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    Utiliser "contractual" dans une phrase

    contractual exemples de phrases


    1. The one contractual proviso I insisted on was that we never did

    2. I attend to their contractual matters, I

    3. the IRR, technical, pricing, contractual, and legal, and submitted it to

    4. When a question arose as to the constitutionality of a New Deal measure, the suspension of the gold standard which wiped out contractual obligations calling for payment in gold, Reed advised the Attoney-General that he should

    5. Using my many years’ experience in both drafting and negotiating exceptions to contractual terms and conditions, I had undertaken a complete re-drafting of those sets of “boilerplate” and disseminated same to the many field sales offices spread across the U

    6. Maria continued to bitch about my working only on legal matters, but, in reality, I was handling several contractual matters regarding a Delaware Super Fund site with an outside attorney in Philadelphia whom the local office had selected

    7. Thus the sovereign has no contractual obligations to the people

    8. A word of caution here, as contractual structuring of this type is outside the scope of this book

    9. Dorece was admitted into the facilities at Camp Orial last Wednesday for felony drug possession and further violation of her probation and contractual violations under her representation with Jordan Productions and Consulting

    10. “I’ve highlighted the relevant contractual obligations

    11. Under the terms of the Federation charter, we have a contractual obligation to intercede when one side of a conflict uses biological weapons on the other

    12. "Why should I give a damn about their contractual obligations?"

    13. However, no one chose to review the manuscript, mostly because of contractual obligations

    14. Historic allocations of capital, timeliness in the business cycle, and honoring contractual demands can all stymie the best intentions of management

    15. They were selling t-shirts printed with your own individual sovereign name, blank copies of contractual agreements for establishing trade agreements, protection agreements, and shared resource agreements between free republics

    16. Our clients use a contractual policy feature that allows a policy holder to have access to tax-free money in their policy by using their life insurance cash value as collateral

    17. in excess of contractual obligations and fraudulent accounting

    18. ƒ Observing the terms and contractual conditions agreed with the client (a very high-priority issue)

    19. Democracy lives on movement, change, on contractual agreements, flexible time frames, enduring dynamics, dialectical interplay? It creates itself and thrives at the best of a will that stems from living forces

    20. Our unconsummated, transcendent communion is more intimate than your contractual marital exchange of intercourse

    21. We are delightfully persuaded that it is more loving to loan monergy than to share all, because contractual obligation, being granted the privilege of the responsibility of being in debt and paying it off, is what gives homo laborious their sense of purpose, creates opportunities for happiness with the acquired ability to purchase, and fills them with the unsurpassed joy of private ownership

    22. But the wedding night, if it has any meaning other than contractual, then isn't it supposed to symbolize and actualize the intimacy that is interdependent feeling into the other?”

    23. This reduces human relationships to contractual exchanges of monergy – the fusion of purchase and power – which is governed by the militarization of The Law

    24. The four members of what had just become a contractual entity called Diamond Head Crater sat around a table in the pub, despite the fact that they were too young to drink

    25. Sometimes it is possible to create a contractual relationship with the producer of a great product

    26. The contractual workers deployed by different contractors in

    27. A company that has significant dealings with overseas vendors or overseas offices should have both domestic and internal legal counsel review all major contractual and employment agreements

    28. Dewi has some contractual activities that she has to comply with

    29. The relationship between the banker and the customer is contractual

    30. The only reason these three families even stayed the appointed six months; was because of contractual obligations and the shame of losing face and backing out in front of all the world watching them, since it was being televised and documented in detail

    31. � We don't celebrate a re-dating for historic purposes or contractual purpose, or tax purposes

    32. A franchise could be in form of a contractual relationship whereby one party (franchisee) is entitled to use the trade name, image, procedures, and trade secrets of another (franchisor) usually in return for paying an initial purchase price and a percentage of gross revenues over the period of the arrangement

    33. She invited him to rent the second bedroom at her house, he didn’t want to risk what they had together by entering a contractual arrangement

    34. Remember, you have the right — but not the obligation — to follow through on the contractual agreements of the contract

    35. Both parties are required to respect the contractual obligations of the agreement

    36. Whatever technicalities might be invoked to prevent the note holders from asserting their contractual rights promptly and completely, it was difficult to imagine conditions under which the 7s would not be intrinsically worth considerably more than the 5s

    37. They belong properly, therefore, in the class of variable or speculative senior issues (Group II), and in this field the contractual differences between bonds and preferred shares are likely to assume great importance

    38. Safety is measured not by specific lien or other contractual rights, but by the ability of the issuer to meet all of its obligations

    39. OUR DISCUSSION of the theory of preferred stocks led to the practical conclusion that an investment preferred issue must meet all the requirements of a good bond, with an extra margin of safety to offset its contractual disadvantages

    40. If a preferred stock could always be expected to pay its dividend without question, then whether it is cumulative or noncumulative would become an academic question solely, in the same way that the inferior contractual rights of a preferred stock as compared with a bond would cease to have practical significance

    41. The contractual position of an income bond (sometimes called an adjustment bond) stands midway between that of a straight bond and a preferred stock

    42. Since the contractual rights of income bonds are always more or less superior to those of preferred stocks, it might be thought that a greater proportion of income bonds than of preferred stocks would deserve an investment rating

    43. In that case the basic contractual advantage of bonds over preferred shares would vanish, except to the extent of the right of bonds to repayment at a fixed date

    44. We repeat, in conclusion, the point made in our discussion of the theory of preferred stocks (page 188 on accompanying CD) that the contractual disadvantage of preferred shares is, at bottom, not so much a matter of inherent legal rights as it is of practical corporate procedure and of the investor’s own shortcomings

    45. Ultimately, Texaco is most significant as an example of the use of the Bankruptcy Code as an escape hatch, to evade legal or contractual liabilities

    46. Many Undervalued in Relation to Their Status and Contractual Position

    47. With respect to their intrinsic position, speculative bonds—and, to a lesser degree, preferred stocks—derive important advantages from their contractual rights

    48. With bonds, the returns consist of specific payments made under contractual commitments

    49. We may frame this caveat in another way by suggesting that the analyst should not urge a security exchange unless either (1) the issue to be bought is attractive, regarded by itself, or (2) there is a definite contractual relationship between the two issues in question

    50. These disparities arise from the frequent failure of the general market to recognize the effect of contractual provisions and often also from a tendency for speculative markets to concentrate attention on the common stocks and to neglect the senior securities

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