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    Utiliser "constructive" dans une phrase

    constructive exemples de phrases


    1. Even constructive criticism can sting when it is delivered at the wrong moment, for example immediately after the mistake

    2. Making that would give him something constructive to do for the rest of the weekend

    3. Despite his apparently uncaring treatment of her the previous day, Annie still firmly believed that her brother loved her and that he would, in time, learn to engage with the world in a more constructive way now that he was the effective head of the household

    4. However, the point is not to avoid feeling your feelings – but to process and purge them in healthy, constructive ways

    5. constructive but not in a necessarily good or bad way

    6. constructive way now that he was the effective head of the

    7. He was able to move about without too much discomfort and he found it helped his state of mind to be doing something constructive

    8. He should have something to say, something constructive, an easy way to deflect, but all he can manage is, "Fuck!"

    9. They should find constructive solutions,

    10. their convictions in constructive debates

    11. Transformation of your higher self starts by leaving the primitive brain behind its constructive barriers called perception

    12. To-day something constructive was going to happen

    13. In order to break bad habits, an individual needs to return unseemly habits back to the ―realm of consciousness and regain the ability to make (constructive) choices

    14. A society in moral and spiritual decline seldom fulfills its constructive designs although it often provokes cries in the wilderness among remarkable men and women not quite ready to surrender what remaining capital that society has squandered

    15. You and your children’s mother need on-going fruitful communication about your children to insure that both of you have constructive input into their development

    16. Every citizen, in one way or another, is expected to participate in a constructive manner that accrues to the mutual benefit of every citizen living in a free and open society; that each individual is obligated to lend his or her unqualified, excepting such conditions were that society has spiritually and morally corrupted itself, support in the cause of freedom; and that the general welfare of that society should take precedence over the private belief system of any individual who continues reaping the benefits of living in that society

    17. constructive suggestions, queries or feedback relating to its

    18. She had no other alternative than to fill out a rather constructive complaint to the Board of Directors of the museum

    19. The only consolation that remains with us is to know that our constructive objection, produced, in the end, positive results

    20. Apartheid in South Africa may last longer, and Reagan's failed and ultimately hypocritical and insincere policy of constructive engagement may not even be attempted as it was in the 1980s

    21. Anger is both a constructive and destructive emotion

    22. constructive emotion and as such can push you to build

    23. get back at them but to reciprocate what is known as constructive

    24. ―While Keith is connected to his biological family, the court concludes that, on the whole, his parents have not played and do not play a constructive role in his life

    25. This transforms our relationship with Karma from a passive feeling of fatality to a constructive and grateful attitude for every experience received, good or bad

    26. then I say this is not constructive criticism, or refinement

    27. If it produces joy, peace, and happiness, then it is called positive, constructive, or virtuous

    28. Since karma deals with cause and effect, there is no need for crippling guilt – only constructive regret which empowers positive change

    29. One realizes that no negative action ever passes by without a harmful result; no positive deed ever passes by without a constructive outcome

    30. brown-nose stuff here but rather constructive comments about

    31. actually go up rather than down as long as you have been constructive,

    32. • Constructive – provide them with a clear picture of what needs to

    33. they are more constructive

    34. move to a place where they are more constructive

    35. Even the greatest of leaders is not perfect and has shortcomings, but what separates great from mediocre is a willingness to listen to constructive criticism, to learn from experiences, to acknowledge mistakes and avoid them in the future

    36. A constructive notion or a burning

    37. A constructive notion

    38. I did not spend that time in my house doing things constructive,

    39. which could help relieve stress then this would be the most constructive

    40. Then write a few constructive questions that you would like to ask

    41. constructive communication, there was no dissipating of

    42. He also said that your employees must be cooperative and collaborative with each other but still not shy away from constructive confrontation with their leadership

    43. intelligently, it can be one of our most constructive and

    44. Pops stressed that most of the current generation of students are constructive citizens who will make solid contributions to the state and nation

    45. “Students receive constructive feedback through assessments and other tools,” she says

    46. They derive clearly from accurate education and constructive thought patterns

    47. act out one’s anger and hatred in constructive ways that are both

    48. constructive component and create new beauty

    49. him, there is constructive hatred and destructive hatred and his concern was

    50. to utilize constructive hatred

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    Synonymes pour "constructive"

    constructive valuable useful effective productive practical