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    Utiliser "crack open" dans une phrase

    crack open exemples de phrases

    crack open

    1. “There is no chance that the device would crack open and release this virus,” asked Lord Boras

    2. As dangerous as these giants may have been, there were other, far more powerful beings that sought to crack open Lock Core

    3. He’ll sit down beside Grandma, crack open the top and start drinking

    4. That’s one-third of the time it takes me to run to CVS, crack open the capsule, and mix it in her OJ

    5. Ethan felt his head was about to crack open when he blindly threw a couple of quick jabs

    6. It’s possible that those Wards will collapse as soon as they are punctured, but unlikely, so you must be ready to force the crack open further with your power, and we will do what we can to assist you in that

    7. I crack open an eye and peer at him

    8. He’s silent for so long that I crack open an eye again, only to find him staring at me in- wonder? He smiles when my eyes meet his

    9. Since the cowbird had been a gypsy, traveling with the buffalo, females never had bothered to make nests but simply dumped their eggs, which would crack open to reveal large murderous chicks, into the nests of smaller birds

    10. I crack open the door and see the beast zooming past the door

    11. She left a crack open in the door and seated herself against the wall just outside

    12. His reading that night is "The Nobility of Corona, eighth edition," which is even less his thing, so he doesn't even bother to crack open

    13. Like water seeping into a crack and freezing: forcing the crack to open slightly more… then re-freezing: every freezing of the water in the crack opens the crack up more… until it becomes a visible fissure… until the entire totality of the stone splits apart and the integrity of its Totality is destroyed

    14. The ladies slowly followed Razumihin, who went on before, and when they reached the landlady's door on the fourth storey, they noticed that her door was a tiny crack open and that two keen black eyes were watching them from the darkness within

    15. He felt like he could run eighty miles an hour, and that he should, that if he stayed where he was, his chest would crack open and some demon would bust out, shake Ben’s blood off its wings, crook its head at the idea of being stuck in this world, and fly into the sky, trying to get back to hell

    16. Then, just as I was about to disengage from my Interceptor and remove my helmet, I saw the surface of Europa crack open beneath me, breaking apart like an eggshell as a giant chrome orb rose out of the hidden ocean below, ripping a massive, circular hole in the surface ice as it zoomed up into orbit and began to hover in space directly in front of my ship

    17. She was tense, had her arms wrapped across her chest; she seemed like a trapped cat waiting for the door to crack open so that she could dart the hell out

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