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    1. After my mother died, I was placed in the care of the Carmelite Convent near Mullion until I was five and then boarded at St

    2. If she was lucky she had been turned in to a convent before she was raped in the outside world

    3. She allowed herself to believe this woman meant her no harm and that she would be given some menial job in the palace convent or whatever it was until she learned the language and began to teach them about such things as motors and electronics

    4. By now Ava guessed that she must be the Mother Superior of this convent or whatever it was

    5. “So this isn’t a convent, it’s a whorehouse!? I’m training to be a whore?”

    6. 'But why a nunnery?' I asked, wondering just how Joanna thinks she would cope with the regime of a convent

    7. Convent of Paraclet around mid-morning

    8. always imagined she was bound for a convent

    9. been assisting the lay brothers of the convent in the herb

    10. to seek the shelter of a convent

    11. ‘Welcome to the Convent of Paraclet,’ she said as she

    12. remained in the convent, and he could think of no way to

    13. finally arrived at the Convent the sun had been up

    14. ‘From the Convent of Saint Laurent

    15. wonder if the temptations of life outside the convent were

    16. time to herself in the convent, and was struggling with

    17. She yelled and waved on the steps of the convent until, attracted by this insane jumping little creature with smock aflying, Fizzicist stopped

    18. The only hint that he was in a convent was the picture of the “Holy Family” hanging on the wall behind the desk

    19. “I have explained that our doctors would not look at the child and that she must take it to the convent at Querrieu

    20. I can remember nothing else at all about what happened to me after this and I had no idea while later that I was found behind our lines the next time I came to I was in a convent just outside Querrieu being looked after by some nurses

    21. The convent was packed with wounded but my thigh and the shrapnel in my hand had been dressed and I had a bandage on my head

    22. I was put in a ward in the convent whilst the more seriously wounded were loaded onto hospital trains for shipping back to Britain

    23. I could hear the Colonel shouting for the next case and glaring at poor Lt Howarth I was not taken back to the convent but to a small Château that was the Divisional Staffs residence

    24. Santiago lay on a gentle ridge, alarmingly close, the minarets of the ancient cathedral and the blue walls of the San Cristobel convent, peeping over the graceful palms covering the valley

    25. Know Nothing mobs burned down a convent, three churches, a fire station in an Irish neighborhood, several dozen homes, and a market

    26. It was confusing, she didn't know if there was any difference between the Pagan God, as the convent had called the God of magick, and the Christian God, or if they were one and the same

    27. That new life had begun the moment she wakened in the convent this morning

    28. As the nuns in the convent had taken vows of celibacy, it seemed as though celibacy had been demanded of her, too

    29. decided to be a saint and entered the convent

    30. Elsewhere in Europa, the war in Gaztela was over and the pretender, Juana, had been banished to a convent

    31. He explained that a convent was a place where women lived together in a community and spent their lives in prayer, or at least were supposed to so spend their lives

    32. society and gone to the Convent of San Sisto

    33. Holyoke or some such convent

    34. Evidently Janelle had been raised in a Catholic Convent

    35. discussion and agitation society, said to number some two to three thousand, which took its name from its meeting place in a convent

    36. Although every Nun knows that her veil should reach down to her eyebrows, if I do not pay attention, many Nuns will gradually let their veil rise little by little, day by day -- just so that she can display the skin of their forehead! Some Nuns last summer actually shaved their hair over their forehead, just to make their foreheads look higher! Why? Fashion, of course! Since you left England, this fetish of the forehead, as I call it, has obsessed almost all Northumbrian noblewomen; many of the girls of the convent were also infected

    37. We need to use olive oil for orthodox services, of course -- we are not in the days of Saint Cuthbert anymore, when fish oils were acceptable substitutes! The convent had a large supply of olive oil; enough to last all this year, and some of next

    38. Why did she join the Monks at Iona, rather than joining other girls and women at a Convent? She claims that her only motivation was the fact that, since the Synod of Whitby, Pilgrimage to foreign lands has been forbidden to English females

    39. Easier to tell than to do! She is frequently defiant towards my authority, has tried twice already to escape the convent, and refuses to promise not to try to escape again

    40. Her first escape attempt consisted of trying to run across the sand-bar connecting our island to the mainland; but her timing was poor, as the tide washed over the sand-bar before she had gone far, and she was forced to wade back to our island, where she was soon caught and brought back to the convent

    41. The only exception to the strict terms of her excommunication shall be Bishop Higbold's annual inspection; when, according to the ancient custom here, he insists on interviewing each and every person at the convent

    42. It is our duty to determine the spiritual health of the convent, and you will help us

    43. Is she ruling the convent properly?

    44. But I guessed -- correctly, it proved -- that the invaders would search every building in the convent for valuables, and then set them all afire

    45. We carried the relics from shadow to shadow, and reached one of the gates of the convent wall

    46. streets, Vanessa was essentially one of Them, the evil convent of relatives that had amassed in

    47. the Novodevichy Convent and Cemetery, as reported by the

    48. The image of me on the mirror was like a student who had recently gotten out of a Catholic convent, after five years of cloister: just what I needed for my contrition act

    49. It was the Presentation Convent school for girls that was staffed by both Nuns and lay teachers

    50. She was learning to play piano and a wood wind instrument called a recorder at the new convent school she was now attending

    1. This day Thomas Fittz Marchant being convented before the Board for a notorious misdemeanor in imbeseling and conveying away certaine Beavor skins, out of a Warehouse wherein they were deposited by way of sequestration under lock hung on by order of the Court of Admiralty, was after examination taken of his Carriage therein, committed 13/1425to the prison of the Fleete, and it was further ordered, that the examinations taken before the Board, should be transmitted to Master Atturney Generall, who after perusall of them is hereby prayed and required to take strickt examination of the business, aswell to discover who were actors or Abettors anie way in conveying away the said goods, as to whose hands anie parte of the same either in specie or anie parte of the moneyes ariseing upon the sale of them, are come, and how the same hath bin imployed, or disposed of, and by whose direction with all such other circumstances as he shall finde requisit touching the same, and that the Messinger who hath the said Fitz in custodie doe forthwith carry him before Mr

    1. feed you in convents


    3. He had been to several Visitation convents and everyone celebrated the Divine Office in this same way

    4. Here we are, listed under Convents and Monasteries, Salesian Monastery

    5. Convents and Monasteries

    6. Zaid, the surveyor of taxes in Egypt, attacked convents and destroyed churches

    7. “I’m doing some research into the convent that once stood here – this and other convents and churches that are no longer standing

    8. Monasteries and convents

    9. Devil of a job it was collecting accounts of those convents

    10. The material apparatus of perfected civilization which obliterates the individuality of old towns under the stereotyped conveniences of modern life had not intruded as yet; but over the worn-out antiquity of Sulaco, so characteristic with its stuccoed houses and barred windows, with the great yellowy-white walls of abandoned convents behind the rows of sombre green cypresses, that fact—very modern in its spirit—the San Tome mine had already thrown its subtle influence

    11. He is a fierce sort of priest, everlastingly worrying the Government about the old Church lands and convents

    12. All of the great orders maintain numerous monasteries and convents, as do many of the lesser orders

    13. Although this was the most strictly walled of all convents, we shall endeavor to make our way into it, and to take the reader in, and to say, without transgressing the proper bounds, things which story-tellers have never seen, and have, therefore, never described

    14. The walls were white, the tables were black; these two mourning colors constitute the only variety in convents

    15. However, this almost sepulchral parlor, of which we have sought to convey an idea, is a purely local trait which is not reproduced with the same severity in other convents

    16. Jean Valjean locked up these garments, plus the stockings and the shoes, with a quantity of camphor and all the aromatics in which convents abound, in a little valise which he found means of procuring

    17. Her education was finished, that is to say, she has been taught religion, and even and above all, devotion; then "history," that is to say the thing that bears that name in convents, geography, grammar, the participles, the kings of France, a little music, a little drawing, etc

    18. "Who would suspect that Paris was turned upside down? How plainly it is to be seen that in former days there were nothing but convents here! In this neighborhood! Du Breul and Sauval give a list of them, and so does the Abbe Lebeuf

    19. The forests through which one has passed with one's child, the trees under which one has strolled, the convents where one has concealed oneself, the games, the hearty laughs of childhood, are shadows

    20. Nuns worked them in convents in Spain

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    Synonymes pour "convent"

    convent abbey retreat cloister priory monastery nunnery community