Utiliser "characterization" dans une phrase
characterization exemples de phrases
1. Nonsense! (If, however, this an accurate characterization, just what does that tell us about Enlightenment philosophers?) His form of German idealism, involving as it must, complete subservience to the State, as manifest in the spirit of history, goes beyond the boundary of the civilized and prepares the way for Karl Marx
2. Lenin"s characterization of those in the capitalist countries who would provide the ropes that would hang them
3. Political Correctness has accelerated this admonitory process by its simplistic characterization of individuals or groups; by not only disregarding the complexity of singular viewpoints but by challenging the moral and intellectual foundation of the individuals expressing them
4. Of course, this was very similar to the characterization of the original opponents of the theory, as they attempted to indicate that this is what Darwin’s theory demanded belief in, which was totally opportunistic nonsense
5. Both he and his mother, the regent queen, were not as vulnerable to such characterization
6. Characterization of the Products of the Clay Mineral Thermal Reactions during Pulverization Coal Combustion in Order to Study the Coal Slagging Propensity
7. Gandhi”, the author has illustrated events in his life from the perception of characterization and evolution of becoming a Mahatma on a personal note
8. characterization of the coming movie
9. He'd read through a story and write down those things that stood out the most, such as characterization, plot, setting, and so forth
10. I told him, "I don't appreciate your characterization when I was just getting strangled
11. That would explain the senior agent’s characterization of Nancy as a ‘bitch’
12. trounced by a psychopath - and yes, I'm quite sure that characterization
13. Maybe Gerald would really believe my crazy characterization of David
14. * NIMBY (an acronym for the phrase “Not In My Back Yard”), or Nimby, is a pejorative characterization of opposition by residents to a proposal for a new development because it is close to them, often with the connotation that such residents believe that the developments are needed in society but should be further away
15. ‘I picked it up at the Higginbotham’s to keep my anxiety at bay,’ she said, giving him a banana, ‘I read a couple of stories, but I felt the characterization was poor
16. Clearly this isn't a practically useful characterization: how could we build such a machine?
17. Alarcónmay have had in mind Hamlet's characterization of
18. "The use of an improper characterization
19. characterization of him as a man aflame with a divine
20. This designates that it is used as a characterization or a likeness symbol for another symbol and not a
21. This is an accurate characterization of all earthly empires
22. To color something as a method of portrayal, whether truthfully or falsely, but specifically as an intended characterization of the nature of the target
23. both the ten horns and name (description and characterization) of blasphemy (lies about God) on its seven heads
24. Planet Earth and the characterization of your deeds and results
25. characterization for the philosophical aspect described by the Seven Spirits of Good is feminine
26. characterization for the philosophical aspect described by the Seven Spirits of God/Good is feminine
27. The best examples are the characterization of wisdom and
28. truthfully or falsely, but specifically as an intended characterization of the nature of the target
29. both the ten horns and name (description and characterization) of blasphemy (lies about God) on its
30. They provide not only a setting, but also a permanent fixture that can sometimes be an important pivot point for characterization as well as an objective correlative for the lives of the characters in those series
31. The President has had a full report of these and has asked me to repeat that he believes that the effect of our proposal is quite the opposite of your characterization of it and that it will indeed achieve the mutual objective for which we have both been striving
32. ” Aspects of my characterization of Chuck Day are based on my conversation with his daughter, Kris Day
33. But this encompassment of her own characterization, based on shreds of convention, peopled by phantoms and voices antipathetic to her, was a sorry and mistaken creation of Tess's fancy—a cloud of moral hobgoblins by which she was terrified without reason
34. 1 is Lindsay’s characterization of the recurring pattern of each of three long cycles he believed the market exhibited between 1798 and 1949
35. Then he instructed the jury that the witness’s characterization of Mr
36. rats: further characterization and effects of apomorphine and cholecystokinin
37. further characterization and effects of apomorphine and cholecystokinin
38. The characterization of addiction as a maladaptive learning-related phenomenon
39. ” She had told Kazan that she was bored with the roles she was playing because so many of them had been basically the same kind of empty-headed characterization
40. ” O’Shaughnessy’s characterization of value and growth investors is consistent with the styles of our master investors profiled in the previous chapter
41. [In the work of art, on the other hand, the author’s reactions to particular self-manifestations on the part of the hero are founded on his unitary reaction to the whole of the hero: all particular self-manifestations of the hero have significance for the characterization of his whole as moments or constituent features of it
42. Phillips depends for the success of his narrative rather upon theme and plot than upon style and characterization; not that these two elements are slighted, or that they are not skillfully and masterfully handled, but that one feels that they are purposely subordinated to the subject-matter and to interest in the development of the tale
43. It is a very strong tale, full of color, with a consistently developed plot, constructed with a fine sense of proportion and vivid characterization, except in one respect, which constitutes the weak point of the story—that is to say, the character of Dick Lawton, who is somewhat priggish and altogether disappointing