Utiliser "convinced" dans une phrase
convinced exemples de phrases
1. They weren't convinced, but eventually settled into drowsiness in the sun
2. He might have been a little harsh on Herndon in telling it and made him sound more convinced of Venna's role
3. Teenagers usually exhibit the generation gap and question those views with which they are not convinced
4. Her return from Sinbara had convinced her that she was a city girl, what was she doing out in this desert at the onset of dark? Sinbara was an urban wonderland compared to this
5. ‘What’s she like?’ I asked, more convinced than ever that my only son is getting emotionally involved with this woman and not entirely sure how I feel about it
6. He was convinced that if anyone had stolen anything, it would be mentioned in that magazine
7. What sort of time do you think you might get here?’ I asked, mollified though not entirely convinced
8. doostEr worried that the city fathers had convinced the local news outlets to only say that he had run into the wilds so people would stop worrying
9. ‘He’s convinced that you’ll never speak to him again
10. He was more convinced than ever that the old girl was on the batty side of the
11. to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He
12. ‘He’s convinced that Sadler’s alibi is founded on a false basis
13. everyone saw that for themselves and was convinced
14. ‘Yes … Emma rang – Mum spoke to her for ages but convinced her that you were okay in the end
15. Travis didn't look convinced, but he took out a note pad and began to jot down a map with a Biro
16. doctors, always talk about their disease and are convinced that divine heal-
17. "I'm convinced enough that we are baseline that I have no interest in wasting time trying to find a hack out of it
18. She winked to her younger brother but he wasn’t convinced
19. His opening ‘How are things with you?’ opened the flood gates, with me listing all the things I’d convinced myself I’d got wrong
20. She’s not convinced, but even Betty has to admit that, by the time we’ve finished, the hall looks festive
21. He was fairly convinced at this time that the women were not with them
22. I'm convinced she had to be at that dive bar with her psycho father
23. " Enrico was very convinced of that, Bahkmar was not
24. I was convinced that there were other people here, other hostages
25. I convinced myself that I had missed this first chance at establishing contact with my darling brethren
26. convinced that this person does not have any devious intentions, you could send your
27. Apollo's convinced it had to, he could feel it
28. He was convinced there were more rain clouds on Mars than here
29. He was convinced she loved him, in some sense at least, but in almost everything, she was a native and he was a foreigner
30. "What don't you believe in, there was a man called Jesus Christ who had some friends who wrote down some wise words he preached? Are you convinced that man is the true son of God?"
31. She had to be convinced that her android was all that was needed
32. Nlara had been with Vyinga for years and had just told them she was the one who first convinced Vyinga to sail again
33. It was bad enough that she had to go along with his starship story even though she was pretty convinced that all he had wrong with him was a bad trip on RNAcid and that eldritch device someone had found
34. ‘However, I’m convinced that it’s Gerisse Stowman who’s running the show
35. She whickers at me conversationally as I work and I’ve convinced myself she’s pleased to see me
36. If she had complained about sex with you and been miserable, I probably would not have asked for this, but she could not have convinced me you were sexually useless even if she did complain because she seems so satisfied
37. but we are convinced that the said threat
38. "We wouldn't be here discussing them unless we were already convinced of that," Althart said
39. He was convinced that this could help them when they were in battle
40. she is convinced of victory, wearing a dress
41. I was away a lot, which suited Sanna, she was able to pursue her work and I convinced myself that it was sufficient
42. Seeing the messenger bird, has brought it home to me with stunning force that by the end of today, I shall have to face my uncle … and I am less convinced that he will be delighted by my news
43. Ten short minutes each day—so very little time to devote to Yoga, but how rich will be the rewards, so rich that I feel convinced that many of you will soon want to get up even earlier to devote yet more time to this healthful study
44. ‘Then let’s fool the Antis into believing that we have all four Elements and, once they have been convinced, we can find a reason for Lintze to visit the area and retrieve the Element safely
45. He bowed with great humility and smiled though I wasn't convinced he had any idea what I was talking about
46. Having convinced him I am settled, Berndt rides off to inform his mother of his change of status, his promises that he will be back within the week if he can, ringing in my ears as I watch him leave
47. The years of conditioning and polite remarks made to him by family friends and retainers were so ingrained that he was convinced that he was the only sane person walking the city streets that night
48. She was convinced that time had now come
49. Still, I've only known him a little over a year, he's just a kid and he's only with me because he was convinced he needed a guide to Zhlindu
50. I convinced myself I could keep my part of the bargain, as I saw it