Utiliser "citizenry" dans une phrase
citizenry exemples de phrases
1. ' He looked up and told Harry plainly that it would be more profitable if the news included some indications of what might be of practical use to the citizenry
2. A School Committee shall be elected from among the citizenry with school age children, and shall be responsible for suggested curricula and textbooks
3. know they were apart of the cities citizenry
4. There was a complete loss of interest in our history, language, and the self-reliant, optimistic attitude of the citizenry
5. The only way to keep on increasing federal programs is for the federal government to take ever-larger portions of the incomes and savings of the citizenry
6. The specific part of the walls to assault was chosen based on the proximity to the Disciplinarium, a factor which will hopefully keep casualties among the citizenry as low as possible, and lead to a quick and decisive victory
7. At that time we would once again witness the politically motivated and counterproductive finger-pointing that had so repulsed our citizenry
8. Global coalitions in conjunction with corrupt governments are lying to their citizenry
9. ” When the sound bite is the substitute, McWhorter fears, “The implications for an informed citizenry are dire
10. They are cheered on by a complacent citizenry
11. Roger was of the opinion, at that time, that the United States administration perhaps “could not tell the whole story because it might affect the security of the country and risk of panic among the citizenry”
12. While not strictly related to the above drinking story, the mention of the riots during the Democratic convention reminded me of how strange it felt to drive back to South Shore along either Lake Shore Drive or Stoney Island and see rows of tanks, armored personnel carriers, and tents stretching from Jackson Park to Grant Park to accommodate the National Guard and Army troops who were there to “protect” the citizenry
13. passes all types of laws governing the lives of the citizenry and
14. Thus the nature of the citizenry is determinable by social planning
15. If you try to keep your visitors and your citizenry racially balanced, Hilia will hold the heart of The Just Alliance, though it’s seat of government will remain in Xervia
16. They are generally talented but poorly adjusted minor wizards adrift in the midst of vast and populous empires, where the majority of the citizenry are humans with no appreciable magic ability
17. They, who believed in opposition to civil authority and thus became imbued with supporting the unsavory falsehoods of collectivism in their youth, now in colleges, have succeeded in the fateful and one-sided indoctrination of a large percentage of our younger citizenry
18. ‘liberals’ could have such far-reaching and negative effects upon the citizenry and the policy making of those now in government?
19. It is important also for our citizenry to understand the basis of this country’s success and the true history of its founding
20. ‘left-wing’ belief system have achieved in indoctrinating the minds of students and citizenry over three generations in this country
21. This results in the immigration of thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants who cross those borders monthly and are given welfare and medical care at the expense of the legal citizenry
22. When she and her consort entered the last stronghold of the Council and the Prime Minister, it was to force the last living member to concede defeat as he begged for the lives of not only his family but that of the citizenry
23. Since the United States is a democracy of, for and by the people, it is the duty of the government to come up with laws for the citizenry
24. The citizenry are appropriately up in arms about the process as they ask industry not to frack with them
25. will result in the total capitulation and cooperation of the citizenry
26. With this in mind, and knowing there are always two sides to a story, and sometimes more, Ben went out amongst the citizenry of Newusa to hear what they had to say
27. "And finally, we will have trials to determine who of Hurd's guards are responsible for the criminal acts committed against the citizenry of Newusa
28. lives of the citizenry it is there to prtect
29. We foresee our citizenry will soon reach a tipping point where they will finally have had enough of the lies coming from the government, forcing them to react first by demonstration, then by active opposition to the powers to be
30. Funny that the greedy corporate media could not resist broadcasting continuously with the latest developments, analyzed incessantly by the pundits assigned to the case who, on one hand, were whipping the general citizenry into a fearful panic and, at the same time, working to assure that all is well and that there is nothing to fear
31. We are what concerns our corrupt government the most, an armed, and active citizenry with the means to overthrow their rule
32. One of my three sisters is a woman of average intelligence—probably among the norm in American citizenry
33. 000001142857% of Allmericans were to contract this extremely rare, but socially beneficial disease, and their accumulated wealth were to be donated to the US citizenry, it would pay for the rent of every renter for four years
34. of a high incidence of immoral behavior among the citizenry, there was all that I had heard or read
35. If education is only adapting the citizenry to integrate with the economy, the student can only be as enlightened as the economy is –
36. When you eliminate the economic consideration of the child's future adult citizenry, and recalibrate success and what is a meaningful life, only then do transformative changes begin to occur to and in the educational system, i
37. protects the citizenry from domestic tyranny, or e
38. It is through this archetype made flesh that those who live in this age are taught to seek conquest over an adversarial environment and citizenry
39. To hear the Captain tell it, once upon a time his crew had all been more or less upstanding members of the Galactic Confederation, but each had suffered their own series of mishaps that resulted in the stripping of their privileges of citizenry, and they were thus presented with the choice of prosperous piracy or shunned destitution
40. changes in the use of tobacco by the citizenry because of
41. The congressman and the citizenry loved her, as did most of the cops
42. Disgraced, he returned to Paris, where the infuriated citizenry demanded his
43. Consequently, the citizenry are
44. Godwyn clearly resented the way Edmund had appealed over his head to the citizenry, but he must see that Merthin was offering twice as much bridge for almost the same money
45. In response the excited citizenry had shelled out precious nickels and quarters and dollars, raising an astonishing twelve thousand dollars to send the crews east
46. But he was a prominent member of the citizenry, a proud member of the all-volunteer fire department, and was celebrated for having driven the first automobile twelve miles from Aberdeen to Montesano, a journey that he had accomplished in a jaw-dropping hour and a half
47. Worse, the Inquisition couldn’t resort to open searches and manhunts without admitting to Zion’s citizenry in general that someone was systematically assassinating the Grand Inquisitor’s allies in the vicarate
48. places and slurs on the courage of the men in the field, but he took pleasure in tricking He not only affronted the town with insinuations of venality on the part of men in high the dignified citizenry into embarrassing situations
49. impractical Yankee schoolmarms or the Scallawags, but the balance probably fell with It was hard to say which class was more cordially hated by the settled citizenry, the
50. That was an act of good citizenry