Utiliser "constancy" dans une phrase
constancy exemples de phrases
1. them ; thirdly, the constancy or inconstancy of employment in them ; fourthly, the small or
2. Thirdly, the wages of labour in different occupations vary with the constancy or inconstancy
3. The constancy or inconstancy of employment cannot affect the ordinary profits of stock in any
4. McMillan (USA) had set the rule of constancy of water quantity (RCW)
5. The top limit (W/C) of the rule of constancy of water
6. He thought of that natural constancy of the rivers, which had sustained people along their banks for centuries
7. In the state of things which has happened to take place since the revolution, the constancy of the valuation has been advantageous to the landlord and hurtful to the sovereign
8. Had silver risen considerably in its value, as it seems to have done in the course of the two centuries which preceded the discovery of the mines of America, the constancy of the valuation might have proved very oppressive to the landlord
9. Had silver fallen considerably in its value, as it certainly did for about a century at least after the discovery of those mines, the same constancy of valuation would have reduced very much this branch of the revenue of the sovereign
10. In circumstances, therefore, somewhat different from those which have actually taken place, this constancy of valuation might have been a very great inconveniency, either to the contributors or to the commonwealth
11. But, overall its form has constancy and consistency
12. consideration their constancy and fidelity towards us and towards our ancestors, we have, as we ought, acquitted them of every sort of
13. Attentional directedness requires the concept of attentional rest mass to give constancy to the attentional field, or else attention would be in constant flux
14. Finding that the God of Heaven throw a shield of protection over the Jews so as to preserve them and that he fought for them as a father always fights for his sons; 7 and taking into consideration their constancy and fidelity towards us and towards our ancestors we have as we ought acquitted them of every sort of charge
15. (7) were unable to explain the apparent constancy of the speed of light)
16. didn't lose my knowledge of size constancy
17. concept of size constancy
18. This is the constancy of nature Everything changes
19. are hemmed in by the constancy of things to be attended to: by the
20. These are the works of a good Kshatriya: protectors of the weak, a heroic mind, inner fire, constancy, resourcefulness, courage in
21. constancy of Projection, the Mirror, - that as one finger points,
22. The secret of success is constancy of purpose
23. conductivity and purity, and constancy and concentration of endotoxin levels being removed
24. tion of yog, when his agitated mind achieves constancy by meditation
25. They even feel bored with the repetition and the constancy of the joyful sounds and tones and of the tasty foods and all other desires which do not change
26. First I explored them and then I transformed them, one by one, with infinite patience and constancy, and through enduring great pain
27. The mind takes offense at every phenomena of both inner and outer experience which appears to contract that steadiness and constancy which it regards as the very essence of truth
28. What could be truer than your constancy
29. Why? Because we have a common (to all of us) diapason of dimensions, the reliability and constancy (presence) of which is provided by the more differentiated dynamics of individual holographous rotation-frequency Shifts of different-qualitative Formo-systems of individual Worlds that structure even narrower diapasons of dimensions but have (through resopasons) active interrelations with Forms of Self-Consciousnesses of other Formo-systems of Worlds
30. consisted in the same inflexible constancy, which in the
31. Keep it always in the imagination of the thought of my heart, and establish my way before thee; Lord preserve me by thy grace that I may never return again to folly; after God hath spoken peace, may never by my loose and careless walking undo what I have been doing to day: But having my heart enlarged with the consolations of God, give me to run the way of thy commandments with cheerfulness and constancy, and still to hold fast my integrity
32. in particular resulted in relative constancy of itssociotype that is re-
33. I know that, as in her childhood she had no parent, so she is now devoted to you with all the constancy and fervour of her present years and character, united to the trustfulness and attachment of the early days in which you were lost to her
34. The spare hand does not tremble as he releases it; nothing worse than a sweet, bright constancy is in the patient face
35. It is true, and I own it now, that though I knew what good cause Don Fernando had to praise Luscinda, it gave me uneasiness to hear these praises from his mouth, and I began to fear, and with reason to feel distrust of him, for there was no moment when he was not ready to talk of Luscinda, and he would start the subject himself even though he dragged it in unseasonably, a circumstance that aroused in me a certain amount of jealousy; not that I feared any change in the constancy or faith of Luscinda; but still my fate led me to forebode what she assured me against
36. "There is the point," replied Don Quixote, "and that is the beauty of this business of mine; no thanks to a knight-errant for going mad when he has cause; the thing is to turn crazy without any provocation, and let my lady know, if I do this in the dry, what I would do in the moist; moreover I have abundant cause in the long separation I have endured from my lady till death, Dulcinea del Toboso; for as thou didst hear that shepherd Ambrosio say the other day, in absence all ills are felt and feared; and so, friend Sancho, waste no time in advising me against so rare, so happy, and so unheard-of an imitation; mad I am, and mad I must be until thou returnest with the answer to a letter that I mean to send by thee to my lady Dulcinea; and if it be such as my constancy deserves, my insanity and penance will come to an end; and if it be to the opposite effect, I shall become mad in earnest, and, being so, I shall suffer no more; thus in whatever way she may answer I shall escape from the struggle and affliction in which thou wilt leave me, enjoying in my senses the boon thou bearest me, or as a madman not feeling the evil thou bringest me
37. And this thou art bound to do for one reason alone, that, being, as I am, resolved to apply this test, it is not for thee to permit me to reveal my weakness to another, and so imperil that honour thou art striving to keep me from losing; and if thine may not stand as high as it ought in the estimation of Camilla while thou art paying court to her, that is of little or no importance, because ere long, on finding in her that constancy which we expect, thou canst tell her the plain truth as regards our stratagem, and so regain thy place in her esteem; and as thou art venturing so little, and by the venture canst afford me so much satisfaction, refuse not to undertake it, even if further difficulties present themselves to thee; for, as I have said, if thou wilt only make a beginning I will acknowledge the issue decided
38. Dorothea fancied that Don Fernando changed colour and looked as though he meant to take vengeance on Cardenio, for she observed him put his hand to his sword; and the instant the idea struck her, with wonderful quickness she clasped him round the knees, and kissing them and holding him so as to prevent his moving, she said, while her tears continued to flow, "What is it thou wouldst do, my only refuge, in this unforeseen event? Thou hast thy wife at thy feet, and she whom thou wouldst have for thy wife is in the arms of her husband: reflect whether it will be right for thee, whether it will be possible for thee to undo what Heaven has done, or whether it will be becoming in thee to seek to raise her to be thy mate who in spite of every obstacle, and strong in her truth and constancy, is before thine eyes, bathing with the tears of love the face and bosom of her lawful husband
39. To be brief, they added to these such other forcible arguments that Don Fernando's manly heart, being after all nourished by noble blood, was touched, and yielded to the truth which, even had he wished it, he could not gainsay; and he showed his submission, and acceptance of the good advice that had been offered to him, by stooping down and embracing Dorothea, saying to her, "Rise, dear lady, it is not right that what I hold in my heart should be kneeling at my feet; and if until now I have shown no sign of what I own, it may have been by Heaven's decree in order that, seeing the constancy with which you love me, I may learn to value you as you deserve
40. Here the lay of the heart-stricken Altisidora came to an end, while the warmly wooed Don Quixote began to feel alarm; and with a deep sigh he said to himself, "O that I should be such an unlucky knight that no damsel can set eyes on me but falls in love with me! O that the peerless Dulcinea should be so unfortunate that they cannot let her enjoy my incomparable constancy in peace! What would ye with her, ye queens? Why do ye persecute her, ye empresses? Why ye pursue her, ye virgins of from fourteen to fifteen? Leave the unhappy being to triumph, rejoice and glory in the lot love has been pleased to bestow upon her in surrendering my heart and yielding up my soul to her
41. On hearing this Don Quixote, full of wrath and indignation, lifted up his voice and said, "Whoever he may be who says that Don Quixote of La Mancha has forgotten or can forget Dulcinea del Toboso, I will teach him with equal arms that what he says is very far from the truth; for neither can the peerless Dulcinea del Toboso be forgotten, nor can forgetfulness have a place in Don Quixote; his motto is constancy, and his profession to maintain the same with his life and never wrong it
42. As soon as thou hast laid them on we will pass the rest of the night, I singing my separation, thou thy constancy, making a beginning at once with the pastoral life we are to follow at our village
43. With almost every other man in the world, it would be an alarming prospect; but Edward's affection and constancy nothing can deprive me of I know
44. Jennings, and beginning a journey to London under her protection, and as her guest, without wondering at her own situation, so short had their acquaintance with that lady been, so wholly unsuited were they in age and disposition, and so many had been her objections against such a measure only a few days before! But these objections had all, with that happy ardour of youth which Marianne and her mother equally shared, been overcome or overlooked; and Elinor, in spite of every occasional doubt of Willoughby's constancy, could not witness the rapture of delightful expectation which filled the whole soul and beamed in the eyes of Marianne, without feeling how blank was her own prospect, how cheerless her own state of mind in the comparison, and how gladly she would engage in the solicitude of Marianne's situation to have the same animating object in view, the same possibility of hope
45. Her mother, still confident of their engagement, and relying as warmly as ever on his constancy, had only been roused by Elinor's application, to entreat from Marianne greater openness towards them both; and this, with such tenderness towards her, such affection for Willoughby, and such a conviction of their future happiness in each other, that she wept with agony through the whole of it
46. "Marianne's note, by assuring me that I was still as dear to her as in former days, that in spite of the many, many weeks we had been separated, she was as constant in her own feelings, and as full of faith in the constancy of mine as ever, awakened all my remorse
47. Then, remembering Colonel Brandon, reproved herself, felt that to his sufferings and his constancy far more than to his rival's, the reward of her sister was due, and wished any thing rather than Mrs
48. nobler mistress than one who has shown so much constancy, and from this
49. She had a wondrous constancy to old attachments: even Heathcliff kept his hold on her affections unalterably; and young Linton, with all his superiority, found it difficult to make an equally deep impression
50. wonder), I might, indeed, give you full proof of his unshaken constancy