Utiliser "coupled" dans une phrase
coupled exemples de phrases
1. "The faith they seek is the faith that never questions authority, coupled with the certainty of faith that they are the authority in society
2. Their caressing gradually built in eroticism until they coupled with some urgency
3. excitement of engaging in a new activity coupled with the closeness that you gain from spending
4. The rush of the wind coupled with the blades of the copter made for difficult
5. That coupled with the living proof of just how far advanced the races had become since the days of the Origin Race, proved to them that the true path was evolution, to continually advance humanoid life in seemingly infinite ways
6. "I was quite closely coupled with the owner of this home for most of that decade
7. coupled with a mild fever – that’s all
8. Tragus grew disgusted, knowing that he’d coupled with this ugly
9. She would soon discover that coupled with this distance was an obvious long-held aversion to any sort of closeness beyond that of friendship
10. He was known for his ultra-aggressive nature and is someone you didn’t want to mess with and who was best to avoid contact with at all costs if you planned on finishing out your safari with all your limbs and body parts still attached to their original frame! He had a huge set of sharp teeth with long canines that could be used quite effectively for fighting, coupled with a cranky disposition and unfaltering determination that would surpass that of the best mixed martial arts fighters that take center ring nowadays
11. But the new location, decidedly gloomy and ironic as it was, coupled with Mercer’s wheezy DRAFT
12. include both intention coupled with embodiment of the divine energies and
13. This coupled with some measure of inborn skill had served him well
14. Watching your diet alone is not going to yield results unless it is coupled with proper exercise
15. In the above control room an array of fixed, curiously antiquated display screens were giving the various intermix ratios, projected stability levels coupled with the power requirements for sustaining negative energy
16. A sub-quantum suppression field will alter that frequency and hence change the nature of matter; coupled with a carrier beam to direct us
17. Gerrid checked for a pulse, but the man had died: the massive dose of neural stimulant coupled with the sudden release from TIAR was inevitably fatal; yet for someone who lived for dangerous missions, staying in his mentally induced prison cell (an override program the Darangi had created for captives) was never an option
18. grievances, coupled with its lackadaisical application of the law(s), are not lost on attorneys eager to exploit such grievances by recruiting and manipulating prospective jurists from the ―community‖ who might prove (potentially) sympathetic to their argument(s)
19. This is likely to change, however, as higher paying positions and job security in the Private Sector are becoming less certain while the alternative prospects for longer term employment in the Public Sector coupled with generous employee benefits, equal or higher salaries and lucrative retirement packages are gradually attracting a broader cross section of recent college graduates including those counted among the ―better‖ educated
20. Liberalism‘s gradual departure from traditional conventions and quasi/moderate viewpoints coupled with its uncanny fascination with centralized authority has engendered an utopic, foolishly optimistic worldview based on imaginary global assumptions rather than practical means
21. That coupled with the intense heat and my difficulty breathing make it nearly impossible for me to get to the hospital every day
22. “Well, it’s a casino all right, but it’s coupled with a house of prostitution
23. The bold new ideas of sexual and financial independence coupled with a complete revamping of society to include women in its mainstream triggered something deep within: from the first moment, it became her everything – her focus
24. That, coupled with a sideways eye
25. The inclination of his body coupled with the strange tone of its voice somehow led Hilderich to believe it was trying to mimic a haughty, stiff manservant of a noble:
26. This change of mind coupled with the change of behaviour and a soft brush is all you need to prevent toothbrush damage
27. groups coupled with liberal judges using the Endangered Species Act have prevented the cleanup of our
28. There seem to be elements, some come as a closely coupled pair while others occur in a trilogy, all periodically repeated, that are to be the subject of my inquiry
29. Coupled with the World Bank they have imposed rules and regulations which have
30. Because of my education and experiences, coupled with the many years I have had to observe and learn, there is no substitute
31. Such commissions against language and logic were coupled with omissions, so that you could almost tell what was going right with the country by what was ignored by the Complicit Main Media—the astute neglect of covering any news that might counter
32. The Iranian president’s insistence on developing nuclear energy, coupled with his stated desire to eliminate Israel, represented to Kosmo and Jason, a major replay of history
33. What is the prophesies? It is the Old Testament! But coupled to the same passage we receive the instruction to blamelessly preserve our bodies unto the coming of Jesus
34. part of PPM, and often coupled with connections to Computer Aided Design
35. It appeals to the West because it has no dogmas; satisfies the reason and the heart alike; insists on self-reliance coupled with tolerance for other points of view; embraces science, religion, philosophy, psychology, ethics and art; and points to man alone as the creator of his present life and sole designer of his destiny
36. practice and physical exercise coupled with breathing techniques and
37. over-production of sebum, and coupled with a sluggish exfoliation
38. Below are the names used in the book coupled with the names found on modern maps
39. coupled with the addiction of wanting more and more
40. coupled with conservative lending practices
41. clients is coupled with his commitment to
42. The biggest curse possible coupled with a gift of love I had never envisaged
43. He has coupled his
44. The upgrade, coupled with future
45. research resources, coupled with a highly
46. He has subsequently thrown off his bad ways and can now be seen wearing a lot of tweed coupled with a fancy shirt and tie combination
47. He has a favourite armchair and you will see quite a lot of references to chairs within the book, padded high backed ones are the best, coupled with a glass of port and a good leather bound book in front of the roaring fire
48. The music blared from every room and I remember the countless compliments on my unsurpassed beauty coupled with the usual laughter and rejoicing that comes along with festivities
49. This is especially so when coupled with the
50. and bigger fat cells in our abdomen, coupled with a diminished