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    connivance exemples de phrases


    1. But the Dutch government soon began to oppress the Portuguese colonists, who, instead of amusing themselves with complaints, took arms against their new masters, and by their own valour and resolution, with the connivance, indeed, but without any avowed assistance from the mother country, drove them out of Brazil

    2. When corporate connivance is being

    3. With the connivance of a transport operator, Consignment Notes were put in place for the fictitious transfer of Agarwala’s steel materials

    4. Despite the fact that many pharmacies are lawful enterprises that genuinely offer connivance, privacy and the safeguards of

    5. middlemen and usurped the benefits in connivance with the authorities entrusted with the task of

    6. Grateful for his discreet connivance, they huddled under a pile of blankets and made love

    7. In which our Heroine learns that no Man is such a Scoundrel that he doth not wish to be an Author, that e’en Slavers account themselves patriotick and virtuous, that the Sea is as full of Magick and Mystery as the Land, and that Ships oft’ become Pyrate Prizes as much thro’ the Connivance of their own Tars as thro’ any other Means

    8. ) Stock dividends and other “favorable developments” of this character supply the desired pretexts, and they have been exploited by the professional market operators, sometimes with the connivance of the corporate officials

    9. He had, or thought that he had, a connivance, one might almost say a complicity, of events in his favor, which was equivalent to the invulnerability of antiquity

    10. Had Claquesous melted into the shadows like a snow-flake in water? Had there been unavowed connivance of the police agents? Did this man belong to the double enigma of order and disorder? Was he concentric with infraction and repression? Had this sphinx his fore paws in crime and his hind paws in authority? Javert did not accept such comminations, and would have bristled up against such compromises; but his squad included other inspectors besides himself, who were more initiated than he, perhaps, although they were his subordinates in the secrets of the Prefecture, and Claquesous had been such

    11. No one was ever able to discover how, and by what connivance, he succeeded in procuring, and secreting a bottle of wine, invented, so it is said, by Desrues, with which a narcotic is mixed, and which the band of the Endormeurs, or Sleep-compellers, rendered famous

    12. “… when many Imperial grandes, with the connivance if not open support of their liege lords, the kings of Alemania, Francia, and even Spaña, rebelled against Manuel’s increasingly iron-fisted (and erratic) rule, and laid unprecedented siege against his capital city of La Majestad, which was still undergoing construction

    13. With the connivance and assistance of his wife he disguised himself, covered those keen eyes with tinted glasses, masked the face with a moustache and a pair of bushy whiskers, sunk that clear voice into an insinuating whisper, and doubly secure on account of the girl’s short sight, he appears as Mr

    14. The Commandant had intended to cross-examine his prisoner that same day, but the "ouriadnik" had escaped, doubtless with the connivance of his accomplices

    15. Time went on; the convicts did not return; his anxiety was great; for he saw that the authorities would suspect him of connivance with the fugitives, so that his own skin was in danger

    16. [27] Karénin does not produce Fédya's letter because it would have proved connivance in the divorce proceedings

    17. The treatment of our Minister, and his unavailing exertions; the result of the negotiation which gave birth to the rejected treaty; the memorials of the merchants; the outrageous conduct of the British naval officers upon our seaboard; the connivance at their conduct by the British Government; the proclamation of October 16, 1807; the execution of the Berlin Decree, and the Orders in Council

    18. Why, even in our cool and calm situation, you see that suspicion of the connivance of the Administration is not yet quite done away—and do you suppose, sir, that the Spaniards, against whom repeated expeditions have been made, at a distance from those sources whence conviction might flash upon their minds, will form the same opinion of the subject that we do? Fear forms a bias on their mind; and we form a conviction on the side on which we feel interested

    19. And I have been credibly informed that all the concessions or grants of land, made in West Florida, under the authority of Spain, run in the name of the government of Louisiana, You cannot have forgotten that about the period when we took possession of New Orleans, under the Treaty of Cession from France, the whole country rung with the nefarious speculations which were alleged to be practising in that city, with the connivance, if not actual participation of the Spanish authorities, by the procurement of surreptitious grants of land, particularly in the district of Feliciana

    20. France contracted with a celebrated English banking house, as was said at the time, with either the concurrence or connivance of the English Government, that this money should be obtained through the United States

    21. been able to furnish any evidence of even the connivance of any individual at his mission

    22. the conduct of officers of the British navy and the connivance of the British government, 52;

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    Synonymes pour "connivance"

    connivance secret approval tacit consent collusion