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    Utiliser "commissioned" dans une phrase

    commissioned exemples de phrases


    1. commissioned epic poems and stirring stories about his ferocious

    2. The school house was commissioned for their meetings and rehearsals

    3. ” Babs grinned showing off his new gold filling in his front tooth balancing the one he commissioned some nearly four decades previously

    4. Captain Jones had worked his way up from the wharf to deckhand and then onto the merchant shipping line to eventually become a commissioned captain

    5. Commissioned officers only

    6. “Maton, we have been commissioned to

    7. His team of astronomers and physicists had been commissioned by Central Council to develop the shield in the hope that one day it would save the B’tari and even humans from being wiped out of existence

    8. I think it was commissioned in 1936 and finished in 1938 or 1939

    9. The captains of his majesty's navy, indeed, or any other commissioned officers, appointed by the board of admiralty, may inquire into the condition of the forts and garrisons, and report their observations to that board

    10. A research project commissioned by the Canadian government into the emerging religious sect, The Transcenders; studying their media-net output, the testimonies of those who had been rescued from their clutches

    11. There, she was commissioned as CSS Florida, with veteran Lt

    12. She was commissioned at sea off Terceira, Azores, on August

    13. commissioned as the CSS Shenandoah of the Confederate States of America Navy

    14. sailing sloops except the USS Cyane, which was the oldest ship, having been commissioned in 1838

    15. No shots could be fired without reporting to the duty commissioned officer whether someone was killed, wounded or not

    16. It was a flawed system, and it would be repeated over and over again to satisfy a longhaired liberal masquerading at Police HQ as a commissioned officer

    17. In fact only commissioned officers enjoyed dancing classes during candidate-officer training

    18. Many times the tear-gas drifted back toward us, much to the jeers and glee of the rioters and producing a few respectful curses from us toward the commissioned officer who had failed to read the wind correctly

    19. * Obviously I do not mean that there was open disrespect because our training would never allow for such behaviour towards a commissioned officer, but their orders would be questioned if it did not fully represent the realities of the mean streets

    20. The barricaded ones wanted to see the sergeant, which was not a strange request as most civilians respected the sergeant much more than any commissioned officer

    21. An experienced commissioned officer was in charge and the Army would be under his command as it should be by law

    22. We could never put our hands in our pockets to keep warm when wearing uniform and survive the consequences and gloves were not issued to any rank besides ceremonial use by commissioned officers

    23. This went one step further when the Security Police approached me to join a Unit which specialised in the “terminating of terrorists” through a commissioned officer I trusted

    24. We had a few commissioned officers with us on the COIN course

    25. They had to repeat the course once commissioned even if experienced bush fighters

    26. I must admit that besides him I cannot think off hand of any other debauched commissioned officer in SAP COIN

    27. I was powerless to stop the initial strokes for we were acting on commissioned officers (legal) instructions but at the third stroke I intervened by kicking the constable on his (you know what), and she scrambled away cursing us in language which no female student should know

    28. I know what the law says on illegal orders (refuse them on the Nuremberg dictum) but the order itself was not illegal, and issued by a commissioned officer

    29. The above was challenged many times in court by the long haired liberal lawyers, and the commissioned officers soon learned to adapt to the conditions

    30. Do not trust the court or lawyers or commissioned officers or chaplains

    31. I have seen commissioned officers with grey hair walking between rioters and treated with great respect as all Africans revere their elders

    32. Cover ups? No, not really, as said there were murder investigations against members who pulled the trigger and the commissioned officer who gave the order because no SAP member (with his training and discipline) just started shooting

    33. ‖ Many individuals susceptible to teeming influences extending beyond their capacity to assimilate what is being conveyed and in what manner and why, for that matter, entirely dependent has the public become on its media ―mouthpieces‖ commissioned to do their thinking for them in a fruitless attempt at sorting out unintelligent pieces of information that, taken collectively, are even more meaningless, thereby frustrating further efforts to attain (true) knowledge while unsettling core beliefs

    34. When becoming a commissioned officer you lost your dog automatically, and thus many Dog Unit warrant-officers refused promotion

    35. The fact of the matter is that there is no turning back the hands of time, if such was ever a reasonable option to begin with! As evolving technologies continue developing efficient ways of replacing brawn with brain, increasing competition for skilled labor in highly competitive global environments will require transforming (the) worker from a corporate to a human resource commissioned with the task of managing his or her (own) career paths

    36. This went one step further when the Security Police approached me to join a unit which specialised in the “terminating of terrorists” through a commissioned officer I trusted

    37. I knew of course there were no white women on the border except for a few very old ladies of the Southern Cross, and a few military types who we steered clear of since not only did they have fearsome reputations, but as commissioned officers they outranked us

    38. Brubaker quickly absorbed the rest of the article, the gist of which was that in a study commissioned by the environment ministry, Lennox was the city with the highest levels in the entire province in terms of ozone and fine particulate matter, the prime constituents of smog

    39. Today‘s youth have been subsequently commissioned with the unenviable task of having to navigate through troubled waters on a rudderless boat without a compass only to criticize them for faulty seamanship for having failed to negotiate the prescribed course

    40. Commissioned into the Royal Flying Corps in 1912, he was a member of the very first class at the Central Flying School

    41. ‘By the way, as a representative of the planet Earth, I am commissioned to ask why you need so much water?’

    42. What a marvelous discovery! That others earlier and more famous than I have spoken out on this in a way similar to that which I have felt commissioned to do

    43. He commissioned them with a national purpose; a purpose beyond their

    44. I never did a court martial, but the Supervisor, being a RADM, was the senior officer in port, and the ships left the shipyard as soon as they were commissioned

    45. Along with being foreman and manager, you’ll be Commander of the base and a commissioned officer in the Hilian military

    46. “With this seal-mark,” he declared, as if he’d heard nothing, “the commander of the Fourth Army commissioned me to deliver his heavy equipment and the attendant transport to this destination

    47. He must know or has heard of the flooding of the river! I’m sure he would be very concerned if we made it through to the destination he commissioned me to achieve!”

    48. The Commander of the Fourth Army himself commissioned me to do so

    49. It is The Medallion of Service of The Just Alliance, the first such to be commissioned, and it bears the words: ‘For bravery and sacrifice

    50. “He says that the commander of the Fourth Army commissioned him to deliver these things

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    Synonymes pour "commissioned"

    accredited commissioned licenced licensed designated appointed selected named assigned picked