Utiliser "contour line" dans une phrase
contour line exemples de phrases
contour line
1. Bathymetric chart: a chart indicating depths of water by contour lines and shading; a bottom contour chart
2. lines that connect points of equal elevation called contour lines
3. Height cannot be reproduced on flat sheets of paper so altitudes are recorded at regular intervals (usually every 50ft or every 15m according to the measure used) and every point at this height is joined up by a line—the contour line
4. The only contour line that you can see in nature is that of sea level along the coast (and even that is not quite true because of tidal variation) but you can imagine the contour lines as the edges of flat disks and that these are ranged equidistantly above each other
5. However, you do not have a record of exactly what happens between those contour lines and there will not necessarily be an even slope connecting them
6. There may therefore be features that, because they fall between the contour lines, make no appearance on your map
7. The contour lines on the map represent a series of points at the same distance above sea level and do not record what happens in between
8. Conversely, greater spaces between the contour lines indicate gentler slopes (b)
9. Remember that the intervals between the contour lines are the distances between horizontal points at the same theoretical height—not the actual distance on the slope of the ground