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    Utiliser "constable" dans une phrase

    constable exemples de phrases


    1. comes the constable and gives the boys his eye,

    2. The constable can’t move his hand away from the girl’s pale face

    3. As Tom watched the afternoon travellers, Constable Nelson

    4. Constable Nelson seemed slightly more agitated than usual, and

    5. It was Constable Nelson’s bicycle, which looked like it had been

    6. The constable rises too, but hangs back for a moment thinking about that last remark

    7. ’ The constable said, placing the tray on the tiny table by the wall

    8. The constable retreated with a friendly smile and closed the door firmly behind him

    9. ‘What do you expect to find?’ Andy asked boldly, climbing out of the car and stood waiting as Mrs Brown extricated herself and then fussed around looking for her handbag, twittering at the constable driver who went to her aid

    10. ’ The constable said gently, supporting the now weeping woman out of the room and down the hall

    11. ’ He said by way of a coda to the message as the constable ran up the hallway

    12. ‘You come down to the sitting room with me and the constable … we’ll help you

    13. Before Andy had a chance to sip the water presented to him by the constable moments later, the ambulance skidded to a halt on the gravel outside the building and, within seconds, a man in the uniform of a paramedic came rushing in

    14. ’ Sergeant Williams said quickly, leaving Andy with the constable

    15. Andy looked down at his hands resting on the table in the interview room painfully aware of the whirring coming from the recording machine sitting on the table which was taping every word said in the little room, and the laboured breathing of the uniformed constable who sat motionless on a chair by the door just staring into space

    16. The constable by the door whisked out quickly and reappeared moments later with another chair for the Inspector

    17. The constable sniffed in the corner of the room, standing up to open the door for the Sergeant

    18. There was a space, filled only by the sound of the constable blowing his nose yet again

    19. Inspector Jarvis watched as the Sergeant and the constable escorted the younger man out of the room then shook his head

    20. ’ The constable said, his hand over the receiver

    21. A constable appeared in the doorway

    22. Making a show of speaking to the constable sitting by the door, Jarvis affected not to be concerned that the other man was ignoring his arrival

    23. ‘Now, sir, if you would please go with Constable Jones here, he’ll take you to the Sergeant who has arranged for you to be taken to identify your brother

    24. Maybe teacher was a higher rank than constable?

    25. London: Constable & Company Ltd, 1909

    26. "Certainly not, Constable Crabtree at Mayhem's a fine upstanding gentleman, and Mrs

    27. "And yet, despite your lack of contributions, you nevertheless remain capable of enjoying the benefits that we provide: your streets are illuminated, your roads are mended, your refuse is hauled away and there is even a constable to keep you safe while you and your family lie abed

    28. The care of his stables was committed to the lord constable and the lord marshal

    29. “I got a note from the head constable in a place called Lumbert, a small village to the southeast of us

    30. He told me that I was "a f good story teller and try another f one constable!" The man was clearly a man who saw the future

    31. Years later I received a complaint of loud music, and upon arrival at the scene a constable opened the door wearing nothing but his issued blue canvas boots

    32. As a member of the public one could run away, but as a policeman (I hate the word “cop” which is a UK term for constable on the beat) it is not an option

    33. In this case, and I don’t really know if the story is true, a terrorist tried to escape custody by jumping into a river and a constable dove in after him to apprehend him

    34. The terrorist had really wanted to go his own way, and the constable really wanted him not to

    35. The end result was that the constable killed the terrorist, and his body was never recovered

    36. I have never heard of any constable stabbing himself despite the rumours

    37. (A drunk constable with his fire-arm comes second according to me, but my dad frowned upon such comments so I stopped making them

    38. As an 18-year-old constable I would have arrested you for spreading sedition by asking such a stupid question

    39. “Do you have a f cap on your f head constable?” “Yes thank you sergeant

    40. I would have refused to carry one and I would rather have given it to the most obnoxious non Flying Squad constable to walk point

    41. even a buxomly female constable can get very close to the ground when the bullets start flying in your direction

    42. Nothing prevented a constable from arresting an Army general if he so pleased

    43. There is a story of a new constable who received a fake call of a bomb explosion somewhere and correctly put it right on top as serious and urgent

    44. This made the constable so unhappy that he forced the dispatcher to read it out as an “all vehicle request” by pressing his service pistol against the dispatcher's head threatening to shoot him if it is not read out

    45. We had an interesting conversation in which their constable told me they were on their way to a suspect burglary and “who the f are we to f idle next to them whilst they were going so f hard that the vehicles f tappets were dancing on the bonnet in front of him!” I was sorely tempted to floor him but realised he was really frustrated with his lot

    46. That constable / machine gunner had orders to take out whatever (and whoever) needed to be taken out when called on

    47. Unfortunately he told the whole world about the rather silly Constable So and So who obviously knew nothing about the Criminal Procedure Act

    48. One skinny constable had the great idea to put his torn shirt over its eyes and it seemed to calm down a bit

    49. Before I could be accused of being a long haired liberal and worse we handed the crocodile over to the local constable for his soon to be father in law and left the scene to explain to the much amused lieutenant that “(1) yes we did indeed arrested a f crocodile and no (2) our pants are not f wet front or rear but torn by the vicious claws (read feet) of the crocodile who (3) did not want to be f arrested and (4) resisted in fact until we (5) fatherly persuaded him f otherwise

    50. The story does not stop here for the local constable went off duty to find his girlfriend to convince her to convince her dad to take the crocodile which he left in the back of the police truck as lobola for her instead of the ten cattle her dad originally wanted

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