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    but then exemples de phrases

    but then

    1. Jorma thought the Brazilian was more excited about that aluminum than he should be, but then he had heard that most of the people of YingolNeerie were very interested in money

    2. His nose confirmed that Herndon was not afraid to couple with a body haunted by an electric ghost, but then he was Yingolian also

    3. But then, I saw Tobias at the hospital offering to help rebuild and work as a transporter for medical supplies

    4. “Yeah, but then she started going steady with that Black fella

    5. But then they remembered that they were the Fourth Wall, and they backed down from nobody

    6. Hermann tried to cover his ears with his pillow, but then he was bothered by the sound of the whistling from his own nose

    7. For a moment, I just want to collapse here behind my ninja corpse wall, but then I hear Aiko

    8. Whenever I feel it vibrate, I race over to see if I caught something to eat, but then it’s always him just putzing around

    9. But then James's body began changing again

    10. He stammered and opened his mouth, but then shut it again and turned away

    11. " That sounded rather small, but then again, she had managed to dig up what happened to Tdeshi on a trail that was twenty decades old, this was only fourteen

    12. He’d bitch about his feet the whole time but then she’d talk bollocks about how they were going to live in a hot air balloon, raining cream puffs on the general population

    13. But then again, she had gone along with him without any qualms about handing the Chip over once they got it

    14. But then he was immediately proud of himself

    15. But then she remembered Tdeshi's vow to go a year, eighteen weeks, without sleep

    16. But then she really didn't know what info he had picked up since they split

    17. But then the shift bell rang and Frank knew it was time to clock out

    18. She was about to shout 'how dare you' but then remembered she was a half mile deep into his property

    19. They were confused at first, but then they saw his eyepatch and decided he was a toy

    20. 'How dreadfully Kassidorian of you,' she thought, but then realized how dreadfully Earthian she had been to him

    21. But then she started seeing some guy who worked for the EPA, and she ended up moving to DC with him

    22. The world was silent for a moment but then there came a footstep in the snow,

    23. But then he realized something else

    24. Estwig was about ten years beyond that now, but then Wootondi had been living in these trees for just about eleven years wasn't it? That would explain why Estwig was often so frank with her

    25. head and pleaded, but then the

    26. I was a smug bastard, but then it was nineteen seventy-six

    27. She felt a moment of terror flood through her, but then, just as

    28. but then that’s what you’re good at, I suppose

    29. Why they would disguise the aluminum as gold was strange, unless they were trying to hide its true value? But then why do such a bad job of it that you can see the aluminum thru the gold?"

    30. I thought I heard some foreign, you know? Like east European or something, but then I heard a voice that sounded English so I can't really tell you

    31. Pretty steady for a while as well, but then there was no activity for a long stretch and in the last 3 months she, or someone, has been withdrawing a couple of thousand at a time

    32. But then a grin came across his fat, pasty face

    33. But then the moon…The old man knew now that he was but moments away

    34. vanced knowledge, but then he has to wait while the superior power

    35. But then it was too late

    36. It was a gamble, but then, I told myself, life is a gamble

    37. ‘I got the thing to turn off and went back to bed, but then it went off again an hour and a half later

    38. But then, they'd need at least as much storage as a backup takes and even that can't be kept available for all the females in the Haad thru that one skinny trace

    39. For a fleeting moment I felt that my new life might just be bearable, but then the truth, as ever, hit home with vengeance

    40. But then, he thought about the history of the faith

    41. What follows next is dead silence, but then Sabrina speaks again, "Well, are you excited about the ceremony?" I cringe as I sense confusion coming from Apollo as he responds, "What ceremony?"

    42. I nodded but then realised that it was just a ritual response

    43. He shouldn't have said anything to Enrico, but then Enrico had admitted more to him hadn't he? Homosexuality was at least as important a crime as attempting to contact a wife

    44. It was true he hadn't been alert when he landed here, but then not many are alert while they sleep

    45. But then, what if the person who proposes to you wasn"t real y what you had in mind?

    46. He remembers she called him her son which was baffling at first, but then the pieces started fitting together

    47. But then, something catches his attention

    48. " He wants to lash out at her but then he notices her voice

    49. But then he realized that if he exterminated all the insects in the tiny oasis, he would have no protein at all

    50. But then, when you got a handle on things you realised that we were all mistakes

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