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    Utiliser "campion" dans une phrase

    campion exemples de phrases


    1. The chequerboard tile-work path is cracked and overgrown with tufts of new grass, the pale, washed-out petals of long dead hydrangea flowers and the straggling, early season buds of pink Campion

    2. The first outbreaks of Campion are scattering their pink flower heads like the talents of cheap tarts on a bank holiday weekend, and their first, early seed pods are breaking open, the vanguard to their annual invasion of the field edge

    3. Campion, Henry Holt, NY 1949

    4. The same thing happens to daughters, and director Jane Campion, in her

    5. They went slowly along the foot of the bank, pushing in and out of the clumps of red campion and ragged robin

    6. It would certainly need an enterprising officer -- Captain Campion perhaps -- for patrols seldom crossed the iron road, and the wet country beyond

    7. He would have gone himself, but with the recent disciplinary troubles in the warren he could not take the risk; and Campion could hardly be spared just now

    8. " Campion meant the crossing point of the two bridle paths, which was about fifty yards away, among the trees

    9. Campion accompanied the General

    10. rabbit, heavy but alert, with a rugged, seasoned appearance and the look of a Woundwort saw at once what Campion had meant

    11. " The stranger reared up and aimed a heavy cuff at "Fight, can you? Could you fight him?" said Woundwort, looking at Campion

    12. Campion, who leaped back just in time

    13. Campion caught him and at every morning and evening silflay, as an example to the others

    14. If necessary, the Owslafa could be alerted in almost no time at all and so could Captain Campion, or whatever officer might be patrolling the outskirts of the warren

    15. He ran like mad, but Campion had got the alarm, you see, and he simply moved round and intercepted him further down the fields

    16. I have been there, but on these ordinary circuit patrols I'm really looking nearer "Not very often," answered Campion

    17. His which Captain Campion turned into a seagull and flew screaming over the river, until he woke in panic: and dozed again, to see Captain Chervil driving Blackavar field, aware of all that passed from one end of the world to the other, brooded the before him toward a shining wire in the grass

    18. Even if he managed to do so, would Hazel be able to bring the rabbits a second time? Perhaps they had already been spotted by Campion on patrol? To speak to Blackavar would be suspect

    19. It was a safe bet that Campion and his patrol would not be out in weather like this

    20. Bigwig had been half expecting Campion to appear and had made up his mind to kill him if necessary

    21. But now that he actually saw him at his side, disregarding the storm and the mud, self-possessed as he led his patrol, no more than four strong, into the thick of a pack of desperate runaways, he could feel only what a pity it was that the two of them should be enemies and how much he would have liked to have taken Campion with him out of Efrafa

    22. A little way downstream, Campion and his patrol had emerged from the bushes and were coming up the path

    23. "That's Captain Campion

    24. "Well, I've heard of you, Campion

    25. " "You may think that," replied Campion, "but you'll find it's otherwise

    26. They saw Campion look upward nervously and another of the patrol glanced back to the cover of the bushes

    27. "What you're saying is stupid," said Hazel to Campion

    28. Campion that other rabbits might straggle more widely

    29. Campion and his patrol looked at them in silence but made no move

    30. In the middle of this, with a dramatic effect that could not have been better timed the report that they had met Thlayli and his rabbits exactly where Woundwort from the General's point of view, Campion and his patrol came in, dead beat, with had said they would

    31. Having learned from Campion that he had actually come face to face with Thlayli, Blackavar and the rest, he decided to wait some little while, in case they might be on their guard

    32. To satisfy himself that they could do this and still be fit to fight when they arrived, he took Campion and two others, and himself covered the three and a half miles to the down east of Watership

    33. The remainder, under Campion, could have a day's rest and then make their way back with the does and any other prisoners there might be

    34. The slope The place was deserted, except for yellowhammers and a few mice pattering was already in shadow when Campion came running down with the news that he had come face to face with Blackavar and Holly in the upper part of the combe

    35. away and was explaining to Campion what he was to do

    36. Woundwort told Campion to post sentries and keep a patrol round about, while Vervain and Groundsel tackled the blocked holes

    37. As the moon rose, he called Campion in and talked it over with him

    38. " "Captain Mallow did it," said Campion

    39. When Campion came in, he reported that he had seen three rabbits running away over the down to the north

    40. " He came out on the bank, where Campion and Vervain were waiting

    41. "Best of luck, sir," said Campion

    42. "Run!" cried Campion, stamping

    43. with nothing but shivering agreement when he said that he was sure that they Campion, crouching in a patch of nettles with Vervain and four or five more, met ought to leave at once this dangerous place, where they had already stayed far too long

    44. was, all his skill as a patroller could not bring home half of those who had come to Without Campion, probably not one rabbit would have got back to Efrafa

    45. They were not fit rabbits -- no more -- who set off with Campion, some time before ni-Frith, to try to cover the distance by nightfall: and before long they had worse to face than beyond, the rumor spread that the terrible General Woundwort and his Owsla their own fatigue and low spirits

    46. "He'll turn up one of these days, Campion as quickly as you'd run down to the iron tree and back

    47. Twilly told Cindy that he already had a contract from his publisher to do the unauthorized biography of Michael Campion when, suddenly, Michael disappeared

    48. “A great deal is known about the life of Michael Campion

    49. On the night of January twenty-first, Michael Campion, an eighteen-year-old boy, went to the home of the defendant, Junie Moon—and he was never seen again

    50. Moon met Michael Campion because she’s a prostitute

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