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    Utiliser "crossing over" dans une phrase

    crossing over exemples de phrases

    crossing over

    1. Before Lemoss could think, the three men bustled out, pushed him roughly aside before crossing over into the grocer

    2. She went down on her back on the mat, shock crossing over her face momentarily before delight set in

    3. Venus’s eyes popped open in shock, anger crossing over her face like a jolt of electricity

    4. Crossing over to the wire fence surrounding Mr Shinlock’s field, she tried calling again, “Clancy, come here boy!”

    5. I see that you made it,” he said, standing and crossing over to where I stood, frozen

    6. Sharon and assist her in crossing over and assured me she had done

    7. and said prayers for Sharon’s crossing over

    8. Crossing over to the wire fence surrounding Mr Shinlock’s field, she tried calling again

    9. Crossing over the room in a couple of long strides, he passed so closely to Macey that she flinched, already feeling the cold blade sinking into her stomach

    10. On the bridge I could see a lone wagon crossing over toward the city

    11. You are quite capable of crossing over

    12. constant effort of crossing over from what ‘I was’ to what ‘I shall

    13. Morgan entered first crossing over the threshold he walked over to the main archive holding space

    14. “So what does this have to do with your aversion to crossing over the brook?” Cody asked him plainly

    15. Add to that government neglect, the unique brazenness of some illegal aliens’ families who could dare to bring a lawsuit against the Government of the United States for the deaths of their family members who died by unlawfully crossing over the unprotected borders into our deserts, and one beholds an arrogance of thinking that defies reason

    16. He set down the supplies he had brought before crossing over to the table and sitting down in the chair

    17. There were roads crossing over other roads, and Ted told us that we were not on the Interstate any more it was a Freeway

    18. Looking around curiously, Jai thought he saw a stone wall far behind them, crossing over the river, but the fog closed in before he could be sure what he was seeing

    19. 25, John journeyed around the western coast of the Dead Sea and up the river Jordan to opposite Jericho, the ancient ford over which Joshua and the children of Israel passed when they first entered the promised land; and crossing over to the other side of the river, he established himself near the entrance to the ford and began to preach to the people who passed by on their way back and forth across the river

    20. Crossing over the broad span he came to the western edge of the bridge and

    21. It is simply a manner of crossing over and seeing what is most comfortable to you

    22. With great leaps they went from the tree to tree, crossing over the unsuspecting Hapchenan and their mechs below

    23. I know if I were in her condition, hearing the voice of a loved one would help to keep me from crossing over

    24. It was crossing over that self-same Moon/Neptune pairing in Scorpio that made her such a fool about men and sex

    25. "Pluto was crossing over her Moon and Neptune in the eighth house

    26. “No worries,” Garcia said, crossing over to her

    27. As a Christian, do not ever tempt your hand or your fate with the Lord by crossing over into this kind of forbidden territory with Him

    28. Many Christians have been seduced into crossing over into some of these carnal and fleshly realms as a result of the seductive and persuasive influence of some of their co-workers or schoolmates

    29. I repeat, nothing else will be crossing over with you once you enter into heaven

    30. Bottom line – adultery is forbidden territory for any Christian to be crossing over into and should be avoided at all costs

    31. As a result of crossing over into forbidden territory even for just that one time, he ended up getting infected with AIDS

    32. I wonder how many Christians are departing from this life before their time would have really been up in the Lord as a result of the deadly consequences that arose from crossing over into this sin and transgression?

    33. am one step closer to “crossing over”, but I am still resistant

    34. In Joshua 4:5-8, God commands the children of Israel as they are crossing over Jordan,

    35. Cristian sat in the taxi parked on the ferry crossing over to Long Island thinking of how he was going to explain to his parents all that had happened since the night of the presentation

    36. He frowned when he saw the huge gash that had been stitched up, crisscrossing over an old scar

    37. Actually, he probably wouldn't be crossing over

    38. Jacob crossing over would mean he'd be out of my life

    39. thought he could measure the Universe and being that egoistic is stupidity crossing over to the insane

    40. and turned left, crossing over and closing in on the square

    41. My will seemed stronger than ever also, and I realized that was a key ingredient in crossing over and staying here, a quality that must have been strong in Lance

    42. "Thanks," he said, crossing over the threshold

    43. I found a pair of eyes in the shadowed darkness of a deeper, less filled section of the ditch, that I was crossing over

    44. As soon I decided to turn back I found myself in a garden at a foot of a bridge, crossing over a beautiful stream

    45. crossing over into abusive beatings with boards

    46. He nodded his head, crossing over to the fire and dropping a pile of logs, that he was carrying on the floor

    47. crossing over to the corner of the room, ascended the pulpit, being immediately greeted with a tremendous outburst of hooting, howling and booing, which he smilingly acknowledged by removing his cap from his bald head and bowing repeatedly

    48. He went out into the yard and crossing over to where - under a shed - there was a great heap of waste wood, stuff that had been taken out of places where Rushton & Co

    49. Carmen evaluated her before crossing over to the counter and retrieving her own wineglass

    50. Embarking again and crossing over, they worked their way up the stream in this manner, while the moon, serene and detached in a cloudless sky, did what she could, though so far off, to help them in their quest; till her hour came and she sank earthwards reluctantly, and left them, and mystery once more held field and river

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