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    Utiliser "coding" dans une phrase

    coding exemples de phrases


    1. There were thick stands of dwarf thesh on their roof, genetic coding for it had been spliced into the hangleaf leaves the roof was grown from

    2. coding knowledge at all

    3. For me, this coding seems “hard-wired” and “baked” into the way I think

    4. But every time you get the realization that you can be happy without changing anything in your life, you may be weakening this coding a little bit

    5. It takes time to change all of this coding, but every step moves you closer to happiness

    6. “His statistical methods, and coding procedures have been questioned

    7. Software Engineering consists of Requirements, Design, Coding and Testing, build and release and Review activities

    8. Coding activity is the base where the product is realized in to an executable shape

    9. Coding needs preparation, where the design and requirements are understood by the developers

    10. Sometimes coding is based on component test cases developed over the low level design, this is test driven development

    11. They have to follow the coding standards and naming conventions when they code

    12. Enabling default editors in the coding environment helps to reduce the rework and improves code quality

    13. The defects are injected from requirements activity itself and the defect injected at that stage is more devastating than the defects injected at coding (though volume may be more)

    14. In the context of normal change request, it’s analyzed for minor and major CR and accordingly coding, testing, roll out plan and moving to production happens

    15. Design and Development activities to be planned (Design, coding, review, testing) with adequate details

    16. Do you understand the complexity in designing and coding such a system?" The man was stuck with amazement, like a child at a planetarium

    17. Design and coding! That is the easier part

    18. The standard colour coding method for resistors convention standard, R is used to represent a decimal

    19. Also, remember that even if you have backwards compatibility, PS2 games have region coding

    20. The main aspects of pillar #2 consist of behind the scenes coding, navigation

    21. considered appropriate; by the color coding of dothing and blankets

    22. He eventually tracked down an operator in one of the companies that dealt with the key coding system

    23. When the coast was clear and he was confident nobody would notice the noise from the alarm warnings, he had entered Vicky’s house, then her office, found the USB stick with the coding program on it and substituted it for a blank

    24. enjoyed the "high" that came near the end of a 20-hour coding bender

    25. foresight, and coding virtuosity that led him to consider a fork

    26. "There was a thing in the Linux documentation which says print out the GNU coding

    27. Therefore, she fell into military coding

    28. stand out in the coding, that’s what I was looking for, a

    29. This book is certainly not intended to provide technical specifics and coding details for creating wireless applications

    30. It is necessary only to point out that such coding exists

    31. Firstly, a disclaimer: no method or system can ever be entirely foolproof and secure all the time, and you should be aware of the correct security measures that you should apply for the programming task or context in which you are coding

    32. communications – passive, and otherwise – map reading, coding – some of it was a bore, as I

    33. Having carried out many other experiments, James decided to try and get something useful out of the system, and fed commercial software into it for re coding

    34. candidates on their quantitative ability, structured problem solving, coding those models or

    35. Each letter takes the form of a leaf (dot), or one or two branches on the gray tree trunks, as indicated by color coding on the chart

    36. make some sense of the coding in the second level of the map that he had

    37. coding in the map and think I know what to do next but it involves a few practical

    38. after breaking through the second level of coding on the map

    39. Resubmit with target coding

    40. Beyond coding and all things tech, he enjoys hiking, beating his friends at pool and plays

    41. you‘ve retweeted them may have another without coding

    42. The result is a dismantled DNA structure which alters the coding and

    43. Much later that afternoon, while in the Office Skills classroom – still trying to locate Daniel’s 3-D coding errors, Tim decided to give his eyes a short break and glanced toward the clock located near the top of the front wall

    44. Question asked: After this election/the 2014 Lok Sabha election, who would you prefer as the next Prime Minister of India? (Do not offer any name and record the exact answer and consult PM codes for coding

    45. “Ta’chu’la” works with an individual’s DNA coding and this is something that can not be understand by

    46. The bar coding of paper had been very hush-hush so as to catch subjects who might write hate letters to the OWG

    47. to be working from a level table in that they knew the pros and cons of coding

    48. So anyway, the ten strands are not active at the moment, but if they were to be activated, they would fuse together with the two already active strands and enhance your abilities by imprinting an operational coding, and you, in turn, would become a multi-dimensional Being

    49. The coding team of nine members had 72 hours to write productive

    50. Rate coding is simply the FREQUENCY of the signal that is sent to the motor units to contract

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