Utiliser "corollary" dans une phrase
corollary exemples de phrases
1. Graduation requirements shall be set in harmony with the entrance requirements of the Higher Institutions of this State, and the corollary testing commiserate with same
2. ” Maybe they thought God should have put some corollary into physics or biology that would prevent the organs from functioning unless conception would take place? Or maybe they were advocating some lab cooking up a mod that would remove desire from everyone who didn't plan on parenthood? Probably some lab had somewhere, but she doubted that it sold very well
3. Will man ever be able to truly understand exactly what happens where in the brain while thoughts are occurring? And what about the distinction between thinking about a new subject as opposed to remembering an old one? Some perhaps promising speculation has recently centered on the neurons of the pre-frontal cortex (the cerebrum), with the corollary proposition that the greater number of axonic-dendritic connections between the neurons, the greater the potential intelligence
4. His Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine had the US collecting debts for other imperial powers
5. But, I suspect that humans cannot ever know the exact mix of free will and determinism, as a corollary of God's desire to be minimally intrusive, the latter stemming ultimately from our own human need for self-worth
6. Jason thought of the corollary, namely that if the world was to survive, there had to be a powerful force for Good, even if things were not always peaceful and stable
7. corollary to that for a service business is that the customer should feel that you left the place
8. Another important corollary of the push-pull concept is "migration elastically
9. ” An unwritten corollary to Article Two was that you had to ask Captain Samuels first
10. corollary to this is that a competent patient can refuse any or all therapy
11. Corollary: if humanity is ability, ability means there is a potential, not
12. The corollary of
13. corollary of this is that the subject of social ethics concerns the responsibilities and obligations one
14. My mission is to teach by example and precept under severe restraint the use of the matchless weapon of Satyāgraha which is a direct corollary of non-violence and truth
15. Therefore, the corollary process name is producing reports
16. 'What else but ONS that holds sway on my P the most? Why it's just physical, no emotional baggage baba? And that makes sex the pure sex with a sense of adventure? Oh, how did I come up with a new theory as a corollary? This is the theory for the posterity—one need carry nothing going into sexual encounters
17. “Only through corollary examples,” Thean countered
18. As Jane Washington so aptly put it, the Miracles are always riffing on Smokey’s song, to which I will add this significant corollary: the poet is always riffing on the Muse
19. The corollary to what Anderson was saying did not have to be spelt out
20. After all, what is a custom but the collective prejudice of culture or a corollary of a religious precept?’
21. What’s worse, desertion that is a corollary to seduction could affect her self-belief all the more
22. Since truth is one, eternal, and changeless, as a corollary ALL SAGES
23. Our very familiarity with this law has blinded us to its majesty; we lightly assign it as an explanation for the most inscrutable mysteries, because it is such an absolutely necessary corollary to all we conceive of life or nature, without recognizing that it itself is beyond all comprehension
24. As a corollary, banks would be required to adopt enhanced measures for products,
25. I asked what the corollary
26. What is the corollary?
27. Here’s a corollary to the tip above: Avoid drinking coffee in excess, as it
28. natural corollary of the second
29. Why is this unspoken subliminal assumption dangerous? Because the corollary to comedy is seriousness
30. experienced the first corollary of her unfaithfulness with some pain but he was a
31. The second corollary seemed to have worked to the fullest
32. " This internal positive expression of the compassionate also creates a corollary with the anger driven one we discussed before
33. � The corollary to that can mean that when we reject compassion in its universal sense, we may reject compassion for ourselves as well
34. "� We can see a corollary to the phrase in saying the following: when everything has a price, nothing has any value
35. The corollary to following your passions is do whatever it takes to spend the least
36. It follows as a natural corollary from their general idea that this school of psychologers insists on attaching to the Hebrew word Sheol (lwaç) and to the Greek word Hades (AiJdhv) invariably the meaning of the Grave, a tolerably stout assertion standing here in the place of evidence
37. “The "army of the Voice" is a term closely connected with the mystery of Sound and Speech, as an effect and corollary of the cause — Divine Thought
38. What inchoate corollary statement was consequently suppressed by the host?
39. She had bowed to the inevitable result of proximity, the necessity of loving him; but she had not calculated upon this sudden corollary, which, indeed, Clare had put before her without quite meaning himself to do it so soon
40. Interestingly, he voiced a concern about meditation that seemed to be a corollary to my ongoing security/insecurity conundrum
41. A corollary to the preceding is that the best pullback trades will not come after a momentum divergence
42. As a corollary, once historical volatility moves up or down, the implied volatility follows
43. This is really a corollary of the above rule, but it's important enough to state separately
44. The corollary is that if it continues to meet those criteria (good management, reasonable margins, innovation, good financial control, etc), then it may well be a good idea to hang on and just go on collecting dividends
45. Hence we may submit, as a corollary of no small practical importance, that people who habitually purchase common stocks at more than about 20 times their average earnings are likely to lose considerable money in the long run
46. Other Requisites for Common Stocks of Investment Grade and a Corollary Therefrom
47. From this principle there follows another important corollary, viz
48. But Lynch’s rule can work only if you follow its corollary as well: “Finding the promising company is only the first step
49. The second primary short-sale set-up and topping formation is the late-stage failed-base (LSFB), a corollary to the head & shoulders top that is usually seen more frequently than the head & shoulders formation, but which can also be seen as part of a head & shoulders formation, as we shall see a little bit later in this chapter
50. Statistically, it is not clear whether this pattern has any real validity, but it is something of a corollary to a high, tight flag formation where the flag is a single, very tight and “short” one-week flag