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    Utiliser "carter" dans une phrase

    carter exemples de phrases


    1. An hour later, the carter dropped her off outside the stonemason’s yard where he worked

    2. In Lives Without Balance, Steven Carter and Judith Sokol (Villard

    3. As Carter and Sokol explain, “There is usually a reason why we chose

    4. It was lying face down so he could not see who it was but it did not take him long to work out that it had to be Jeffrey Carter

    5. On hearing of this, Secretary of State Warren Christopher (a Carter holdover) informed the Haitians that, should something like this again occur, we would bring the full weight of our diplomacy to bear

    6. These two monsters applied and extended the horrendous Community Reinvestment Act, passed under the aegis of the Reprehensible Carter and extended under the equally reprehensible Clinton, forcing Fannie May and Freddie Mack to make sub par loans that anybody with common sense would know couldn"t be repaid

    7. And all thanks to the machinations of Jimmy Carter and his Democrat-controlled Congress which in 1975 made into law the Community Reinvestment Act, the most asinine piece of federal legislation ever made into law

    8. Avatar for Jimmy Carter

    9. And then, to go on and amass a fortune (several millions) as a director of Fannie May, while that organization and Freddie Mack were on their last legs, thanks to the egregious Community Reinvestment Act, fostered by Carter, and strengthened by Clinton, lays her bare as one of the most devastating females in power in all of American history

    10. Thus: In a recent speech, Jimmy Carter said the following words

    11. Primarily because of the activism and the injection of working at the Carter Center and in international affairs, and to some degree, domestic affairs, on energy conservation, on environment, and things of that kind…

    12. And the Carter Center has decided, under my leadership, to fill the vacuums in the world

    13. And then there is the not insignificant appointment by Jimmy Carter of retired admiral Stansfield Turner to head the agency

    14. Carter appointee Boyce F

    15. Think about the high ranking executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack who earned (or embezzled) millions while, thanks to Chris Dodd in the senate and Barney Frank in the House, the two government-backed corporations were taking a nosedive due to the strict (Democrat) implementation of the Community Reinvestment Act, passed under the egregious Jimmy Carter, and expanded and implemented under the equally egregious Bill Clinton

    16. I suppose, rather than compare Obama to Lincoln, or FDR, or even to the inept Jimmy Carter, the most appropriate comparison would be to Chauncey Gardner, the character portrayed by Peter Sellers in the movie „Being There

    17. A plain, rough-looking woman named simply Carter

    18. Millicent’s opponent today was named Karina Carter

    19. So Carter it was, slapped across a poor quality photograph of her with a scowl in her eyes

    20. The curtains at the far end of the hall opened and Carter walked out

    21. Raven knew he should be supporting Carter, knew he should respect that strength and courage, but no matter how hard he tried, he found himself rooting for Millicent

    22. She was on Carter like a wildcat, biting, kicking, tearing chunks from her in a frenzy

    23. Carter was still holding her ground, but everybody knew she was ill-fated

    24. As she was waiting for Carter to pull herself up, Millicent glanced up, over Alexia’s head, to where her brother sat

    25. The fight was progressing quickly now, and Carter was going to lose

    26. It was the first time Raven had seen Millicent’s face since her fight against Carter, and he shuddered when her face filled the screen

    27. How would it happen? Would he strangle him? Snap his neck? Pummel his head as his sister had done to Carter? Whatever happened, Raven wanted it to happen now, because the waiting was more torturous

    28. Bill Clinton is a disgrace to America, and perhaps the second worst American President (a tie with Jimmy Carter?)

    29. He thought it more likely that Carter had played the bigger role, but Jackson

    30. ruthlessness that had made her so feared by the Unity and so vaunted by Carter and Jackson

    31. Collier, Carter, Wilson, Richards, Gabriel – if any of them had survived instead, none of this would have happened

    32. Patti took me out to the Atwater Medical Group where I saw a Doctor Carter

    33. Doctor Carter gave me some powerful antibiotic that I took for ten days

    34. Carter laid down the letter he had been reading, and took up

    35. Carter, that that letter is dated three weeks ago

    36. Carter had found Skiddles in the country a year and a

    37. Carter had shoved him forward,

    38. Carter hated the sight of

    39. Carter looked at them with his irritation softening

    40. Carter, "I guess I'll just go round and"--he was about to add," have a look at that dog," but fearful of raising suspicion, he ended--"and see Bill

    41. Carter, "I could not be so foolish

    42. Carter put Skiddles down and walked slowly into the inner room

    43. Carter? Where was he?"

    44. Tony Carter has been skillfully designing and making collectable teapots with his wife Anita and their team since 1978

    45. On ex-President James Earl Carter: The expression ―useful idiot‖ oftentimes comes to mind as it relates to Mr

    46. But in the end, both Ford and Carter decided the goodwill of a dictatorship was worth more than saving tens of thousands, perhaps more, Asian lives

    47. I could have correctly reminded this gentleman that former president James Earl Carter, who as president, influenced the ideological composition of our nation‘s federal courts, was a professed ―born-again Christian‖, a Baptist, but why trouble ourselves with such ―minor‖ details

    48. Carter stepped through the main door again and slammed it shut behind him

    49. Reagan Democrats, a vital voting bloc that spear-headed his unexpected victory over presidential incumbent James Earl Carter, should not be casually dismissed as an electoral anomaly lest we forget Richard M

    50. Ford and Carter were the only US presidents until Obama to not expand or use bio-chemical weapons

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    carter james earl carter james earl carter jr. jimmy carter president carter howard carter