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    Utiliser "crown" dans une phrase

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    1. Ruthie is drinking tea, but she looks like she needs to be knocking back some shots of Crown Royal instead

    2. balding crown of the man’s lowered head, and then walked boldly up to the boy’s

    3. The accountant stood up, the crown of his head reaching only the breasts of

    4. The Countess smiled at the balding crown of the man’s lowered head, and then walked boldly up to the boy’s table

    5. There are no crown wearers in heaven who were not cross bearers here below

    6. The Crown of Thorns

    7. This is the statement of how He was crowned: with a crown of thorns

    8. If this is true, then why would thorns be the crown upon His head? Christ took the curse by even having a crown of thorn

    9. Is there any crown more fitting for Him to have? Maybe something that we need to examine would be what the thorns represent

    10. So for Jesus to take up a crown of thorns, He isn’t taking something fruitless and making it fruitful

    11. We have the same thing being reiterated within the crown of thorns

    12. Though the pagan soldiers mocked Jesus by putting upon Him that scarlet robe and crown of thorns, the nations will one day bow the knee and worship Him

    13. We need to take up our own crown of thorns

    14. Leaping beyond the crown, beyond the crabby hang of apples

    15. a crown of thorns haloed around his head,

    16. I rejoice that in pain there is comfort, in struggle there is ability to overcome, in persecution there is endurance, and in torture there is a crown

    17. to the curl of water, the crown of sound,

    18. The pressure on the crown of your

    19. With the help of your elbows raise your chest and bend your head as far back as you can until the crown is touching the floor

    20. Ever since the tree had first raised its huge crown to the skies the rooks had made it their home, passing their history and their grandeur down through every generation until the present day, so that the bird city teemed with life and every resident rook knew that he or she was a true aristocrat

    21. All that remained was to crown the only possible winner of the competition, and after the ceremony to place a laurel wreath on his head was complete, the contestant removed his fabulous suit and revealed himself to be a fine looking young man

    22. A new girl - Patricia Crown - arriving

    23. Unfortunately his face also appeared in Crown Court

    24. Ever since the tree had first raised its huge crown to the skies the

    25. All that remained was to crown the only possible winner of the

    26. hair covered it crown to heal, and chest to toe

    27. forces of the Crown and giving shelter to wanted

    28. Put two fingers up to the Crown Prosecutor over a long glass of sangria

    29. strength both to the Crown of France, and to the Italians

    30. ‘You have to appreciate that the Crown and the Pope

    31. crossed the square heading towards the Saracen's Crown

    32. across the square towards the Saracen's Crown

    33. He was soon rejuvenated through their company and the restorative succor passively provided by the Sierras, and her crown jewel, the great Tahoe

    34. You shall be a crown of glory in his

    35. 3You will be a crown of splendor in the LORD’s hand,

    36. The crown was up for grabs these days with

    37. meet her on the stage and put the crown on Heather’s head

    38. They sat the crown on my head as clapping and cheering came from the

    39. I shook his hand and put the crown on his head

    40. Crown of France and the Pope

    41. But this prerogative of the crown seems to have been reserved rather for

    42. height of the crown

    43. He held out his hand in invitation and as I inwardly acquiesced I felt my crown chakra being given a quick tune up, and a few laser pin pricks later I was on my way

    44. In England they were generally exempted from suit to the hundred and county courts : and all such pleas as should arise among them, the pleas of the crown excepted, were left to the decision of their own magistrates

    45. They passed the crown of his head at

    46. A crown, half a crown, a sheep, a lamb, was some years ago, in the Highlands of Scotland, a common rent for lands which maintained a family

    47. The king got out and walked up the steps, dressed in his royal attire, the crown firmly on his head; this was official business

    48. Dressed in his royal garb, Nebuchadnezzar was certainly an imposing figure with the sun reflecting off his crown and his fingers decorated with numerous rings of gold

    49. And crown the villain

    50. The king entered the hall first, dressed to the hilt in his full royal garb, his shining crown neatly positioned on his head

    1. This is the statement of how He was crowned: with a crown of thorns

    2. that crowned the thorn in his side

    3. downstate team would not be crowned champion

    4. for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor, that He by the grace of God should taste death for all (Hebrews 2:8-9)

    5. way champions at the games are crowned by acclamation?”

    6. With dulcet beverage this the beaker crowned,

    7. With what a cloud the brow of Heaven’s crowned;

    8. grandly in their splendid brocaded trains, and held their crowned heads

    9. floors in their parents' poor little huts, and held their crowned heads

    10. The funds raised would go to the local children’s shelter, and the winner would be crowned Helderberg Hairstylist of the Year and would go through to the National competition to be held later in the year

    11. By which His beloved are also crowned

    12. Crowned with two lions which seem to protect the royal coat of arms, that historic gate, constructed between 1878 and 1880 and inaugurated in 1894, stands erect as a monument to the glory of Pagsanjan when it was the capital of Laguna at a time during which the Philippines was still a Spanish colony

    13. Are with glory crowned

    14. The daily anger against the painful traffic, the road work, and the sneaky cops shifted, and I was able to enjoy this stretch of beautiful beaches that are crowned by the grandiosity of our ocean

    15. 5 For you have made him a little lower than the angels, and has crowned him with glory and honour

    16. foolishness but the prudent are crowned with knowledge; the evil ones bow before the good; and the wicked bow at the entrance gate

    17. 11 Go out, O you daughters of Zion, and see king Solomon with the crown with which his mother crowned him in the day of his

    18. the sky, a large full moon crowned and illuminated the scene, the

    19. 17 Your crowned ones are as the locusts, and your captains as the

    20. The then existing High Priest is to be crowned,

    21. crowned, and receive palms

    22. He had himself crowned emperor by the aitasantu, himself, on Gabon-egun (Christmas Day), 800

    23. reigned in his stead, and crowned himself King of Asia, and brought a great calamity on the land

    24. While we were at sea, Carlos the Eighth had crowned himself king of Napoles and a week later abandoned his new kingdom and marched north with about half of his forces

    25. shall be presented with two thousand drachma? from the royal treasury, shall be made free, and shall be crowned

    26. 15 And reverence for God conquered, and crowned her own athletes

    27. ” Charlemagne crowned himself King of the Franks in 751 AD, there being in his opinion no higher power to set the crown on the royal head

    28. 1 Those men showed me the other course that of the moon, twelve great gates, crowned from west to east, by which the moon goes in and out of the customary times

    29. 42 And all the children of Esau took him and anointed him and they crowned him for a king, and they bowed down to him, and they said to him, May the king live, may the king live

    30. The Lord has already taken into Him that soul of crowned virtue

    31. 1 Those men showed me the other course that of the moon twelve great gates crowned from west to east by which the moon goes in and out of the customary times

    32. In those days at Cornell a Queen of the Freshman Class was crowned and the lovely young lady I considered my girl, was the one who was chosen

    33. He crowned his broadcast group in 1986 with the purchase of KWLD AM / KFMW FM in Waterloo, IA and the popular WPAT AM/FM, which covered New York City from Clifton, NJ

    34. 42 And all the children of Esau took him and anointed him and they crowned him for a king and they bowed down to him and they said to him May the king live may the king live

    35. 44 So I asked the angel and said Sir what are thesee 45 He answered and said to me These be those who have put off the mortal clothing and put on the immortal and have confessed the name of God: now are they crowned and receive palms

    36. Your nation and your reign have begun without your having been crowned in a grand coronation ceremony, but I’m one of those who think that the informal atmosphere you prefer may be a far more appropriate tradition for the nation you are building here

    37. 54 After this returned Tryphon and with him the young child Antiochus who reigned and was crowned

    38. 32 And he reigned in his stead and crowned himself King of Asia and brought a great calamity on the land

    39. 28 Whoever shall inform against the Jews besides receiving the property of the person charged shall be presented with two thousand drachma? from the royal treasury shall be made free and shall be crowned

    40. 15 And reverence for God conquered and crowned her own athletes

    41. And the angel of the Lord ordered crowns to be brought; and there were brought crowns formed as it were of palms; and he crowned the men who had returned the branches Which had offshoots and some fruit and sent them away into the tower

    42. " "Who then" I continued "are they who were crowned and who go to the tower?" "These are they who have suffered on account of the law; but the others and they who returned their branches green and with offshoots but without fruit are they who have been afflicted on account of the law but who have not suffered nor denied their law; and they who returned their branches green as they had received them are the venerable and the just and they who have walked carefully in a pure heart and have kept the commandments of the Lord

    43. Next they gave them in who had them half-withered and cracked; and many of them gave them in green and without crocks; and some green and with offshoots and fruits on the offshoots such as they had who went after being crowned into the tower

    44. One is brought to the altar the other is accursed and the accursed one is crowned; Because they shall see him in that day who had the scarlet robe around his flesh and they shall say Is not this he whom we once set at nothing and crucified and spat on and stabbed? Truly this was he who at that time said that he was the Son of God

    45. Wherefore then my brethren let us struggle with all earnestness knowing that the contest is [in our case] close at hand and that many undertake long voyages to strive for a corruptible reward; yet all are not crowned but those only that have laboured hard and striven gloriously

    46. Let us therefore so strive that we may all be crowned

    47. Let us run the straight course even the race that is incorruptible; and let us m great numbers set out for it and strive that we may be crowned

    48. grand white cruise ship, crowned by a transparent dome

    49. And crowned your head with fancies, nothing worth,

    50. crowned Emperor of the Holy Lilliputian Empire and

    1. As you get closer there is a five hundred foot tall cliff of vine-covered crystal building with a couple hundred feet of jungle crowning it

    2. crowning himself as King of the Franks

    3. about hair being your crowning glory? Corny, but true

    4. moves up within our space to reach its crowning place

    5. The chimney was our crowning achievement

    6. The good Captain’s crowning masterpiece was to bring the hilt of her sword down precisely over the area of his left kidney, bringing Lt

    7. Cloning is Humankind‘s crowning achievement that defines its (own) conceited self-centeredness!

    8. The love of God is His crowning glory

    9. And LOVE is His crowning glory

    10. The Alpha and Omega has descended upon Man’s shoulders crowning Him Lord of all things for all time!

    11. The Malthusian crowning statement was found in his Essay on Population and Principles of Political Economy

    12. and today was without her coronet, for this was also a crowning ceremony

    13. Above it all, the painted temples rose crowning the city

    14. 8 Who has taken this counsel against Tyre, the crowning city, whose merchants are princes,

    15. The news from Europa included the death of Juan II of Aragon and the crowning of his son, Ferdinando

    16. the 70’s but it still wasn’t the crowning glory in his arsenal

    17. Couthon presented the crowning law of the Terror, known as the Law of 22 Prairial

    18. “Over time, Roy retreated to the plush office in his home, increasingly withdrew from day-to-day involvement, and missed savoring the crowning glory of a full life of accomplishment and financial enrichment

    19. When Edward and my father finally arrived the head was just crowning

    20. His skin was honey brown coloured and his hair was a pile of black curls crowning the top of his head

    21. The crowning of King-Priest Messiah is thus set forth symbolically by the coronation of Joshua, which is not a vision, but an actual historical act, which evidently took place the day following the night of visions

    22. buildings crowning a hill in the distance, fortified walls wrapping

    23. They would string popcorn for garlands, while a half-package of icicles made the crowning touch

    24. His abb’s final betrayal of him, crowning Ikram as queen, sealed his fate

    25. It is the crowning achievement of gnome architecture

    26. “It will be the pinnacle, the crowning event—I grow weary of this time-consuming nonsense when there is so much more to be gained without it

    27. The comm traffic that erupted with the attack was the crowning

    28. In the accolades she received, he envisaged the crowning glory of his surname

    29. One of the crowning glories of human friendship is this power and possibility of the mutual stimulation of the imagination

    30. Crowning all this, the teachers had to write individual plans as well, which were supposed to show what part of the city’s plan they were fulfilling, and also what part of the state’s plan, which did not match any of the other plans, or the textbook

    31. The Crowning of Thorns

    32. The town decided to have a big Fourth of July celebration with the placing of the statue to be the crowning event

    33. “Something about the crowning of a new Overlord,” said Tylin

    34. this higher life, the long labour of the cosmic process will receive its crowning justification and the evolution of centuries unfold its profound significance

    35. This, now - this effort with Doctor Nidan - would be the crowning achievement of his career

    36. All that was missing were the final 58 verses, which would be his crowning achievement

    37. Nancy, wearing her best court dress and richest jewels, was watching from the front rank of spectators the official crowning of King Louis XIV, who was now nearly seventeen years old

    38. D’Artagnan, who was now a lieutenant in the King’s Guards Regiment and was about to parade with his unit after the crowning, would soon be leaving for war against the Spaniards

    39. With her discreet video recordings of this crowning ceremony to cap it, the Time Patrol would soon be able to release an extensive documentary, both in video and in print, of the Fronde Uprising, thanks in great part to Nancy’s work

    40. While the crowning ceremony bored him, he loved the following military parade, waiving with Nancy as d’Artagnan went by at the head of his mounted company

    41. “But, the official crowning of King Louis the Fourteenth, of course

    42. This would however imply that she is in fact of rather high nobility, as only the elite of France could be invited to the King’s crowning, mistress or not

    43. It was the crowning touch to the whole system

    44. The world has the crowning of kings, emperors and fortunes in different forms

    45. Knowledge is thus the crowning point of yagya

    46. This is the point of crowning glory for him

    47. good and evil is, on the other hand, the crowning point of action

    48. has achieved the state of brahmvidwarisht marks the crowning point of

    49. This is the crowning point of devotion when the worshipper is not

    50. Arjun in the mode of that ultimate achievement which is the crowning

    1. aching limbs and broken crowns, and prepared, finally, to speak to

    2. seven heads, with ten crowns on its

    3. He nectar quaffs, and Hebe crowns his joys

    4. this man that was Carl but not Carl was not an immortal; he was Josel Stormshield, High Lord General of the Western Spears, Commander of the Neij-Heik Sept of Fireblades, Wielder of the Spear of Justice, and Steward of the Council of Crowns

    5. Through green crowns the light feel upon them in golden rays

    6. The slim trunks reached all the way up into the sky where they spread out their summer green crowns as a greeting to the space’s infinity

    7. By every minute, the forest grew before their eyes until they were so close they could distinguish the trunks and the lush green crowns

    8. She rode with her head held back so her gaze could glide through the green tree crowns above her head

    9. See your own smile in the color-wealth of the flowers, see the twinkle of your eye in the creek’s water, hear your voice in the song of the wind through the tree crowns

    10. They walked into the forest with the last light of day to once again see tree crowns above their heads and listen to the song of Laru’s birds

    11. Passing the large crowns of oaks and willows there were flying either huge bird flocks, or the lonely, but proud gray travelers

    12. 9 And taking gold, as it were for a virgin that loves to go gay, they make crowns for the heads of their

    13. with the men of the common sort were brought Sabeans from the wilderness, which put bracelets on their hands, and beautiful crowns

    14. 14 And the crowns shall be to Helem, and to

    15. 5 Whoever takes pleasure in wickedness shall be condemned, but he who resists pleasures crowns his life

    16. midst of them there was a young man of a high stature, taller than all the rest, and on every one of their heads he set crowns, and was

    17. 46 Then I said to the angel, What young person is it that crowns them, and gives them palms in their

    18. 9 And after his death they all put crowns on themselves; so did their sons after them many years, and evils were

    19. also the forefront of the temple with crowns of gold, and with shields; and the gates and the chambers they renewed, and hanged

    20. 13 Then Ptoleme entered into Antioch, where he set two crowns on his

    21. youthful vigour, instead of crowns wore halters round their necks; instead of feasting and youthful jollity, spent the rest of their

    22. The rook extends his rocky arms and crowns Jaden on his head

    23. 44 And all these kings beheld Jacob's bier, and note Joseph's crown was on it, and they also put their crowns on the bier, and encircled it with crowns

    24. Furthermore, their ownership of Sweettower entitled them to it’s annual harvest of many tons of maple sap, prized the world over for making syrup and sugar, giving them an annual income equivalent to some seventeen hundred Finitran Gold Crowns, the highest denomination of coin of that realm

    25. 44 And all these kings beheld Jacob's bier and note Joseph's crown was on it and they also put their crowns on the bier and encircled it with crowns

    26. 43 And in the midst of them there was a young man of a high stature taller than all the rest and on every one of their heads he set crowns and was more exalted; which I marvelled at greatly

    27. 46 Then I said to the angel What young person is it that crowns them and gives them palms in their hands? 47 So he answered and said to me It is the Son of God whom they have confessed in the world; Then began I greatly to commend them that stood so stiffly for the name of the Lord

    28. “One thousand one ounce gold Hilian Crowns, the first coins minted as Hilian currency

    29. “That’s a surprise to me, that we’re minting our own money!” Mark noted as he took a quick look at one of the coins, struck on one side with a bust portrait of he and Talia wearing similar ornate crowns and smiling into each other’s eyes, and on the other with a map of the island with the sword-star of Hilia in the center

    30. “The greatest tournaments are held in Felion, contested for the crowns of empires, and we went there for their advise on the enterprise

    31. 9 And after his death they all put crowns on themselves; so did their sons after them many years and evils were multiplied in the Earth

    32. 57 They decked also the forefront of the temple with crowns of gold and with shields; and the gates and the chambers they renewed and hanged doors on them

    33. 13 Then Ptoleme entered into Antioch where he set two crowns on his head the crown of Asia and of Egypt

    34. Their helmets were shaped to mate with their crowns and lock them in place

    35. 8 The husbands of these in the prime of their youthful vigour instead of crowns wore halters round their necks; instead of feasting and youthful jollity spent the rest of their nuptial days in wailings and saw only the grave at hand

    36. And the angel of the Lord ordered crowns to be brought; and there were brought crowns formed as it were of palms; and he crowned the men who had returned the branches Which had offshoots and some fruit and sent them away into the tower

    37. |14| And the crowns will be for Helem and for Tobijah and for Jedaiah and for Hen, son of Zephaniah, for a memorial in the Temple of Hashem

    38. And something was happening to the harvest; as Edwin watched, beak gaping in horror, the writhing black worms sprouted crowns of hooked thorns, which snapped at the air like the jaws of some hungry beast

    39. Some of the children had on crowns; some had bows and arrows over their shoulders

    40. Zack turned his surfboard into a submarine and went under water where he saw large sea snakes with golden crowns on their heads, large plants that flourished on the bottom and blinked in many different colors and then shot the colors into the air causing great fireworks

    41. Even louder cheers burst forth as Calisto and Agnes in their splendid robes and glittering crowns, stood and accepted the accolades

    42. “There are no crowns around those pretty horns yet! And besides, it’s all their fault I lost my new wings!”

    43. The Bible speaks of crowns being awarded in that day for those who have been faithful

    44. Moreover, she had demanded that he finance her shopping expedition to the tune of one hundred gold crowns, which was a truly absurd amount

    45. He had been going to suggest twenty-five crowns, but embarrassment made him propose fifty crowns before he could stop himself

    46. “You say Barnabus Groat pays his wife a weekly allowance of two hundred gold crowns? Surely that cannot be true! Where did you hear such nonsense?”

    47. in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold

    48. on their heads crowns of gold, it is said, and a little later on we read that

    49. They cast their crowns before Him, as we sing in the glorious Trinity hymn

    50. It seemed a strange thing that these men could constantly cast down those crowns, and

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    Synonymes pour "crown"

    crown diadem crest cap crownwork jacket jacket crown pate poll pennant peak summit tip top treetop coronate culminate climax consummate perfect