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    Utiliser "chastity" dans une phrase

    chastity exemples de phrases


    1. He knew he could not go on with a pledge of chastity to Desa, he knew how extremist that was in this society by now

    2. There are also Christian orders whose members take severe vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience

    3. Every part of their education tends evidently to some useful purpose ; either to improve the natural attractions of their person, or to form their mind to reserve, to modesty, to chastity, and to economy ; to render them both likely to became the mistresses of a family, and to behave properly when they have become such

    4. Chastity! And we

    5. And with Chastity the seat of the Church, those points will be

    6. to Chastity,” he said; but he knew she was very serious, knew it was all part of that dark mystery of

    7. us to Chastity, doctor!” That seemed to speak for itself

    8. “Taking us to Chastity because she believes it’s the best way to go,” N’robo said

    9. “You were actually in orbit about Chastity?” the second officer, Erin Chen, was asking as

    10. yellow-gold, while Chastity was indicated by a tiny blue sphere

    11. to Chastity or whipping around the far side of Messiah

    12. surprising, since Chastity was the center of the Unity universe

    13. the sun, towards Chastity and the stronghold of the Unity fleet

    14. Chastity was ahead, with surely a strong enough defense to give even Jhordel pause

    15. of Chastity, and another three coming in behind us from the transit point

    16. faced with having to get beyond Chastity

    17. “We’re far too close to the sun and Chastity

    18. couldn’t, even Admiralty would never have dared allow her to venture so close to Chastity at this

    19. It was their only option, because they couldn’t phase-shift again so close to Chastity and

    20. was surprised to hear himself say this, after all his criticism of her decision to go to the Chastity

    21. Elizabeth had passed it off as wanting to enjoy lunch at the Weisse Hirsch, as a change from the Kummersfeld mess hall food, but Boysen, who saw protecting the reputations and chastity of her charges as a special mission, made no secret of her skepticism

    22. ” I think she even wore a chastity belt - well not really the chastity belt, but you get the idea

    23. has seen your righteous dealing, he has seen also your chastity, which you have had ever since your youth

    24. in poverty, chastity and obedience — to give them a chance to

    25. The opposite of these sins are; chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness and humility

    26. The word ‘virtuous’ means more than chastity, it means being worthy, dutiful, praiseworthy, capable and excellent

    27. 32 For your voice is heard before the most High for the Mighty has seen your righteous dealing he has seen also your chastity which you have had ever since your youth

    28. Do you wish to know who are the others which fell near the waters but could not be rolled into them? These are they who have heard the word and wish to be baptized in the name of the Lord; but when the chastity demanded by the truth comes into their recollection they draw back and again walk after their own wicked desires

    29. One of them is called Simplicity another Guilelessness another Chastity another Intelligence another Love

    30. For from Faith arises Self-restraint; from Self-restraint Simplicity; from Simplicity Guilelessness; from Guilelessness Chastity; from Chastity Intelligence; and from Intelligence Love

    31. Give ear unto me O Sons: I have brought you up in much simplicity and guilelessness and chastity on account of the mercy of the Lord who has dropped His righteousness down on you that you may be made righteous and holy from all your iniquity and depravity; but you do not wish to rest from your iniquity

    32. "I charge you" said he "to guard your chastity and let no thought enter your heart of another man's wife or of fornication or of similar iniquities; for by doing this you commit a great sin

    33. When therefore he ascends into your heart forthwith he talks to you of righteousness purity chastity contentment and of every righteous deed and glorious virtue

    34. Let us direct our wives to that which is good; 7 let them show out the lovely habit of chastity and exhibit the pure disposition of meekness

    35. “After a great deal of experience it seems to me that those who want to become passive resisters for the service of the country have to observe perfect chastity, adopt poverty, follow truth, and cultivate fearlessness

    36. Chastity, which is pleasing to God, is not limited only to the purity of the body, which does not express

    37. True chastity is a revelation of the total surrender of the monastic to God

    38. Chastity is connected and cultivated in an ascetic atmosphere and state of mind, which presupposes effort, and is followed by the consolation of the

    39. Certainly, this consolation is not the purpose of chastity, but merely an aid toward the union with God

    40. Chastity is an expression of great love for Christ

    41. But, the higher the price Gautam was prepared to pay to keep his wife’s chastity intact; all the more it furthered Vivek’s resolve to rob her of the same

    42. But, should he let his deprivation affect him and thus turn into an awkward individual, then she wouldn’t know what the future held in store for her chastity

    43. When it dawned on him that Manian’s deceit did not put his head on the block and instead placed the chastity of his wife on the line, he wondered whether fate was considerate or cruel towards him

    44. ‘Wouldn’t a chance rape rob me of my chastity any way? Then, how could a one-night stand with his consent dent my fidelity! Besides, won’t it be stupid for us to go back to square one to uphold a questionable virtue nurtured by notion? Anyway, it’s up to him to decide

    45. As the guardians of the caste chastity brayed for the polluted blood, the transgressors’ parents were pushed into a corner to extricate from which they unequivocally condemned the crime

    46. Blinded by greed, he saw no value in chastity in today's world and for all he knew, he said, it was never the case

    47. the women and better ensuring chastity)

    48. Tired of throwing out so many empty brandy and champagne bottles so that they would not clutter up the house and at the same time intrigued by the fact that the newlyweds slept at different times and in separate rooms while the fireworks and music and the slaughtering of cattle went on, Úrsula remem-bered her own experience and wondered whether Fer-nanda might have a chastity belt too which would sooner or later provoke jokes in the town and give rise to a tragedy

    49. And in "Amadeus" Salieri became so DISAPPOINTED in God after he had offered his chastity and his industry to God so that he could

    50. · To corrupt, to violate the chastity of, deflower

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    celibacy chastity sexual abstention sexual morality virtue purity virginity decency