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    Utiliser "cricket" dans une phrase

    cricket exemples de phrases




    1. Liam picked up the putter, felt its weight in his hand, swung it a few times like a cricket bat

    2. staking them out with cricket stumps,

    3. could not make his dream of being in the Indian cricket team real, but that was a

    4. 'Sorry to ask again, but a cricket shop in a temple complex? Who will buy?

    5. The Team India Cricket Shop opened with the smashing of a coconut on the

    6. In the centre, we had the letters 'Team India Cricket Shop' in the

    7. 'Yes, a couple here, or in the SBI compound itself while you guys give cricket

    8. said 'Stationery, Cricket Coaching and Maths Tuitions available'

    9. We kept the cricket coaching and tuitions at the same price -250 rupees a

    10. used the compound grounds for the two students who signed up for cricket

    11. Ish gripped the cricket ball and showed him the wrist movement

    12. 'You want to sign up for cricket tuitions

    13. 'Sorry, watching cricket highlights

    14. To see the school cricket

    15. accepted the chocolates but said no to cricket coaching, and a foot-stomping no

    16. 'This boy is gifted in cricket

    17. And he has to learn the other aspects of cricket

    18. 'Yes abba, they came to play cricket at the school

    19. hand and his cricket bat in the other

    20. 'This is not a cricket ground

    21. an animal when it came to cricket

    22. 'See you at the shop,' Ish told me and turned to Ali, 'Any questions on cricket,

    23. 'Yeah, we played good cricket, but that's about it

    24. in cricket, he will value his gift Until now, he was a four ball freak show

    25. A ten-year-old came with thirty coins to buy a cricket ball

    26. than play cricket and be reminded of India's humiliation

    27. If there was a day that India dominated world cricket, it was on the fourth day

    28. The first customer of the great Indian Cricket Season had arrived

    29. of all his convictions about cricket

    30. 'The cricket shop owners

    31. 'Is this how Harbhajan grips the ball?' a seven-year-old tried to fit the cricket

    32. His hands trembled as he shuffled through the cricket

    33. Ali pranced around as he stumbled on two cricket balls kept on the floor

    34. cricket gloves while handing the envelope back to me

    35. This left Harry alone looking out over the Cricket pitch and the rest of the grounds within casual view

    36. I’d worn my red outfit and the look in his eyes when he arrived told me all I needed to know … On the way to the cricket club, I told him all about my visit with Dad, passing on the invitation to visit and suggesting that it might be better if he went when I was at work

    37. Barrie became friends with Conan Doyle and they were members of the same cricket team

    38. But Nerissa didn’t want to ask him to say nothing, so she pretended that the purpose was to catch a cricket for him

    39. ” I was wearing an old cricket sweater and had plimsolls on my feet so she obviously thought that I was a civilian

    40. He wasn’t the captain of the village cricket team for nothing!

    41. One time, I saw a constable arrive at SAP COIN a bit worse for wear and when he opened his kitbag; his mates loaded his cricket kit in and chucked his uniforms out

    42. On one particular day – and it goes without saying, that when a bunch of young lads get together they must play some sort of game – cricket was the chosen sport and it also goes without saying that this bunch of lads always insisted on the women taking part too

    43. I had a cricket bat in my hands, which could have been defined as a weapon in my hands rather than a bat

    44. "Fat lot of bleedin' good being comfy is if yer can't watch the cricket on the telly, ain't it?" he snapped back

    45. I was trying to catch up with the cricket scores

    46. ‘Okay, start pulling!’ His voice shook, and his heart beat faster than a cricket can chirp

    47. I watched a little of the last ‘one day international’ cricket on TV, which was played at Bristol, my birthplace, and noticed the spectators wearing anoraks to keep them warm

    48. soon, he headed over to the cricket park off Heath Road and

    49. Couldn't put Indian cricket together again

    50. Sachin turns to Sourav and says, "Do you think there's cricket in heaven?" Ganguly thinks about it for a minute and replies, "I dunno

    1. The monotonous cricketing of insects

    2. I told him that much as I liked hearing praise of my father’s cricketing skills, I’d feel even better once I had got my Modi interview

    3. meant that they had finally joined England and Australia as the leading cricketing

    4. However, the performance that captured the imagination of the cricketing

    1. In fact the only thing she heard all night was the crickets below her window

    2. He was busy trying to feed his crickets grain that had trickled from the miller’s cart

    3. but the only sounds there on the hillside were bird calls, the chirr of crickets, and an occasional bleat from one of the ewes

    4. The two sat in the living room with the sounds of crickets echoing from outside and the occasional sound of a car passing by

    5. For example, even in the woods at night, most of us will recognize the sound of crickets or the cry of a coyote

    6. They were heard long before they were seen in the darkness of the plain, and their feral noises at first dissolved into the night sounds, only faintly present over the crickets

    7. The sound of crickets and buzzing mosquitoes were drowned by the monotonous `put-put’ of the two-stroke motor that somehow managed to barely propel the barge

    8. Gothic looking with tall towers, gables crickets, pinnacles and rose windows, the building resembles a cathedral

    9. She sings with the crickets

    10. Ear-splitting screech of tiny tree frogs and crickets

    11. The crickets sang their ritual songs

    12. As Penny and Angelo walked through the gardens, all that could be heard were the singing of the crickets and the shining of the stars above

    13. night and the chirping of crickets

    14. spreading in the night – and I could hear the crickets

    15. There’s not a breath of wind, and even the crickets seem to have stopped chirping waiting for something

    16. Only the chirping of crickets and the stillness of the air

    17. When the last rays of sunshine faltered over the horizon and the sound of crickets filled the air, an immense fear gripped her

    18. At five o’clock in the morning the noise of the toads and crickets outside the wall woke him up

    19. For a time, all he could hear was the sound of pounding surf near the beach, mixing naturally with the rhythmical sounds of crickets in the immediate area

    20. The sound of the car on the gravel parking area joined the chorus of crickets and creatures of the night in the remote and desolate area of low country

    21. The night was still, and the only sound to be heard was that of crickets and the occasional owl

    22. And it never failed that they got dirty because they never tired of lifting rocks and leaves and whatever else might be harboring toads and crickets and moths and slugs and centipedes and roly-poly’s and those ever-industrious ants

    23. The crickets sing, the colours fade

    24. A bird sang in a nearby bush, and in the low growth, crickets were chirping

    25. ' There was a short silence in which only the bird and the crickets were heard, then Midge said,

    26. ’ the roasting of birds; the howling of dogs; the crying hoots of owls; the stridulating of crickets and grasshoppers; and the whirring of the bats

    27. Barry, Michael and Tonio reach the street corner and stop as they hear the eerie sounds of the crickets

    28. neighborhood had such an eerie silence that the crickets

    29. The sounds of crickets, cicadas, and other

    30. The sound of crickets filled the world with their

    31. The crickets were up this night, also

    32. The crickets stopped their chirping and the evening grew quieter and more sober, if that were possible

    33. It is breathlessly hot in summer, sending crickets and cicadas into a frenzy

    34. The chirping of crickets

    35. but tree frogs and crickets, the wind and the river

    36. A thousand chirping crickets helped to usher out the fading twilight to gradually

    37. Subtly intermixed with the chirping of crickets and the creaks from the

    38. "I don't hear anything but the car and the crickets," she answered in a nervous

    39. The chirping of crickets and the barking of tree frogs

    40. frogs and crickets, the wind and the river

    41. she lay there, helpless, powerless, and all she could hear was the sound of frogs and crickets, all coming out for the night

    42. Crickets were numerous and noisy on this day

    43. They sat in silence listening to the chirp of crickets in the air

    44. After Buddy Holly died in an infamous plane crash on what later would be called “the day the music died,” Sonny Curtis took his place in the Crickets, and one of the songs he had written was

    45. The Crickets – “That'll Be the Day” (1957)

    46. Appears on: The “Chirping” Crickets (1957)

    47. three men listened to the crickets and water from below the bridge

    48. Now it was Mike and Shandy, and all the crickets and frogs

    49. night, over the sound of the crickets and frogs, she could hear the

    50. penetrating were those of the crickets chirping in the midsummer night

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