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    Utiliser "cholera" dans une phrase

    cholera exemples de phrases


    1. Moyo's parents died of cholera

    2. His brother has cholera too

    3. Moyo knows he won't get cholera because he's strong

    4. Yolanda Spelman had succumbed to an incidence of cholera during a trip with her husband to Japan

    5. At Gangakhed, his wife died of cholera on the 14th

    6. the monastic life, he had a premonition of his own death by cholera

    7. Do not have the right to health without healthy outlook on life values, ideological and cultural mentality, capability and high, psychic again much also is just a monster, they will only use capability and psychic cholera society,

    8. If it were not for the blood and the magazines empty of bullets that had stained the land, one would have thought that those men had died of typhoid or cholera

    9. How could anyone live without a Tim Hortons? Most of Africa sees the effects of malaria, typhoid and cholera, not to mention what AIDS and poverty have done to the people

    10. wel in Love in the Time of Cholera: "He al owed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and for al on the

    11. “Hey, what’s up with this?” he looked to Del as he pointed at the headline on the international section, “US Secures Cholera Treatment Supplies

    12. “Yeah, but I thought cholera was a thing of the past,” Wickland countered

    13. “There was a headline in the paper about the government securing antibiotic supplies for treatment of severe cholera—biological weapons grade cholera

    14. They were already subconsciously preparing the public with the announcement about the cholera antibiotics

    15. Stratavynski traded the arms for cocaine, and he traded the cocaine for cholera

    16. Epidemics of flu and cholera, and the 1921-22 famines in grain-

    17. " In spite of occasional cycles of bad times and commercial depression,� in spite of bloody and expensive wars, such as the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny,�in spite of providential visitation, such as cholera and the Irish potato famine,�the progress of the nation and the increase of wealth have been something astounding

    18. Negative studies have generally focused on people with cholera, while positive studies

    19. ” Being individually and collectively wired to respond to the cry for help, wii link up to Pennycillin and watch our microdonations quickly fill up one syringe after another, curing tents full of cholera infected haitian orphans in Charityville

    20. ‘Could it be cholera? Oh, my Provider! What shall I do?’ Minutes later he began to vomit severely… it was so unnerving for him as this was the first time that he had vomited so forcibly, and the griping pains in his intestines showed no signs of easing

    21. "Is it the cholera?" asked the farmer

    22. She had thought perhaps by infecting him somehow with cholera or some other deadly disease, but she quickly realized that a contagious ailment might also cause her demise

    23. "I don't think that it is cholera or typhus," Wolfi remarked

    24. In 1964, it was cholera that claimed close to 100 lives

    25. “So there were more than three of us that survived the cholera?”

    26. They said he contracted cholera by drinking contaminated water

    27. But there was no clean water and people started dying from cholera

    28. Danglars by the unexpected appearance of the brigade of soldiers, and by the disclosure which had followed, the mansion was deserted with as much rapidity as if a case of plague or of cholera morbus had broken out among the guests

    29. "Ah," he exclaimed, "that woman became criminal only from associating with me! I carried the infection of crime with me, and she has caught it as she would the typhus fever, the cholera, the plague! And yet I have punished her—I have dared to tell her—I have—'Repent and die!' But no, she must not die; she shall live, and with me

    30. There, as they began to die of beriberi, diphtheria, smallpox, cholera, and torture, Duckworth ministered to them as chaplain even as he worked side by side with them

    31. When the doctor returned I showed him my phone accusingly and asked him why he was prescribing medication that treated “malaria, anthrax, and cholera

    32. A guard said something to Louie that stuck in his head: Hiroshima had been hit by cholera

    33. This potion had been developed to treat cholera in the Imperial Indian Army and had originally contained laudanum and cannabis

    34. The cubic feet of oxygen yearly swallowed by a full-grown man—what a shudder they might have created in some Middlemarch circles! "Oxygen! nobody knows what that may be—is it any wonder the cholera has got to Dantzic? And yet there are people who say quarantine is no good!"

    35. In the hundred to which Middlemarch belonged railways were as exciting a topic as the Reform Bill or the imminent horrors of Cholera, and those who held the most decided views on the subject were women and landholders

    36. He is preparing a new ward in case of the cholera coming to us

    37. "I presume that a constitution in the susceptible state in which mine at present is, would be especially liable to fall a victim to cholera, if it visited our district

    38. He added, "The town has done well in the way of cleansing, and finding appliances; and I think that if the cholera should come, even our enemies will admit that the arrangements in the Hospital are a public good

    39. He and Bulstrode rode back to Middlemarch together, talking of many things—chiefly cholera and the chances of the Reform Bill in the House of Lords, and the firm resolve of the political Unions

    40. "Let us hope that there will be no more cases of cholera to be buried

    41. "First, having at the time of the cholera distinguished myself by a boundless devotion; second, by having published, at my expense, various works of public utility, such as" (and he recalled his pamphlet entitled, "Cider, its manufacture and effects," besides observation on the lanigerous plant-louse, sent to the Academy; his volume of statistics, and down to his pharmaceutical thesis); "without counting that I am a member of several learned societies" (he was member of a single one)

    42. This was the soil on which my great-grandfather had married his third wife a year before dying in the cholera epidemic that hit Kabul in 1915

    43. the earth quaking in Italy, Metternich extending his hand over Bologna, France treating Austria sharply at Ancona, at the North no one knew what sinister sound of the hammer nailing up Poland in her coffin, irritated glances watching France narrowly all over Europe, England, a suspected ally, ready to give a push to that which was tottering and to hurl herself on that which should fall, the peerage sheltering itself behind Beccaria to refuse four heads to the law, the fleurs-de-lys erased from the King's carriage, the cross torn from Notre Dame, Lafayette lessened, Laffitte ruined, Benjamin Constant dead in indigence, Casimir Perier dead in the exhaustion of his power; political and social malady breaking out simultaneously in the two capitals of the kingdom, the one in the city of thought, the other in the city of toil; at Paris civil war, at Lyons servile war; in the two cities, the same glare of the furnace; a crater-like crimson on the brow of the people; the South rendered fanatic, the West troubled, the Duchesse de Berry in la Vendee, plots, conspiracies, risings, cholera, added the sombre roar of tumult of events to the sombre roar of ideas

    44. In these winds one felt the breath of the cholera

    45. They did not notice the cholera which decimated Paris precisely during that very month

    46. In the spring of 1832, although the cholera had been chilling all minds for the last three months and had cast over their agitation an indescribable and gloomy pacification, Paris had already long been ripe for commotion

    47. Bruneseau had given the impulse, but the cholera was required to bring about the vast reconstruction which took place later on

    48. vessel with the plague flag was carrying two people sick with cholera, and that the epidemic was wreaking havoc along the portion of the river they still had to travel

    49. He never knew, because no one ever knew, if they were victims of the cholera or the war, but the nauseating stench contaminated his memory of Fermina Daza

    50. Someone saw him shivering with fever and informed the Captain, who, fearing a case of cholera, left the party with the ship’s doctor, and the doctor took the precaution of sending Florentino to the quarantine cabin with a dose of bromides

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    Synonymes pour "cholera"

    asiatic cholera cholera epidemic cholera indian cholera