all of her own emotions

    11. Michelle went up to her apartment and came down with her hair under a wide brimmed hat, and my mother put on a bathing cap, and she and my mother went up and got the bat

    12. Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears

    13. Nuke’s eyes brimmed with tears

    14. to a blank stare that brimmed with tears

    15. A tear brimmed in Ceder’s eye

    16. His confidence brimmed up to

    17. My eyes brimmed with tears now

    18. Her sea green eyes brimmed with tears

    19. He could see a figure sitting on a heavy log to the side of a small dead camp fire and, in spite of the hot daytime temperature, it was hunched over with a blanket covering its shoulders and wearing a wide brimmed hat

    20. If possible, use a wide brimmed hat while tending your garden to keep the sun from your face

    21. ” Her eyes brimmed with tears

    22. upper Michigan was only in the forties at best – shooting gloves, a brimmed red hat with ear-

    23. “Higgins doesn’t think so,” he replied with a nonchalant shrug that was brimmed with sarcasm

    24. With the rain pounding the roof of her Herne Bay home and the shrubbery playing a tattoo on the double glazing Jazz languished in a hot bath that brimmed with suds that overflowed and oozed onto the tiled floor

    25. Wolf brimmed with confidence as he recapped their activities of the past month and seemed more concerned with the rareness of the roast beef on offer than he was of any flaws in the operation to date

    26. Stacks of paper were piled high everywhere, crates of bottles stood in stacks and heaps, and an ashtray on a small desk brimmed with cigarette butts and ash

    27. Orynn closed the book; her eyes brimmed with tears

    28. Her big eyes brimmed with tears

    29. The old woman swept back her wide brimmed hat to let it dangle by the cord around her neck

    30. How could anyone do that? Deny the existence of their own child and their lover? Angry tears brimmed Ben’s eyes, his face becoming both sorrowful and lost as he stared at the girl he thought he knew

    31. This event intrigued us even more and our curiosity brimmed over

    32. ’ Nicky’s eyes brimmed with tears

    33. The look they shared brimmed with love and

    34. The man had been wearing a khaki colored, winter overcoat, yet it was a warm clear night with not a trace of rain or even storm clouds in the sky, so why had the man been wearing a heavy coat like that? Nor had Nick been able to get a close look at the man’s face, for he’d furtively kept his face at an angled profile, with a military styled, wide brimmed, combat hat (similar to what soldiers wore in desert warfare) keeping his actual facial features hidden

    35. brimmed hats and elastic-sided boots

    36. ' Gareth brimmed with confidence

    37. A brimmed cowl---which at certain moments appeared more of a carapace---shielded its head, and beneath that a shadowy void revealed nothing other than the suggestion of eyes that held a great and mesmerizing power in their almond glow

    38. Zem was wearing a beat up wide brimmed straw hat and bib overalls

    39. The dispute over the Arunachal Pradesh area had just brimmed up and war looked a definite event

    40. But now his patience had brimmed up and so he interfered, “Miracles and luck have a strong causality between them Bhanu, something that you need to understand

    41. ” Tears brimmed in her eyes

    42. “Oh, heavens,” said Alcyone, bringing both of her hands to her cheeks as her eyes brimmed with fresh tears

    43. ” My eyes brimmed over with tears of joy and happiness to be with Marcus again

    44. “But I…I can’t…I don’t want to turn into one of those things!” Val’s eyes brimmed with tears

    45. Her made-up face brimmed with happy wrinkles even while her mouth was spewing contempt

    46. " And throwing back her head with a great defiance she looked at him while her eyes filled with tears; and though they presently brimmed over, and began to drop down pitifully one by one, she would not flinch but went on looking

    47. The gardener with the gnarled knuckles and broad brimmed straw hat seemed not to notice though

    48. Kara’s voice brimmed with relief

    49. The sheriff removed his broad brimmed hat, ran his hand through his thin blond hair as he reflected in thought and then replaced his hat

    50. To change his appearance even more, he put on a small brimmed sun hat

    1. ’ He said simply, looking up at me, his eyes brimming with tears

    2. He turns to look at me, a touch of life brightening his eyes despite the tears still brimming there

    3. to brimming with superannuated school kids

    4. From the gossip columns there'd been veiled rumours of his associations with certain criminal elements, but then I'd imagine after-show parties and nightclubs must have been brimming with suspicious characters in those days

    5. She couldn’t look at her step-father, knowing that if she did she would unravel, so she mumbled an affirmative and rushed out of the room, collected her school bag from the foot of the stairs and ran out of the house, her eyes brimming with tears

    6. out of the house, her eyes brimming with tears

    7. A colourful island, brimming with dolphins, turtles and seabirds who come to explore

    8. After Hogan’s second admonishment, Conradie had developed a much better attitude and, while not brimming with enthusiasm, did seem to be trying to help

    9. ox, brimming with lusty manhood, but they were infinitely powerful

    10. come?” and said so brimming with concern just like she had asked

    11. wedding and sports, brimming with masala and thrill, still it left

    12. “By the brimming gorge of Bacchus, what are you babbling about?”

    13. After all, the world nowadays is brimming with

    14. Life was indeed brimming over with twists and turn, and that is

    15. Thus the train rattled and swayed on, brimming with joy and

    16. She looked up still clutching her tummy, her eyes brimming with tears

    17. The urge to bolt and run forever was brimming and wanted to boil over at any second

    18. And I can see my darling sister Wanda again, now free of debilitating old age and memory problems, Wanda as she was, brimming with life, caring for others, protecting the weak and vulnerable

    19. Hilderich was positively brimming with excitement, his eyes and face were lit up and he was actually rocking about his toes and heel

    20. Ursempyre’s interest was at once piqued by what he was seeing all around him: Four large glass columns like huge rods brimming with light, seemingly supporting the tall, wide rocky chamber

    21. It wasn't long before each trench was brimming with branches, ferns and wood

    22. In front of him now, he saw her brimming, questioning eyes glisten as she now turned slightly in his direction

    23. The ball room had almost been brimming with guests

    24. “Sorry,” she said, tears brimming in her eyes

    25. Sachie wiped back the tears that were brimming in her eyes and went downstairs

    26. She then sunk to her knees, her eyes brimming with tears

    27. The father looked at Hiro, his eyes brimming with tears

    28. brimming in her eyes

    29. “Cancer,” said the mother, her eyes brimming with tears

    30. I was just brimming with curiosity, my scientific mind applied in full force on the puzzle before me

    31. eyes were brimming with tears

    32. In spite of the heat, Simon’s mind is brimming with questions and finally he has to stop

    33. Chilled to the bone, but brimming with joy, I finally landed my fish

    34. ‘Perfect,’ she thought, they were brimming with food, smoked meats, cheese, oat cakes, all ideal for trail rations

    35. Sarah kept herself together the best, but her eyes were brimming with tears and she was too busy sneezing and coughing to do anything else

    36. He preaches with passionate reverence resulting in his church brimming each Sunday morning

    37. Rita leaned on me as her arms constricted around my neck as if threatening to crust my windpipe but her doting eyes were brimming with boundless joy

    38. Barefoot, naked and alone, each weekend he purged himself of the contamination of other people and returned to civilization brimming with self respect

    39. When he raised it, the Wishfish nodded, opaque eyes brimming with power

    40. “Who was he?” echoed the jesterfish with a coy smile and brimming eyes

    41. He was brimming with excitement and anticipation

    42. Mary looked back at him, eyes brimming with tears

    43. Finding the place brimming with life, in spite of the inconveniences, he saw the power of hope when man was free

    44. And at first glance the crypt seemed brimming with liquid fire, catching the early light with a million blazing facets

    45. By the 23rd, as the Sun enters your sign, you will be brimming with energy

    46. Having completed this transformation and brimming with

    47. 'Then my cup of happiness is brimming! But I will not hamper your escape

    48. These streets brimming with beaten, broken hearts;

    49. Lezura screamed, tears brimming her eyes

    50. hopefully – if you read the meaning of this word in any dictionary, it says, brimming with hope

    1. an edge that brims over with laughter

    2. The shaft into which the river hurls itself is an immense chasm, lined by glistening coal-black rock, and narrowing into a creaming, boiling pit of incalculable depth, which brims over and shoots the stream onward over its jagged lip

    3. Narrow-brimmed hats were royalist, and were called morillos; liberals wore hats with wide brims, which were called bolivars

    4. The apparatus may be made more efficacious, by drilling a series of small holes round the brims of the bell glasses or covers, so as to cause the gas, instead of passing round the brims in large bubbles, to divide itself into very small ones

    5. [74] Excepting, that the covers ought to be so depressed, as that their brims may be lower than the bottoms of the interior vessels over which they are placed respectively

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    Synonymes pour "brim"

    brim lip rim perimeter fringe brink edging circumference edge