Utiliser "carbon paper" dans une phrase
carbon paper exemples de phrases
carbon paper
1. In those days we had progressed past carbon paper but were a long way away from computers
2. Here's what I need: 1 box of #10 business envelopes 500 count, 1 box of 9 x 12 manila clasp envelopes 100 count, 2 dozen yellow only legal pads, and 50 sheets of good typing carbon paper
3. The following is a list of what I need: 1 box #10 envelopes (500), 12 yellow legal pads without staples, 1 box of 9 x 12 manila envelopes, carbon paper and 20 16 x 21 manila envelopes to mail 15 x 20 paintings
4. We make copies of every single entry using carbon paper, one copy for the guest, the other to be added to our impressive collection
5. For the lucky few that are too young to remember carbon paper: it’s a mysterious blue foil that was much used in the 20th century
6. It was a two-bedroom unit, an L whose arms embraced her studio next door, yet the mess in the living room testified to his bachelorhood: loose typewriter ribbons and carbon papers, mountains of old magazines, terminal moraines of LPs jutting from the walls