Utiliser "chirruping" dans une phrase
chirruping exemples de phrases
1. And then Anup does what his instincts command and what I am hardwired to respond to: he starts chirruping like a fledgling and wriggling his body with joy
2. Jeremy’s dad puffed along beside me back to the hotel, chirruping about his impending retirement and a tropical cruise – without Jeremy
3. A hint of mimosa on the air, rising mists turning hills into receding cut-outs, a callistemon splashing its scarlet among the green, lorikeets screeching in the grevilleas, and a million cicadas chirruping in unison
4. I could hear the lap of water against the shore and the sleepy chirruping of frogs
5. relaxing affect of nature's sounds, be it birds' chirruping, the slow
6. The birds were chirruping under the window, and in the middle of the room, on a table covered with a white satin shroud, stood a coffin
7. And then, as if that had been a signal, there was chattering and chirruping in every direction, and then a moment of full song, and within five minutes the whole wood was ringing with birds' music, and wherever Edmund's eyes turned he saw birds alighting on branches, or sailing overhead or chasing one another or having their little quarrels or tidying up their feathers with their beaks
8. The first birds of spring were flitting in the branches, chirruping and singing at the windows
9. Believing their danger past, they sprang from their ambush and, chirruping something in their shrill little voices and holding up their skirts, their bare little sunburned feet scampered merrily and quickly across the meadow grass