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    Utiliser "catch up" dans une phrase

    catch up exemples de phrases

    catch up

    1. "I think Venna needs to catch up on some sleep

    2. We have to catch up with her," Herndon said, "That's our only chance

    3. Johnny trailed Nancy, trying to quickly dodge the students faster than she was so he could catch up to her

    4. "We have to catch up with her," Herndon said, "That's our only chance

    5. I lean against the cupboards, half my brain trying to catch up

    6. He could catch up with Tahlmute

    7. Enough to catch up on 6 months mortgage arrears in one go, get the debt collectors off his back

    8. You've been busy studying the planet too, there's a lot to catch up on there

    9. "Too much to catch up on there, I'm just following the details of the evolutionary sequence, that's been my study

    10. ’ I said, my voice cracking as my emotions catch up now that the pressure is off to a large extent

    11. "They’ll never catch up with Hardway and the rest of them

    12. We’ll catch up once this play is over

    13. I relate this to Amy when I phone her for our usual catch up call, which is a mistake as I rapidly discover

    14. "What’s our ETA to the terminus? Will they catch up before we make it?"

    15. He stopped and waited for her to catch up, joined arms with her

    16. While there is nothing wrong with having usually catch up with them at the clubhouse later and their fruit and sipping on energy drinks, skip the water on the first advice has been pretty useful

    17. catch upon the candle flame and snap

    18. His mind was trying to play catch up

    19. The chance that he would actually catch up with them was too remote to contemplate, but as there was nothing else he could do that made any sense at all, it gave him a goal

    20. ‘Yes … it would also be a good idea for you to spend the morning in bed – catch up on some sleep

    21. However, she responds to my instruction and, at a steady canter, allows Adamant to catch up with us

    22. About a half hour later, as they headed east to catch up with Jake, the sky above was suddenly filled with the lost 300; they had laid a trap and now sprung it

    23. By the time I catch up with Sefir, Berndt has settled her in a makeshift stall, hobbling her more from the point of view of preventing her doing herself any damage than anything else, as he assures me quickly

    24. We shook hands, waved to each other and then I ran to catch up with my chauffeur

    25. It’s not that I don’t want Alastair here … dear God, never that … but it’s all happened so very fast that I haven’t had time to catch up with myself

    26. How was your trip to North Wales?’ She starts telling me about it but a voice from her house calls out ‘Mum!’ and with a sigh she turns, promising that we will get together for a catch up session soon

    27. Manolis wrapped blankets around his shoulders and I went outside to catch up with Alexis

    28. 'I've seen the way you guys look at each other,' he said as he tried to catch up

    29. to catch up on my reading while the children took

    30. I was wounded and could not catch up with the hunting party, and the wounds would not allow me to send a message

    31. "And it'll be nice to catch up with Maggie

    32. Maggie and Bex hit the catch up button

    33. through the kitchen door, hurrying to catch up with the young

    34. hesitated a moment, but then ran to catch up with

    35. for a few seconds, before hurrying to catch up with the others

    36. Petr spurred his horse to catch up with the others

    37. There was also no opportunity to catch up with either Bram or

    38. back bitter tears and ran to catch up with the

    39. Tom found himself stumbling along the same track, trying to catch up

    40. All of them were always so tardy to meetings that they often had to hold them during sleeps and the interlocking positions let them hold two or three meetings at once to catch up

    41. “I’ll catch up with you lads later on, then,” Tom said to the other

    42. You can catch up on some of those invoices now, Sally

    43. Billy wonders, as he struggles to catch up with the man who has given him this gift of death, whether he will ever be able to stop the music in his head

    44. Billy plods on regardless, just grateful that he can catch up with Alex

    45. Unbelievable! Most of my fellow commuters don’t even realise it is there; they never look out of the windows but bury their noses in the newspapers, or talk on their mobiles trying to sound important, or just sit there with their eyes closed trying to catch up on their sleep

    46. Looks as though you’re going to have the day to myself tomorrow – maybe you could catch up on the cleaning and deal with the washing; don’t know how you stand the excitement

    47. He could only get bathroom duty on this lugger, but it was a start on their quest to catch up with Tahlmute in the Gengee

    48. ‘Mmmm … it was nice to catch up with Mel

    49. Roman walked in, his reluctant steps seeming never to catch up to mine

    50. “I’m grabbing warmer clothes, I’ll catch up with you,” Desa said as she swung over the fence

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