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    Utiliser "chronometer" dans une phrase

    chronometer exemples de phrases


    1. The delay of five minutes was worrying enough, its chronometer readings were even

    2. With the moon-glow through the clouds to guide us, it was really just a matter of keeping an eye on the old chronometer

    3. Truman lifted the old chronometer from its enclosure at the top of the chart table, released the false panel below it and removed the pistol hidden within

    4. Brendan glanced at the ship’s chronometer as he sped to the galley, hands a-flurry with activity

    5. We'll check on the arrival of the transporter, see whom our ads bring, spread some cash around, then come back here to collect the crew of the good ship Chronometer

    6. Warren noticed the chronometer on the wall

    7. ����������� The commander from the Admiralty stopped his precision chronometer as the log thrown by a seaman in the water swept by

    8. Chronometer: 0945 hours

    9. His implant’s chronometer displayed the local time: 1530

    10. Please make sure you adjust your chronometer, or by whatever means you keep track of time, so that you’re in step

    11. chronometer it should have been dark

    12. looked at his chronometer and realized that he had been under for three hours

    13. The chronometer flashed, bright red and insistent

    14. comparing it with an ancient chronometer on another table

    15. Finally he took heed of the chronometer

    16. the apparent movements of the background star field as a reliable chronometer for details modeled

    17. He stole eleven golden sovereigns, and a gold pocket chronometer and chain

    18. There the captain fixed his position and used a chronometer to calculate his longitude, which he double–checked against his previous observations of hour angles

    19. "I use only my chronometer," Captain Nemo answered me

    20. "My chronometer!" Captain Mitchell yelled violently at the very moment of being thrust head foremost through a small door into a sort of cell, perfectly black, and so narrow that he fetched up against the opposite wall

    21. Then he consulted his internal chronometer and stood

    22. His pure tight skin was an excellent fit; and closely wrapped up in it, and embalmed with inner health and strength, like a revivified Egyptian, this Starbuck seemed prepared to endure for long ages to come, and to endure always, as now; for be it Polar snow or torrid sun, like a patent chronometer, his interior vitality was warranted to do well in all climates

    23. “He has a chronometer worth four hundred roubles; he showed it to me

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