Utiliser "changeless" dans une phrase
changeless exemples de phrases
1. nalize a transient thing — only the changeless is eternal
2. ‘I-am-so-and-so’ obscures the changeless state of pure aware-
3. But changes by themselves cannot bring us to the changeless,
4. M: It is timeless and changeless
5. Changeless Reality, which makes the changeful possible
6. But what is changeless must be one with whatever
7. The real is changeless
8. It is the changeless reality itself
9. Q: The changeless cannot be conscious
10. The changeless leaves no trace in conscious-
11. no need of a changeless background to notice changes
12. The ‘I am’ is the only changeless factor I am conscious of;
13. yourself to be the changeless witness of the changeful mind
14. ing while the changeless is waiting
15. doned, the changeless can come into its own
16. And lighting the proud eyes with changeless light,
17. It is the one constant thing in our individual lives other than the constant changeless God
18. But in an ever-changing universe the Original Personality of causation, intelligence, and spirit experience is changeless, absolute
19. The Most High is changeless ; and he is our helper in every time of need
20. He is the supreme refuge of the universe and the changeless guardian of everlasting law
21. " Personality is basically changeless; that which changes -- grows -- is the moral character
22. Our Father in Paradise is changeless
23. Prayer does not change the divine attitude toward man, but it does change man's attitude toward the changeless Father
24. The dead man strode straight on, looking neither to right nor left, his pace as changeless as the tramp of doom
25. What is changeless and immortal is not individual body mind, but, rather, that Mind which is shared with all existence, that stillness, that incipience which never ceases because it never becomes but simply IS
26. tions are changeless and eternal
27. But Krishn refutes this later by asserting that Self alone is the changeless and eternal Sanatan Dharm
28. believes, with the destruction of a family, not only its traditions but also its changeless, everlasting dharm is destroyed
29. Perfect subjugation of the mind, so that it can be changeless, firm, and constant, and the dissolution of the last sanskar,
30. following the dictates of the Self until he is one with the Supreme Spirit, we have nothing that is worthy of being described as changeless and
31. fold of Sanatan Dharm-the changeless and eternal
32. It is the Self that is changeless, constant, eternal, and unmanifest
33. changeless reality, and desire neither the unobtained nor the obtained; so
34. the Ved, achieves a changeless and constant existence within the being
35. tradictory teachings of the Ved, 11 achieves the state of steady contemplation of God, it will become changeless and constant, and then he will
36. The full and changeless ocean assimilates all the rivers that flow viol-
37. manifest, changeless, and indestructible
38. one changeless God alone is the final destruction of evil
39. the all-pervading, pre-eminent, changeless God
40. God alone is changeless
41. Since truth is one, eternal, and changeless, as a corollary ALL SAGES
42. The spirit of a thing is that thing; it is necessarily fixed, changeless, and eternal
43. If this were not so, it would not be reliable; all principles are changeless
44. At dinner it was Vera who smiled, her changeless little strangled smile, with her eyes on Lucy
45. Scientists tell us that when nuclear fusion occurs within stars and the Sun, neutrinos - subatomic changeless mass-less particles - are produced
46. But, if thou wear this form through mere passing conjuration, then resume thy former aspect!" Changeless and hopeless, the tumbrils roll along
47. So riveted and intense had been that gaze, and so changeless his attitude, that a stranger might not have told the living from the dead, but for the occasional gleamings of a troubled spirit, that shot athwart the dark visage of one, and the deathlike calm that had forever settled on the lineaments of the other
48. Every leaf was at rest in the sunshine, the familiar scene was changeless, and seemed to represent the prospect of her life, full of motiveless ease—motiveless, if her own energy could not seek out reasons for ardent action
49. And so it was I found myself, whenever I fled encounters with the two destroyers, film director and Whale, searching the Dublin streets for the beggar woman and her changeless babe
50. I printed it once more on my eyes, south, west, and north, and then we hurried away from the permanent and changeless past where my mother is always shooting a wildcat and my father is always burning his name with his love