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    Utiliser "clear off" dans une phrase

    clear off exemples de phrases

    clear off

    1. This time I was pretty certain that I hit the outside of his left shoulder because a small jagged chunk of meat jumped clear off

    2. Spinning his blades to clear off the blood he turned to the remaining three men and took up a new offensive posture towards them

    3. It’s therefore highly unlikely that anyone saw this mysterious stranger alighting on the island; then making his way to the house, and into Third’s study; then making his way back from the house to the cove, and clear off the island again

    4. He couldn’t finish his sentence, as Nancy grabbed him by the collar and, lifting him clear off the floor, slammed him hard against the wall, holding him up there

    5. clear off the cluttered chair Linda stood behind Buddy and

    6. Tasha’s were clear off the ground and

    7. “Justin move, NOW!” I make quick work of stabbing the fucker in his cranium, I then snap his head clear off his shoulders

    8. “Now clear off – and shut that damn dog up; my head can't take it,” the trooper said, climbing back upon his horse

    9. So clear off the doubt in your visitors and show them the proof, testimonials

    10. But Pinocchio, as quick as lightning, caught his hand with his teeth, and with one bite bit it clear off and spat it out

    11. I ripped off the gunman’s hood, grabbed a thin tuft of silver-brown hair, and lifted his head clear off the pavement

    12. "Clear off some of those bushes," Joe said, "and fell some of those trees

    13. I almost expected a rebuff for this hardly well-timed question, but, on the contrary, waking out of his scowling abstraction, he turned his eyes towards me, and the shade seemed to clear off his brow

    14. "Have you another trowel? I could give you a hand, then we could clear off quick

    15. There, with the twenty-four sets of toy dishes, the little ones are taught how to set and clear off table, and a great many useful things in reference to table manners and customs

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