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    Utiliser "cheerfully" dans une phrase

    cheerfully exemples de phrases


    1. “Honestly Aldous, that horrid man is SO AGGRAVATING! I HAVE to marry him!” Sam allowed himself an uncertain smile at the shrieks of laughter from Kira and Aldous as they cheerfully returned to work

    2. ’ She said cheerfully, finishing her coffee

    3. “As far as I've heard, he has a girlfriend in Patras, where he studies medicine,” Helen says cheerfully, as we walk down Kolonaki Square

    4. "We will not restrict passage, we'll welcome everyone as cheerfully as any of the natives do," Ernesto said, and would have said more but was interrupted

    5. cheerfully at the crowd of neighbours who had gathered

    6. “Well, I can’t think of a better husband for her than Michael,” Sam said cheerfully trying to ease Lucy’s pain

    7. They greeted each other cheerfully and all ate breakfast together

    8. Byia waved cheerfully to them as they rode calmly up the thru canal in a line of traffic that reached out of sight ahead and behind

    9. “Oh there are many children here,” she answered cheerfully, “the school day starts early in the Hold, that way they are free for the afternoon chores

    10. “Don’t worry,” said Alistair cheerfully, “It’ll be easier on the way

    11. The diary for 2005 starts cheerfully enough, saying she is going riding with P and how she has had to argue with him

    12. flutter of bird life in the hedgerows, birds that Alistair cheerfully

    13. “Oh, I can do that,” she replied cheerfully, “You boys sit and

    14. ” George sighed cheerfully and he picked up the large pipe he had fiddled with earlier

    15. ” she replied cheerfully

    16. ” I could have cheerfully strangled him and I would have done if he hadn’t continued

    17. “The only rest you are guaranteed Pte Woods is when your toes have curled up and you are thrown with the rest of the corpses until then you will get on with the fatigues you are given and carry them out quite cheerfully”, and with this parting remark he proceeded to hand out the working parties and assignments

    18. Seeing I was awake, Nathaniel cried cheerfully, “Ozzie play!” Despite a sudden bout of brain-jarring coughing, I flipped onto my stomach

    19. He further advised us that „Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction

    20. It seemed impossible to realise that the gallant Prince, who had been amongst us in the best of health and spirits, cheerfully enduring the hardships of the campaign only a few short days before, should have fallen a victim to the dreaded malaria

    21. Three times they entrenched, though without tools, and cheerfully relinquished the result of their labour to the Americans, when the lines extended to the right

    22. "Thank you, sir," said Ann cheerfully; "the same to yourself

    23. "Here's your tea, John," she said cheerfully, as she unpacked the

    24. frightened way, refused, but almost cheerfully

    25. they bore with each other's peculiarities quite cheerfully and spoke in

    26. “Part of taking in the word is to then put it in practice, do you not think?” countered Kay cheerfully

    27. to think of your poor mother, and write her as cheerfully as you can

    28. At that moment I could have cheerfully strangled my aggravating uncle

    29. There were times when I could have cheerfully strangled him

    30. “But we could always count on him to keep all the best ones for himself,” Clarissa said cheerfully behind us

    31. Elohat could have cheerfully killed the one that had disturbed his sleep tonight

    32. Casey,” she said cheerfully

    33. “Hello, there, young man,” he said cheerfully

    34. Nice to meet you,” he said in a cheerfully mocking tone

    35. “VISA, I guess,” I said cheerfully knowing that Frank always kept my balance owing at zero

    36. He would have smiled, and patiently waited, expecting to give them a pat on the back and pay his ticket cheerfully as a good example to other citizens

    37. The burbling of a propane or natural gas motor cheerfully serenaded him

    38. There, a young couple from Idaho with a two-year-old in a stroller, delighted with Beth’s adventurous account of hitchhiking to the park from McAllen, cheerfully offered to take them back

    39. My little girl played with our new pets, puppies and kittens, and with the neighbours’ children; played in the growing thickets where, I explained, the fairies were bound to live; played in her cheerfully messy room and listened to the stories I read to her

    40. "Her sister-in-law told me that when the doctor told her at last that he could do nothing for her and she would never rise from that bed again, Myra said quite cheerfully, 'Well, if that is so, I'm thankful the preserving is all done, and I will not have to face the fall house-cleaning

    41. The Ingleside twins were not allowed to chew spruce gum anywhere but in the seclusion of Rainbow Valley, but Faith and Una were unrestricted by such rules of etiquette and cheerfully chewed it everywhere, at home and abroad, to the very proper horror of the Glen

    42. There was no self-pity in her heart as she sat down on the tombstone and grinned cheerfully at Faith and Una

    43. Faith and Una grinned cheerfully back

    44. Then, seeing how badly his father felt, he said cheerfully,

    45. They cheerfully offered to guide us there and provide us with more auxiliaries

    46. Ishtaya greeted me cheerfully and invited me in for an early dinner

    47. “Perfect!” she clapped her hands theatrically “Now, there’s something I need to tell you!” she stated cheerfully

    48. "My fathers a doctor," he cheerfully told me

    49. “Ayun’ini,” John answered cheerfully

    50. Moreover they entertained them cheerfully; and

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