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    Utiliser "contortion" dans une phrase

    contortion exemples de phrases


    1. Its sound as well as its import filled Yasmela with a shuddering horror so intolerable that she writhed and twisted her slender body as if beneath a lash, as though to rid her mind of its insinuating vileness by physical contortion

    2. “Oh my god, don’t do that,” she said, trying to disguise the contortion of emotions on her face

    3. “It's Fern, she’s in grave danger!” The light blue eyes flashed with distress and consternation, Oak's face becoming a mangled contortion of sorrowful lines

    4. With a contortion of her torso she lifted and swung her legs up towards Robert’s head

    5. Part of it dark, part of it light - a semi-translucent contortion of space was floating violently near the edge of the cliff

    6. This was the contortion of the Colonel's face

    7. The chief of these is that nervous contortion of the forehead which you must have observed

    8. For an instant he felt that the struggle, was causing a queer contortion of his mobile features, but with a good effort he resolved it into nothing more offensive than a merry smile

    9. Coombs’s face twisted into a contortion of shock and pain

    10. Fastest time to travel 20 m in a contortion roll

    11. Every contortion of the face, every move of the eyebrows, every flare of the nostrils, every motion of the lips, was there, as perfect as the sketches that Doré made when he came home from a long night’s prowl in the cinder-dark smokestack lanes of London, with all the grotesques stashed behind his eyelids, his empty fingers itching to grab pen, ink, paper, and begin! Even as Doré had, with total recall, scribbled faces, so Roy’s inner mind had photographed the Beast to remember the slightest hair moving in the nostrils, the merest eyelash in a blink, the flexed ear, and the eternally salivating infernal mouth

    12. As soon as he was out of the lane Davy stopped and twisted his countenance into such an unearthly and terrific contortion that Dora, although she knew his gifts in that respect, was honestly alarmed lest he should never in the world be able to get it straightened out again

    13. On the body of the Triton and the Echidna of the pediments no attempt is made to indicate movement and contortion by the position of the scales; it is everywhere the lifeless conventionality of archaic vase-drawing

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    Synonymes pour "contortion"

    contortion deformation crookedness torsion tortuosity tortuousness paroxysm attack epilepsy epileptic fit agitation convulsion upset