Further the need and demands of the ‘civilised’ society is increasing every day
‘Now that sounds rather civilised
‘This is extremely civilised
The next half hour passes delightfully – the singers go through a repertoire of songs – most of which I know, but there are one or two I can’t place … Stephen and I chat intermittently about nothing in particular and waitresses appear with full glasses of wine at regular intervals – it is extremely civilised
I betrayed every one of my civilised instincts, revealing sharply the fragility of the shallow layers of sophistication in which we wrap ourselves
‘Thank you, Dad!’ Dave retorted, ‘I was under the impression that I was reasonably civilised already
People must have been living on this site for centuries … she visualised fur clad people with straggly hair wandering around the boggy bits with spears … no, that felt wrong … why would they need spears to collect plants? Baskets, perhaps … did they have baskets then? When exactly would it have been? Her daytime TV watching had given her a hazy smattering of terms – bronze age came before iron age, she knew that … but how much before? And when did they stop being savages and become civilised?
Had it not been for the hard-packed earth of the path, leading on in civilised glory, she would have been lost in minutes
She was struck by a sudden sense of how far away this tiny world was from the so-called civilised society she was used to, far both literally in that it was some miles from the nearest town and also mystically with its silent brooding landscape
Rather civilised actually
It’s so lovely and civilised in here, Jo
After all, he is travelling through the less civilised areas of the country, isn’t he? I’m sure he will contact you when he can
man’s eyes he was the epitome of a civilised, well-
‘Perhaps in the field of battle, but not in a civilised
gradually became more civilised - although he still found
began to rediscover her old self – a civilised and
more civilised because he use a more advanced
Is it civilised? Of course, not!
These people are more civilised than what we gave them credit for
So the entirety of Earth’s civilised history is wiped from the memory of the universe
In the apparently most civilised districts, all manner of diabolical crimes are committed under the very nose of the authorities; and so superstitious are the people, and so powerful the influence of the fetish priests, that the greatest difficulty is experienced in tracing these acts to their source
It is horrifying situation when the majority of citizens in a civilised country cannot trust its own police force! And now we see with the SAPS (who replace the SAP), that history is repeating itself
Kidnapping that is called in the civilised world, but the courts could do nothing because it was a legal act duly enabled by Parliament
I am afraid we civilised beings are not always considerate in dealing with the belief of these heathen, and hardly realise what importance they attach to their god-worship
During the Ashanti and Benin campaigns half-civilised Houssa soldiers in the British service found ice in the hospitals of the West African jungle; but in Cuba, an island adjacent to their own shores, the American army moved without an ice machine or arrangements for manufacture of ice on any of the forty transports
More importantly we did our laundry on Sunday afternoons so the culprit’s snoozing interfered with our laundry, which is not an acceptable behaviour between civilised men! Perhaps that had been the idea after all
It is a serious crime in all civilised countries to take hostages for whatever reason and Kidnappers can expect harsh treatment when caught
However uncivilised this may seem I would tend to reason this way is more biblical than we realise
The principles of civilised life laid
case in less civilised parts of the world
This lifecycle will always remain fixed, even if you think yourself more advanced or civilised or progressive than those who passed before you
Because force is the most basic way of violating rights, any civilised society renounces the use of individual force, and hands this power (the ability to initiate force) over to a dispassionate government
„When they could be on an uncivilised beach as perfect as heaven
civilised level he went into the bedroom to dress, and found a little white rectan-
The difference between a civilised man and a savage is three days without
civilised conversations with decent people
‘Acts of terror like these are unacceptable in any civilised country
Living with Siri had been a two-way process, whilst Gloria had given Siri many civilised skills and refinements, living with someone from a pre-industrial way of life had led Gloria to question many of the values that she had held dear
in the civilised world and had taken her place with the USA,
civilised before England had its tribal divisions,” prompted
It also undermined Britain’s standing in the world as the upholder of civilised standards of behaviour
When the full horror became known of what happened to this undefended old city, the civilised world was stunned
It is widely believed that Adolf Hitler instigated the largest wholesale slaughter of human beings in the twentieth century and proved capable of changing a well-disciplined civilised nation into one that murdered six million Jews, three million Gypsies and unknown numbers of Russians, Poles, and Germans
Even when they travelled at civilised times on proper scheduled transport, it was still appalling, thanks to the boy
The Prime Minister believes that, done carefully, we would be totally justified in removing them from civilised society
Weaver is quite convinced that we shall have right on our side in this crusade, and that in the end the majority of people in Northern Ireland and elsewhere will be heartily thankful when they come to realise that these thugs have disappeared from the scene and are no longer a threat to civilised life
civilised tone, said, ‘Forgive me if I show ignorance of computer science, but this latest
As the various cultures throughout the world have become civilised, they have gained the knowledge of the existing written word (mostly from the Bible) and often lost their own culture and memories before it is preserved in a written form
Every once in a while they all suffered to sit through the charade of a civilised dinner
This wasn’t a civilised society, not really
of eroding civilised veneers to reveal the inane,
Thus do the civilised clothe their real sensations in splendid robes of courtesy
Then in October I would shut up my Wordsworth, go back to civilised life, and probably assist at the eating of the geese one after the other, with a proper thankfulness for the amount of edification I
The landlord lit the candles; the landlady brought in the soup; Brosy appeared dressed as one dresses in civilised regions
Her moral obliquity shocked him, her disregard for the give and take necessary if a civilised community is to continue efficient
Herr Dremmel raised his head but not his eyes from his book, expressing thereby both a civilised attentiveness to anything she might wish to say and a continued interest in the sentence he was at
I think it is much more civilised now, although I
“At least we can assume they are civilised
After many years, his role changed to one of administration, integrating and rebuilding Cambodia back into the civilised world, and his searches for MIA had ceased in the early eighties, with still many unrecovered souls
‘I’m not surprised! I don’t know why His Highness insists on keeping those uncivilised
“No, some of us are quite civilised and know murder is wrong,” said Linda in her defence
“We think we are civilised and capable of controlling this savage instinct but we’re not
Civilised behaviour is learned behaviour that has tamed the savage within us, but has failed to eradicate it
The Greeks historically believed that criminals lost the right to be treated humanely once they had broken the laws that governed a civilised and democratic state
Roger had always been of the opinion that Greek policing and prisons were of the same standard as the rest of civilised Europe
It was then he realised that this country was so backwards and uncivilised
We the law-abiding citizen have to pay more taxes because a few savage individuals refuse to live by the laws that govern a civilised society”
The Tiger Gang gave him such important tasks because he was civilised and diplomatic
Or was it that human beings are all incurably savage but the constraints of a civilised society keep this primitive urge in check in most people? One thing he knew for certain and that was that if any advanced society removed its police force, law and order would disappear within days
He became a civilised barbarian and decided to stay in Illium
How uncivilised of them
Can't we be civilised about this?'
'It's not very civilised to come in here and accuse—'
Today we continue to ascertain what the verses of Scripture originally intended to mean at the time of their writing, and whether or not these meanings may be reapplied and reinterpreted today in an evolving world that is very different and supposedly more ‘civilised’ and developed than the world of the past
has been outlawed in the civilised world for over a hundred years
taken in a civilised atmosphere
Smith decided he would be a more civilised drunk today
civilised society renounces the use of individual force, and hands
It civilises a wild man
Christianity and Christ’s discourses should be divulged to the civilised world
And if this old woman, the pawnbroker, has been murdered by someone of a higher class in society--for peasants don't pawn gold trinkets--how are we to explain this demoralisation of the civilised part of our society?"
He, then, who shall embrace and cultivate poetry under the conditions I have named, shall become famous, and his name honoured throughout all the civilised nations of the earth
But, truth to say, on this July day I reflected but little on the condition of the civilised world
It was only a friendship between man and woman, such as any civilised persons might have
A half-civilised ferocity lurked yet in the depressed brows and eyes full of black fire, but it was subdued; and his manner was even dignified: quite divested of roughness, though too stern for grace
Earnshaw was not to be civilised with a wish, and my young lady was no philosopher, and no paragon of patience; but both their minds tending to the same point--
He vividly recollected when the occurrence alluded to took place as well as yesterday, roughly some score of years previously in the days of the land troubles, when it took the civilised world by storm, figuratively speaking, early in the eighties, eightyone to be correct, when he was just turned fifteen
And if this old woman, the pawnbroker, has been murdered by someone of a higher class in society—for peasants don't pawn gold trinkets—how are we to explain this demoralisation of the civilised part of our society?"
1904: President Theodore Roosevelt issues his Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine saying the US is a ‘civilised nation’ so it can do what it likes in the savage Caribbean
A half-civilised ferocity lurked yet in the depressed brows and eyes full of black fire, but it was subdued; and his manner was even dignified: quite divested of roughness, though stern for grace
‘We are in a civilised land here, and we can’t have tomfoolery of this kind
As we may infer that our domestic animals were originally chosen by uncivilised man because they were useful, and because they bred readily under confinement, and not because they were subsequently found capable of far-extended transportation, the common and extraordinary capacity in our domestic animals of not only withstanding the most different climates, but of being perfectly fertile (a far severer test) under them, may be used as an argument that a large proportion of other animals now in a state of nature could easily be brought to bear widely different climates
How rarely, on the other hand, do our civilised dogs, even when quite young, require to be taught not to attack poultry, sheep, and pigs! No doubt they occasionally do make an attack, and are then beaten; and if not cured, they are destroyed; so that habit and some degree of selection have probably concurred in civilising by inheritance our dogs
We can see how useful their production may have been to a social community of ants, on the same principle that the division of labour is useful to civilised man
It was a solitary meeting in the deserted fields, and only God, perhaps, may have seen from above with what deep and humane civilised feeling, and with what delicate, almost feminine tenderness, the heart of a coarse, brutally ignorant Russian serf, who had as yet no expectation, no idea even of his freedom, may be filled
Fusillades in the centre of a town, a sudden charge with the bayonet in a thronged market-place, the unexpected firing of a mine, and similar proofs of the "patriotism" of one party or the other, may be expected at any moment; and although pretending to inclusion in the list of civilised nations, either party will spurn the idea of notice or warning previous to the bombardment of a town