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    Utiliser "covetous" dans une phrase

    covetous exemples de phrases


    1. 14And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided

    2. For the wicked boasts of his heart's desire, and blesses the covetous, whom the LORD

    3. devil that would like to keep mankind in a greedy and covetous state

    4. 3 For the wicked boasts of his heart's desire, and blesses the covetous, whom the Lord hates

    5. 9 Why is earth and ashes proud? There is not a more wicked thing than a covetous man, for such a one sets his own soul for sale;

    6. 9 A covetous man's eye is not satisfied with his portion; and the iniquity of the wicked dries up his soul

    7. All around her, covetous miser that she is, she gazes greedily upon the barrels of oil, the tons of gold, the mountains of iron, titanium, and zinc; all the massive treasure of her dark domain

    8. be twisted into this covetous endeavor to align with him,

    9. Since I swore upon the Truthstone, I find I am much less covetous, and much less protective of the sanctity of my territory

    10. 5 My child be not a liar for lying leads to theft; be not covetous or conceited for from all these things thefts arise

    11. 1 Therefore elect for yourselves bishops and deacons worthy of the Lord men who are meek and not covetous and true and approved for they perform for you the service of prophets and teachers

    12. " "What kinds of luxury sir" I asked "are hurtful?" "Every act of a man which he performs with pleasure" he replied "is an act of luxury; for the sharp-tempered man when gratifying his tendency indulges in luxury; and the adulterer and the drunkard and the back-biter and the liar and the covetous man and the thief and he who does things like these gratifies his peculiar propensity and in so doing indulges in luxury

    13. “But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of covetous desire

    14. Eunuch-boy, her name for Mr Becker, was insultingly covetous of his seclusion

    15. Join us as we take a quick journey and open some of these curiously covetous boxes

    16. Greedy I was and covetous of alien jewels

    17. In the pool area a pride of naked men older than thirty wallowed in the heated blue waters or lounged on chaise longues, casting covetous glances at about a dozen slim, naked youths, some of whom appeared to be in their early teens, sitting by the steaming pool, swimming, diving or standing in elegant contrapposto against the columns

    18. 8 Then, as the people went down by the river to witness the baptizing, the first man came privately to Jesus about his inheritance inasmuch as he thought Jesus had dealt harshly with him; and when the Master had again heard him, he replied: "My son, why do you miss the opportunity to feed upon the bread of life on a day like this in order to indulge your covetous disposition? Do you not know that the Jewish laws of inheritance will be justly administered if you will go with your complaint to the court of the synagogue? Can you not see that my work has to do with making sure that you know about your heavenly inheritance? Have you not read the Scripture: `There is he who waxes rich by his wariness and much pinching, and this is the portion of his reward: Whereas he says, I have found rest and now shall be able to eat continually of my goods, yet he knows not what time shall bring upon him, and also that he must leave all these things to others when he dies

    19. Poitain was surrounded by covetous neighbors and her sons learned hardihood in incessant wars

    20. His attitude was condescending and it took almost a week of gentle rebuffs and subject changes for the covetous Martin to finally understand that he hadn‘t hired a piece of ass

    21. Jealousy, envy, and hate (covetous) began to take over Cain and we are left with the story as a result

    22. ing in the ways of Cain (covetous)

    23. grew throughout the kingdom, Saul grew covetous of the power and

    24. some unwanted attention from those who where covetous of him, as to

    25. Herodias, being covetous and angry with John the Baptist, sought

    26. many people were covetous and had a hate in their hearts for them also

    27. anticipated their dinner arrangement with a covetous delight - determined that

    28. by appealing into their covetous rearing

    29. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,

    30. Gods’ church is a People, not a place, that have been called out of the fearful, judgmental, rebellious, covetous, fault-finding, manipulative, vain, haughty, arrogant self-serving control that the man-made structure we call church embedded in the mind of man

    31. If the credo of the Christianity is courting other religious souls in covetous ways, the creed of the Musalman has been to turn the kafirs of the world into servants of their God, and by extension admirers of their prophet

    32. Covetous action is distant from and inferior to the Path of Discrimina-

    33. “It is I who bestow steadiness on the faith of covetous worship-

    34. Even a covetous thought in the vicinity of his personal possession was as much a betrayal as its consummation would have been

    35. “Whereas the triple returns-good, bad, and mixed-of covetous

    36. pulsive, covetous of the fruits of action, acquisitive, pernicious, vitiated, and subject to joy and sorrow

    37. Later, they stop caring about people and what they say, and so they leave the practice of profitable work, as they are made to feel covetous of imaginary treasures and fanciful possessions through their desire (for example, they are told things such as: you don’t need to work, because Al’lah is the Provider)

    38. He may then become wholly absorbed in a covetous attitude, gazing at his fellow, so that a ray of his spirit spreads from his envious self towards the spirit of the one who is envied

    39. So he left us five years ago, and he returned silent, reserved, covetous

    40. Her eyes flickered to the grimoire on the ground and her covetous look didn't escape Gabby

    41. yourself, you will be placing yourself in the position of the covetous or envious man, or

    42. Why is the meaning of the first human city called ‘Ur’, or ‘our’? Why was the first modern city with writing, called Earth? Why were its walls a perfect circle? Why did the word ‘our’, or ‘all ours’ originate from ‘Ur’…? Because they were covetous of each other’s wealth? Because they wanted to rape and covet the entire Earth? Is the goal of the people who wanted this, still being followed? By the same idiotic, identical, staged re-enactment of Empires and Emperors, and wars? Is this the actual secret goal of civilization? To carry out this first city’s stated goal? Ur

    43. Take Egypt 7,000 years ago, in its heyday: the greediest, most covetous Kingdom of all

    44. The most covetous tribe on Earth: has for 3,000 years tried to scream out in public how they are not covetous

    45. It is the covetousness of negative birds merged with the covetousness of negative ants merged with the covetousness of the most covetous tribes of human nomads ever born: the tribes of the Hebrews

    46. Colt had but to make a gesture of interest to a girl or one of the many grown women casting greedy covetous looks at him and he’d have several of them on their knees before him

    47. And the record says, “And the Pharisees also who were covetous heard all the things and derided him

    48. people were becoming more protective of what they had, less inclined to share and covetous

    49. It is a covetous grasping, a recognition that the other is indispensable

    50. encounter with the madman they met in the Sierra, saying nothing, however, about the finding of the valise and its contents; for with all his simplicity the lad was a trifle covetous

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    Synonymes pour "covetous"

    avaricious covetous grabby grasping greedy prehensile envious jealous eager desirous