Utiliser "cacophonous" dans une phrase
cacophonous exemples de phrases
1. The cacophonous cracks, brilliant flashes of lightning and walls of pelting rain were on their way
2. Thrusting himself into the gash, he rode his partner until both achieved a corybantic, cacophonous orgasm
3. Sometimes all the vowels in turn are inserted into these cacophonous
4. to heal her cacophonous wounds
5. cacophonous din strained her severely frayed nerves
6. He often suffered extreme mental breakdowns caused by a denial of bathroom breaks and a total lack of sleep, going into maniacal, improvisatory rants for hours at a time while popping speed capsules like one-cent candies and banging objects against the wall in what he thought was musical rhythm but was actually a deafening cacophonous racket
7. This is why ignorance and apathy are the twin evils of infotainment society, but they are not so much the choice of the user as they are the production of a pliable consumer – a mind rendered herdable by the cacophonous din of infinite offers and “new information just in
8. A single act can commence a cacophonous cascade of consequences throughout vertical and horizontal connectivity
9. Every democratic system produces an expansion of voices whose unintegrated plurality creates cacophonous disorganization
10. “What is that?” Something akin to the cacophonous ancient dial-up connection incisor tore the blackhole reflection I was bouncing between, and from a tear, that voice again chipping away at my isolated sanctuary
11. uttered those words, cacophonous rumblings were heard emanating from a distance