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    Utiliser "complacency" dans une phrase

    complacency exemples de phrases


    1. complacency, and it is heavy upon the Church today

    2. the bounds of ordinary complacency, and

    3. Her Virtue is Faith, her Vice Complacency

    4. Torbin, however, was not entirely comfortable with such complacency

    5. An author wrote an article, he called the prevalent attitude, the malaise of the country prior to its end, a cancer of complacency

    6. I have never forgotten that line and that’s my title, ‘A Cancer of Complacency

    7. Their complacency was his advantage, He was an ideal candidate

    8. But it seemed the Darangi's complacency had resulted in this obvious oversight

    9. A condition common to many Great Nations in decline is complacency; a weakening of (national) resolve that eventually causes many (erstwhile) Great Nations to gradually abandon their moral bearing

    10. hardship on its people? Should its people, (they cannot properly be called citizens), be held liable for the criminal designs of its ruler(s)? (they cannot properly be called leaders) Should its people be subject to international reprisals by otherwise peaceful nations threatened by its existence? Should its people be perceived as innocent bystanders caught up in the whirlwinds of determined causes or willing accomplices drawn to ―dynamic‖ currents exceeding their moral and physical endurance? Should its people be subject to (economic) sanctions imposed against that nation whose objectionable conduct at home and abroad poses a viable threat to its peaceful neighbors? Is ignorance an excuse, or complacency or cowardliness for that matter? The present situation in Iraq recalls Hitler‘s Germany

    11. The lesson is that complacency will be your worst enemy but get away from the myth that the terrorist needs to exceed only once

    12. It would appear that America has, whether intentionally or not, (I will leave such questions for others to argue), hastened its own decline by reasons of ―guilt,‖ ―shame‖ and (national) complacency or perhaps a combination of all three or simply because egalitarian attitudes no longer make it feasible for America to shoulder such (lofty) burdens

    13. How much longer is our nation expected to fill the coffers of rogue nations that routinely utilize its (oil) revenues to finance our destruction! One can only hope that once public concern supersedes its off-handed complacency by making its presence felt in Washington, that its (collective) impact will hopefully override the perennial lip service that oftentimes passes itself off as a genuine commitment to solving this dilemma

    14. I am reminded that great nations having forgotten the lessons of History must inevitably succumb to the complacency of its (own) designs

    15. Bruce has long been exonerated by the Court of Public Opinion whose increasing complacency for gross stupidity and thoughtless expression(s) has provided a forum for the likes of self-centered ―comedians‖ who routinely project anger, hate and a genuine contempt for conventional manners under comedic

    16. The triggering device behind these uprisings has been, among other things, a growing perception of (native) French complacency, indifference and (perhaps) bigotry by a (weary) nation that has grown accustomed to its creature comforts; supported by emerging working classes who feel deprived of its social and political rights as well as uncertain of their own proper role in French society

    17. The deer that were her favourite meal were big, fat and plentiful, and showed signs of complacency; although lately, they were more skittish

    18. A year of intense effort and investment had brought it to the point of grand opening while complacency had convinced her that Mike could be trusted to deliver the cocaine to his mules at Hotel Playa Tambor

    19. Were these words a sign of wilful complacency or a genuine attempt to reassure?

    20. The comments made through the Church of Scotland offices and the Presbytery of Glasgow have been generally milder, although tinged perhaps with more than a degree of complacency

    21. She let him go striding back to the Glen, oozing delight and complacency, and she walked slowly up the hill home

    22. These works are said to awaken the bourgeoisie, sluggish and spiritless, out of their stupor of complacency

    23. We can not hide behind complacency

    24. One of today"s pressing problems, especially in the United States and Europe is the complacency shown from too many churches

    25. That shocked the complacency out of me

    26. “That shared, be wise and not deceived by what will seem what it is not: Love doth not hide behind half-truths nor levy pressure to persuade; it can’t be used to further greed nor foster acts of selfishness; Love takes no pride in pedigree nor threatens the environment; it neither motivates by fear nor rests where sleeps complacency, but manifests scenarios designed to challenge staid ideals

    27. Why would she underestimate his willingness to use the knife he had been brandishing for months? It is our thought that a culture of complacency about boys and their “toys” is what contributed to Anna’s miscalculated judgment that night

    28. He was a very punctual man by nature himself and did not tolerate complacency in others lightly

    29. Like many governments before them in their complacency, they seemed to be incapable of understanding that oppressed people will accept help from any source, and be grateful

    30. view of the blood of Christ trusted in; and in complacency and fellowship, to

    31. “The sign of a truly evolved individual is that person who prefers listening over the sound of his own voice and action rather than complacency

    32. “And you’re suggesting that I can buy your silence by divorcing Lady Jane so that you can have her?” He noticed Terence’s expression change from complacency to concern

    33. complacency, since all of them were engaging in the activity for

    34. An air of complacency and lack of preparation was evident

    35. These errors could only be attributed to either complacency or inexperience - probably both

    36. Manstein's favourite tactic was to allow a Russian penetration in a particular area and then encircle the attackers when they had been lulled into complacency

    37. Our culture, especially in the western world, has deepened man into complacency and self-indulgence of thinking that this soft life is deserved and earned, when in fact it has been paid for many times over by many of those that have preceded us

    38. OK, there are exceptions, but by and large people don’t die because of bad luck; they die because of carelessness, ignorance or complacency

    39. If this attitude lulls the Congress into complacency, then Modi could provide them with another wakeup call

    40. Questions began to emerge from the recesses of her awakening brain—simple questions, but questions that pricked at her comfortable complacency

    41. It is thus, woman’s true feelings get camouflaged in her lullabies of compliance to let her man sink into the slumber of complacency

    42. Added to this was the Aryan complacency that the Muslim invaders too would eventually settle down in one of the caste corners of the pan Hindu fold for, after all, weren’t the alien intruders of yore neatly tucked into the native caste network at some stage? All this combined to make the Hindus in general and the Brahmans in particular to pay a deaf ear to the adhans of the muezzins from the masjids around, wanting the faithful to come over for the congregational prayers

    43. Inaction is unbelief, the result of negative feelings and attitudes such as, but not, limited to, doubt, fear, pessimism, jealousy, envy, apathy, complacency, and discouragement

    44. All his complacency vanished when he recognized Harlan

    45. Whether out of fear, complacency, or a combination of the two he would not reveal

    46.  Escaping the complacency

    47. Then I shall know you have at last had enough of me, of my moods, of my odious fits of bombastic eloquence, of my still more odious facetiousness, of my scolding of you and of my complacency about myself

    48. We do it with such an immense complacency

    49. “Although those events are behind us, we are still challenged by the complacency of

    50. But perhaps the most disturbing thing about it is the complicity and complacency of Western thinkers and leaders in their own conquest

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    Synonymes pour "complacency"

    complacence complacency self-complacency self-satisfaction contentment comfort apathy indifference