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    chambermaid exemples de phrases


    1. “The queen has requested that you be assigned as her personal chambermaid

    2. During the meal Zarko announced that he and Helez were betrothed and that his bride-to-be would be more than willing to be the queen’s personal chambermaid until they got married

    3. The queen was delighted that Helez was to be her personal chambermaid and they chatted about everything of womanly interest

    4. Since she’d moved into the palace to be the queen’s personal chambermaid she had seen his good and bad moods

    5. I wanted to get into hospitality, so I worked as a chambermaid while I studied part-time

    6. Though she had no doubts as to the security of the precious stone in the room since the chambermaid had already turned down the bed and drawn the curtains, there was no need to take any chances, especially in a foreign country where the authorities may not be as diligent as Scotland Yard in their endeavours

    7. The curtains were already drawn either by the chambermaid or by Terence to keep her state of rest as undisturbed as possible from the bright flashes of lightning

    8. Terence disappeared into the foyer and opened the door to find the chambermaid preparing to enter

    9. “Oh, yes’um,” the chambermaid replied with conviction

    10. The chambermaid disappeared into the parlour to dispose of the tray on her cart then returned with several sets of fresh towels for the bathroom

    11. After a long pause during which the chambermaid waited quietly as she wondered whether to pose the question again, Faye said, “No, I’m fine for the time being

    12. “I got more to tell,” the chambermaid said as though her story was a secret

    13. Faye walked by the chambermaid into the dressing room to admire her reflection in the cheval mirror

    14. Faye leaned back in the chair while the chambermaid finished then said, “That’s highly interesting

    15. The pounding in Faye’s head subsided as the chambermaid arose and offered her assistance in helping her to her feet

    16. “It was him then,” the chambermaid said with a click of her tongue to display her approval

    17. “Going out, ma’am?” the chambermaid inquired

    18. Surprised to find the bed empty with no indication of a person having occupied it since the chambermaid had made it earlier, he glanced over his shoulder towards the dressing room and bathroom only to find that both were dark

    19. “I got here shortly after you left and found the chambermaid on the third floor

    20. “Lord have mercy!” the robust chambermaid shrieked, startled by the unanticipated and abrupt action

    21. The chambermaid, with a frightened expression still obvious on her face, held her hand to her chest as if the shock was too great

    22. The chambermaid hesitantly stepped inside the foyer and clenched her hands tightly as if she feared she had done something dreadfully wrong that could result in her dismissal from this wonderful place

    23. “What time was that?” Feltus pressed, knowing that the chambermaid was not intelligent enough or willing to offer any supplementary information

    24. If that had been arranged, it would require the assistance of a member of the hotel staff, most like a chambermaid, but as he watched Lida Bell’s reactions to his questions he realized that she could not possibly have done something so crude without having bragged to her coworkers about the “compensation” she would undoubtedly have received

    25. The other option was that the killer had personally made the necessary arrangement of opening the windows, perhaps entering the suite while Underwood was at dinner and leaving before his return; it would not arouse any suspicion in Underwood’s mind as such a duty could be attributed to the helpful hands of the chambermaid

    26. She’s a chambermaid there and says she recognized Spalding’s picture in the paper

    27. “A chambermaid at the Four Oaks remembers Max Spalding having visited the place on several occasions

    28. And he only lets his closest lackeys anywhere near, unless you’re Grulla the chambermaid or one of the two pageboys who carry him his bathwater

    29. 'With the aid of the chambermaid I have removed two of them into the passage,' said Gertrud, buttoning me into my coat

    30. The chambermaid said that in four weeks' time' --she stopped and scanned my face

    31. It had a locked door leading into another bedroom which was occupied, said the chambermaid, by a quiet lady who would make no noise

    32. While I was talking, the quiet lady in the next room began to talk too, apparently to the chambermaid, for she talked of hot water

    33. The quiet lady, continuing, told the chambermaid to let down the sun-blinds, and the note in her voice that had struck me was no longer there

    34. He’d observed the stage plays, had seen Adorno attempt to rape a chambermaid, and then, after a moment of his own impotence, he’d ordered the poor girl beaten nearly to death

    35. 'A chambermaid was strangled

    36. For he had grown to be a man, and was about to be immersed in things--as indeed the chambermaid, emptying his basin upstairs, fingering keys, studs, pencils, and bottles of tabloids strewn on the dressing-table, was aware

    37. For about seven or eight years the little tavern had been kept by a man and his wife, with two servants,—a chambermaid named Trinette, and a hostler called Pecaud

    38. The chambermaid, Elaine, came hurrying down the stairs

    39. No one would have thought that red-haired Bridget Flaherty, who had a sun-defying white skin and a brogue that could be cut with a butter knife, had stolen her father’s hidden hoard to come to America to be chambermaid in a New York hotel

    40. Containing sev’ral Dialogues concerning Fate, Poesy, and the Relations betwixt the Sexes, as well as other Intercourse of a more sensual Nature (because of which the Modest Reader is advis’d to pass o’er this Chapter unread), which our Heroine had with Miss Polly Mudge, Chambermaid, Mr

    41. I had spoken haughtily to Polly the Chambermaid, and watch’d her blush and bow and flutter, as I myself had flutter’d before Lord Bellars once

    42. John Cleland’s scandalous Book, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, for which he stole my History, e’en my Christian Name; but being a Man, and a Man of very Eccentrick Understanding and Questionable Parts at that, he could not but sentimentalize my History, giving me an humble, unlearnt Country Childhood (with Parents conveniently carried off by the Pox) and claiming that I met Mother Coxtart (whom he calls Brown—thus confusing her with another venerable Abbess of the Day) at a Registry Office where I had supposedly gone to seek a Place as a Chambermaid

    43. Just then we heard a Key turn in the Lock, and who should appear but Mother Coxtart, dress’d in her Morning Finery, follow’d by a Chambermaid

    44. The Chambermaid carried a Pitcher of Water and a Wash-Bowl, which she now placed upon the Washstand

    45. ” And she swept out of the Room like the Queen of France, with the Chambermaid following her

    46. The Chambermaid curtsey’d and left; she return’d soon after with fresh Clothes for me and for the Babe, informing me that Lady Bellars would see me in her Chamber as soon as I could make myself ready

    47. I had my Way with her, thinking there would be as little Consequence as when a Great Lord takes his Pleasure with a Chambermaid

    48. Whereupon she continu’d: “But alas, the sweet Babe, Mary, dy’d in her third Month, of a Fever, and Joan, who was mortally afraid of being charged with Witchcraft—for she liv’d alone and practis’d Healing and Wet-nursing, having lost her own Babe—substituted another Child, who was the poor abandon’d Babe of a Chambermaid transported to the Plantations for Theft after her Lying-in

    49. “No Chambermaid was my mother! Ye lye!”

    50. There he had for servants, in addition to the porter, that chambermaid, Nicolette, who had succeeded to Magnon, and that short-breathed and pursy Basque, who have been mentioned above

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    Synonymes pour "chambermaid"

    chambermaid fille de chambre maid handmaid domestic