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    Utiliser "compared with" dans une phrase

    compared with exemples de phrases

    compared with

    1. It’s always freezing cold and wet standing in the churchyard but I suppose it’s a small thing to suffer compared with what the soldiers had to go through

    2. Compared with what you have been through, a broken night is nothing

    3. Sefir is a wonderfully smooth ride compared with the other equines I have ridden, but I am gradually finding the movement more and more painful

    4. Not much by way of material in these compared with either the earlier ones I have been through already or the much bulkier ones I haven't looked at yet

    5. Tania, at first and soon after her Poly, grew increasingly bored with the lack of excitement the 'boat training' offered as compared with the at least changing chores at the house

    6. The seven ministry gifts can be compared with the seven articles of the tabernacle of Moses

    7. compared with barges and boats, and can barely move in

    8. Even before the late recoinage of the gold, therefore, the coin, gold and silver together, when compared with silver bullion, was not supposed to be more than eight per cent

    9. compared with that of the produce of English dairies, is fully equal to that of the price

    10. in this way are insignificant compared with the hole

    11. Salt provisions are not only a very bulky commodity, but when compared with fresh meat they are a commodity both of worse quality, and, as they cost more labour and expense, of higher price

    12. But the value of the current coin of every country, compared with that of any other country, is in proportion, not to the quantity of pure silver which it ought to contain, but to that which it actually does contain

    13. Bar or ingot gold is received in proportion to its fineness, compared with the above foreign gold coin

    14. It cannot even judge properly concerning the proportion which its own province bears to the whole empire, or concerning the relative degree of its wealth and importance, compared with the other provinces; because those other provinces are not under the inspection and superintendency of the assembly of a particular province

    15. Researchers found that people who ate the most Beta-carotene had a forty percent lower risk of macular degeneration compared with those who consumed the least

    16. A study conducted at the Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research in Italy found that those who ate more carrots had one third the risk of heart attack as compared with those who ate fewer carrots

    17. An 18-month study from the University of Southern California found that in a group of 480 men and women aged 40 to 60 with no history of heart disease, those with the lowest serum lutein concentration had a five-fold greater increase in carotid artery thickness, a risk factor for heart disease, compared with those who had the highest serum lutein concentrations

    18. Compared with the underlying structure of the Bible and Bible codes that have to be studied in the original languages, prophecies are relatively easy to assess and test for truthfulness

    19. It occurs to me to wonder just how many of America"s voting public are aware that the students of so-called schools of education, whenever compared with their counterparts in any other academic field have, invariably, the lowest S

    20. He was surprised by how gentle their grip was when compared with how he was treated before

    21. Have I become too much of a purist, or isn"t the concept apt, compared with the people who shout from the rooftops, telling the world of their achievements? Oh yes, the concept is surely apt, most especially when this country is 142

    22. ) After all, how important is „saving capitalism from itself" in America when compared with the slaughter of millions in order to impose

    23. He followed the faith, desperately trying to ignore the pin pricks of doubt about the magnanimity of his culture compared with the magnanimity of Holland and its temptations shown to him by his new friends who had now brought him to England

    24. compared with other trees in former years

    25. There was/is one major difference however, that, compared with modern standards, ethnic neighborhoods, however rundown, were generally safer, crime was lower, immigrant classes better educated, families more tightly knit, homes cleaner, children smiled more and engaged in sidewalk games, neighbors gathered on stoops on sweltering summer evenings, unemployment was lower and drugs virtually

    26. The highest form of (Human) Excellence is less than a grain of sand in all the oceans in all the universe compared with God‘s infinite Perfection!

    27. (In this context, He means the little flock, those who believe The Letters, as compared with ALL His sheep

    28. Everything else being equal, three dollars a gallon is still a pretty good bargain compared with prices overseas

    29. But, compared with the Chixalub disaster it was like a pebble hitting the water

    30. federal workers has increased by 129% compared with 74% for private – sector workers

    31. He began to call that special quality his soul as compared with the spirit that was thought to be in all living creatures

    32. When compared with similar sightings all would be remarkable in their variability, but each viewer would believe that only his was the most accurate

    33. All of this data is filtered by the survival system and compared with a list of ‘dangerous’ items

    34. Jeremy’s poster started with an example of arithmetic progression (1, 2, 4, 8, 16…) compared with geometric or exponential progression (1, 2, 4, 16, 256…)

    35. Therefore, beings who are experiencing less suffering and more happiness would be in a higher realm when compared with beings who are suffering much (lower realm)

    36. 29 For she is more beautiful than the sun, and above all the order of stars: being compared with the light, she is found before it

    37. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are compared with Jerusalem, and it is not joke,

    38. How can the transgression of one man, brining sin into the world, be compared with

    39. He asked how they compared with those of the Mongols

    40. His analysis shows a significant difference compared with the results after the 2008 election, both in Congress and elsewhere

    41. as nothing when compared with the discoveries arrived at

    42. 9 million, compared with $18

    43. The mental journey of discovery that this took him on was without precedent compared with anything he had experienced before this time

    44. From time to time, their superstitions are compared with our Christian dogmas and touched upon indirectly, so that they might realize the absurdity of their primitive beliefs, and may be ashamed to know that their disgusting swamp-rituals have not escaped our notice

    45. journey of discovery that this took him on was without precedent compared with anything he

    46. The cost of these is minimal (compared with buying bottled water) and they can treat large volumes of water

    47. "Oh… OK, but do you know where the shoreline was, compared with today?"

    48. The situation can be compared with a hologram of a three dimensional image on a two-dimensional surface

    49. We felt like battle-hardened warriors compared with those children

    50. lighting up the brain These images were then compared with a baseline

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